Showing posts with label Extraordinary God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extraordinary God. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ordinary Lives Used by an Extraordinary God - Franklin Graham

Decision America Tour
 I’ve just returned from the Dakotas, where we held Decision America Tour prayer rallies in Pierre and Bismarck. South Dakota was #25 of 50 states! While we’ve passed the midpoint of the tour, we are not slowing down. We’re on a critical mission to rally believers across the nation to pray, vote, and engage in their communities with God’s truth.

Watch a brief video recap of the first 25 stops.

I’ve heard some great stories from people across the country who are coming together to pray and ask God to change our nation—and God is changing them!

From Colorado: “My 6-year-old daughter and I attended the Denver event. … After [you] prayed the salvation prayer, she said, ‘Mommy, I prayed that prayer with him!’ She didn’t know at the time that her daddy was saved 40 years earlier at a Billy Graham Crusade in Lubbock, Texas. Thank you so much for all you do. It’s huge!”

From Nebraska: “It’s easy to lose sight of what it means to be bold for Jesus. I wasn’t registered to vote until a couple months ago. I’m really thankful [you’re] doing this.”

From Rhode Island: “It has been on my heart to start a prayer group interceding for our nation for a while. We finally began about 6 weeks ago with 4 of us. We have almost doubled in size (LOL) and now are 7 strong, but with the unseen heavenly forces, we are a mighty army.”

God is touching hearts at each stop, and I’m excited to see how He will use these people in their communities. What is the Lord leading you to do? Visit to see the ways you can be involved in the tour right now. 


Please pray with us for these upcoming prayer rallies and invite your friends, family, and church members to join us.

#27, June 14–Springfield, Illinois
#28, June 15–Madison, Wisconsin
#29, June 16–St. Paul, Minnesota
#30, June 28–Salem, Oregon
#31, June 29–Olympia, Washington
#32, July 1–Juneau, Alaska
#33, August 9–Helena, Montana
#34, August 10–Boise, Idaho
#35, August 12–Cheyenne, Wyoming
#36, August 23–Augusta, Maine
#37, August 24–Montpelier, Vermont
#38, August 25–Albany, New York
#39, August 30–Boston, Massachusetts
#40, August 31–Providence, Rhode Island
#41, September 1–Hartford, Connecticut
#42, September 13–Dover, Delaware
#43, September 14–Trenton, New Jersey
#44, September 15–Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
#45, October 4–Lansing, Michigan
#46, October 5–Indianapolis, Indiana
#47, October 6–Columbus, Ohio
#48, October 11–Annapolis, Maryland
#49, October 12–Richmond, Virginia
#50, October 13–Raleigh, North Carolina 

Thank you for your burden to see our nation turn to the Lord. Only He can restore America.

May God richly bless you!


Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham


“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.“
—James 5:16–18, ESV