Showing posts with label Dr. Michael Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Michael Brown. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2017

Actor Steve McQueen Died Clutching Billy Graham's Bible - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Actor Steve McQueen Died Clutching BillyGraham's Bible, Says Pastor Greg Laurie
Actor and Hollywood icon Steve McQueen famously accepted Christ just months before he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But pasto...
4-Year-Old Boy Survives Drowning After Mom Prays For A Miracle 
A 4-year-old boy is beings described as a "miracle" child after drowning and being starved of oxygen for 28 minutes. John-Henry Bir...
Actor Val Kilmer Declares That His Faith In The Love Of Jesus Healed Him Of Cancer 
Actor Val Kilmer has opened up about the role of his faith in his overcoming of cancer. Taking part in a Reddit Q and A session, Kilmer cr...
Greg Laurie Reveals The Sin That Most Christians Don't Realize They Are Committing! 
Did you know that to not share your faith can be a sin? Evangelist Greg Laurie tells about it in a new video he posted on Facebook. "T...
Dr. Brown On The Hypocrisy Of Ellen DeGeneres Refusing To Have Trump On Her Show 
Dr. Michael Brown has addressed what he believes to be a hypocritical comment on tolerance made by talk show host Ellen Degene...
Chris Quilala After Losing His Son Jethro: God Is Still A Miracle Working God 
In an interview with CBN, Jesus Culture's Chris Quilala explains how he learned to worship through the most horrendous pain imaginable:...
High School Denies Two Students' Request To Start Pro-Life Club, Sparking Outrage 
A high school in Pennsylvania has denied the request of two students to start a pro-life club. Thomas More Society have sent a let...
Christianity Is GROWING In North Korea Despite Persecution, Defectors Says 
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John MacArthur: A Lot Of Christians Try To Survive On Candy, Cokes, And Fries 
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Fox News Founder Roger Ailes Dies, Aged 77 
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5 Ways You Can BEAT The Devil 
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Could Evangelical Support Propel Mike Pence To Becoming The Next President? 
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Marjorie Harvey: "Our Relationship With God Is The Centerpiece In Our Family" 
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Being Tempted Isn't Sin - Surrendering To It Is 
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Planned Parenthood Forced To Close Three Further Clinics In New Mexico 
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Chinese Release Video Declaring That Humans 'Saved The World' Goes Viral 
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rick Joyner, Dr. Michael Brown Offer Prophetic Insight Into Coming Revival - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Rick Joyner talks with Michael Brown on 'Prophetic Perspectives.' (Vimeo)

Rick Joyner, Dr. Michael Brown Offer Prophetic Insight Into Coming Revival

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Twenty years ago, Dr. Michael Brown followed the Spirit in the Brownesville revival. Now, the same Spirit of expectation hovers around a coming revival in Rick Joyner's Charlotte.  
"Bob Jones prophetically saw that revival," Joyner says of Brownesville.  
Jones then prophesied some of the buildings used for Brown's Fire School of Ministry would send ships all over the world. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Christian Conservatives, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War on You - Dr. Michael Brown THE STREAM

Christian Conservatives, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War on You 

By MICHAEL BROWN Published on October 15, 2016 • 270 Comments

Make no mistake about it. If you are a conservative Christian and Hillary Clinton becomes our next president, she will declare war on certain aspects of your faith. Your religious liberties will be targeted, and your biblical beliefs will be branded disturbing, if not downright dangerous.
Do not be deceived.
She has made herself perfectly clear on this in the recent past, and we deny this is to our own peril.
Writing for the left-leaning Washington Post, Marc Thiessen, former chief speechwriter for George W. Bush, declared that “Hillary Clinton is a threat to religious liberty.” He began his October 13 column with these two sobering paragraphs:
In a speech not long before she launched her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton made a stunning declaration of war on religious Americans. Speaking to the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Clinton declared that ‘deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’
Religious beliefs have to be changed? This is perhaps the most radical statement against religious liberty ever uttered by someone seeking the presidency. It is also deeply revealing. Clinton believes that, as president, it is her job not to respect the views of religious conservatives but to force them to change their beliefs and bend to her radical agenda favoring taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.”
Thiessen is not overstating the case, and in light of one recent court case and one pending bill, both in California  and both with potential to go to the Supreme Court, the real dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency can hardly be exaggerated.
Last week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that pro-life pregnancy centers are required to promote abortion, meaning, that if a pregnant woman comes to them not knowing what to do about her pregnancy, along with counseling her about adoption or keeping her own baby, they must also refer her to a local abortion clinic.
Yes, under the California Reproductive Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care, and Transparency Act, this is the law; the Ninth Circuit upheld it.
What an absolute outrage, and what an infringement on religious liberties, since these pro-life centers, which are invariably run by conservative Christians, are being forced to violate their sacredly held beliefs.
Hillary Clinton supports legislation like this, and she would absolutely appoint Supreme Court justices who would support this as well. She has made this abundantly, unequivocally clear for many years, without wavering, and she is the most favored Planned Parenthood candidate in history.
As I wrote previously, if you vote for Hillary Clinton, you will have the blood of the unborn on your hands.
And note also the extreme hypocrisy of this ruling, since abortion clinics are not required to refer their clients to local pro-life pregnancy centers. They are not even required to show the mother an ultrasound of her baby, since that would allegedly infringe on her rights.
God forbid that you remind her that she has a baby in her womb.
In an email announcing the Ninth Court’s ruling, Matt Bowman, Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel, said, “It’s bad enough if the government tells you what you can’t say, but a law that tells you what you must say — under threat of severe punishment — is even more unjust and dangerous.”
The ADF is considering appealing the ruling, which, as stated, could ultimately make it to the Supreme Court, but with Hillary as president, you know how the court will rule.
Do you want to facilitate this by helping to elect her to the highest office in the land? Do you want to be one of the people who helped empower her to be president?
This brings me to a major bill in California, SB 1146 which “would officially label private Christian colleges with Christian values, morality, and even dorm policies which conflict with the LGBT agenda as ‘discriminatory,’ and make the colleges liable to state (and federal) lawsuits as well as vicious attacks by activists. . . . The goal is to make Christian colleges surrender their belief systems and force the LGBT agenda onto every facet of education. California is the first state in the US to attempt this outrageous action. If it passes there, it will surely spread to other states.”
This is the exact kind of legislation that Hillary Clinton would promote and celebrate, fully backed by her handpicked Supreme Court justices.
This would also be harmony with her oft-quoted phrase that “gay rights are human rights,” and therefore any group or denomination or nation that opposes the goals of LGBT activism is guilty of opposing human rights. And let’s not forget the pressure Hillary Clinton put on African nations in her 2011 speech in which she made clear that nations across the continent would need to change their policies regarding homosexuality.
Not surprisingly, there was a major backlash to her speech, with John Nagenda, a senior adviser to Uganda’s president Yoweri Museveni, stating, “Homosexuality here is taboo, it’s something anathema to Africans, and I can say that this idea of Clinton’s, of Obama’s, is something that will be seen as abhorrent in every country on the continent that I can think of.”
Can you imagine the kind of pressure Hillary Clinton would put on American Christians who remain opposed to same-sex “marriage” and LGBT activism in our children’s schools? After all, if she took it upon herself to tell sovereign African nations what to do, what would she seek to impose on her own country as president? And I haven’t even mentioned the open disdain expressed towards conservative Christians in her campaign’s recently released emails.
So I’ll say it again: Do not be deceived. We already know how a Hillary Clinton administration would view people like you and me.
I do understand that many of you cannot find it in yourself to vote for Donald Trump, but whatever you do, do not vote for Hillary Clinton, and please encourage your conservative Christian friends not to vote for her either. To do so is to hand her the tape to gag your mouths and the rope to fasten your hands.
You have been forewarned.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Why I Will Vote for Donald Trump - Dr. Michael Brown THE STREAM

Why I Will Vote for Donald Trump

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton respond to questions during the town hall debate at Washington University on Oct. 9, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri.
By MICHAEL BROWN Published on October 23, 2016 • THE STREAM

Before you applaud me for my integrity or condemn me for selling out, allow me to explain my decision to vote for Donald Trump on November 8.
First, I’m writing this because I have been asked incessantly for months how I would be voting, not because I think I’m someone special or that what I do should influence you.
Second, I’m not endorsing Donald Trump. In my mind, there’s a world of difference between endorsing a candidate and voting for a candidate.
Third, I respect those in the #NeverTrump camp and I share many of their concerns, including the possibility of his further vulgarizing and degrading the nation, the possibility of him deepening our ethnic and racial divides, and the possibility of him alienating our allies and unnecessarily provoking our enemies, just to name a few. Among the #NeverTrump voices I respect are columnists like David French and Ben Shapiro, bloggers like Matt Walsh, and evangelical leaders like Russell Moore and Beth Moore.
Fourth, I take strong exception to evangelicals who have fawned over Trump as if he were some kind of savior figure, supporting him as if he was Saint Donald. I also take issue with evangelical leaders who want us to minimize some of Trump’s failings, constantly saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first one” (see John 8:7). This is not a question of condemning the man but rather a question of making a moral assessment as to his readiness to serve our nation.
Fifth, my decision to vote for Trump, barring something earth-shattering between now and November 8, is consistent with my position which has been: 1) During the primaries, I issued strong warnings against voting for Trump while we had other excellent choices. I did this in writing, on video and on the radio, but always stating that, if Trump won the nomination, I would reevaluate my position. 2) Once Trump became the Republican candidate, I wrote that I was rooting for him to take steps in the right direction and thereby win my vote. 3) I have stated repeatedly that under no circumstances would I vote for Hillary. (For two strong warnings about Hillary, see here and here.)
So, what has convinced me that I should now vote for Donald Trump?
First, I believe that he actually is serious about appointing pro-life, pro-Constitution Supreme Court justices. When he said during the last debate that, if you’re pro-life, you want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, and when he reiterated at his Gettysburg speech that he will be drawing from his list of 20 potential appointees, he helped me feel more confident that he would not suddenly flip-flop if elected.
Second, one reason I endorsed Sen. Cruz was because he took on the political establishment, both Democrat and Republican, to the point of calling it the Washington cartel. Trump is an absolute wrecking ball to the negative parts of the political system (although, unfortunately, he’s been a wrecking ball to some of the good parts of the system), so my vote for him is also a protest vote.
Third, I am voting for the Republican platform, not the Republican party, which means I’m in agreement with the platform while at the same time having very little confidence in the party as a whole.
Fourth, while I have always felt that the line, “We’re electing a president, not a pastor,” was overstated and superficial, if we rephrased it to say, “We’re electing a general to train hand-to-hand combat warriors, not a pastor,” it might have more relevance. In other words, we are not looking for Trump to be a moral reformer (even if he does appoint righteous judges), and, at this point, he certainly is anything but a moral example (although we pray he will be truly converted and become one). Rather, out of our choices for president, which are stark, we are voting for the one most likely to defeat Hillary and make some good decisions for the nation, not be the savior. And with things so messed up in America, the hand-to-hand combat analogy is closer to home.
Fifth, within the first few minutes of the last debate, the massive differences between Hillary and Trump were there for the world to see, she a pro-abortion radical and an extreme supporter of the LGBT agenda, and he unashamedly speaking out against late-term abortions and wanting to appoint justices who would defend our essential liberties. Since I have the opportunity to vote, I feel that I should vote for Trump.
Sixth, Trump continues to be drawn to conservative Christians, and not just ones who tickle his ears. One of my dear friends has spent hours with Trump and members of his family, and he has told me that in 55 years of ministry, no one has received him as openly and graciously as has Trump. Yet my friend continues to speak the truth to him in the clearest possible terms. While I am not one of those claiming that Trump is a born-again Christian (I see absolutely no evidence of this), the fact that he continues to listen to godly men and open the door to their counsel indicates that something positive could possibly be going on. It also indicates that these godly leaders might be a positive influence on him if he was elected president.
Seventh, although I’m quite aware that a president could do great harm or good to the nation, I’m far more concerned with what we as God’s people do with our own lives and witnesses, and for me, the state of the church of America is much more important than the state of the White House. In that context, I echo the words (and warning) of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool. If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”
So, in sum: 1) my hope is in God, not Donald Trump, and I do recognize that either Hillary or Trump has the potential to do great harm to America; 2) my urgent call is for us as followers of Jesus to get our own act together so we can be the salt and light of the nation; 3) I will continue to urge all believers not to vote for Hillary Clinton, whose policies will certainly do us great harm; 4) ultimately, the most effective way to defeat Hillary is to vote for Trump, while also praying that God will use him for good, not for evil.
In the end, if he gets elected and fails miserably, I will be grieved but not devastated. If he does well, I will rejoice.
Either way, though, my vote is just that: a vote. My greater role is to live a life pleasing to God with the hope of advancing a gospel-based moral