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Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Does God speak to you through signs?
Yes, yes He does! Johnny Enlow is one who has a deep understanding of hearing God's voice — through signs!
You're going to love watching this Elijah Streams episode with Johnny Enlow as you'll discover:
- The different ways God speaks to you.
- How to distinguish between God's voice, your own, and satanic counterfeits.
- How fun and creative God really is!
- And you'll receive an impartation from Johnny to get activated in your prophetic gifts!
Get ready to arise and shine in every area of society as sons and daughters who can hear God's voice wherever you go!
Then, I encourage you to order these powerful prophetic resources from Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow just below… they'll equip you in a much higher way to hear God's voice!
Steve and Derene Shultz Founders, Elijah List Ministries

Why love and power go hand-in-hand...
Johnny Enlow with Steve Shultz...
CLICK HERE to watch this episode on demand NOW on ELIJAHSTREAMS.com
Did you miss an episode? CLICK HERE to watch more exciting prophetic episodes on ELIJAH STREAMS!
| Do YOU want to Hear God's voice and grow in YOUR prophetic gifts? Are you doubting that you REALLY hear Him?
Well, doubt no more!
Call 866-967-3665 to order an exciting teaching package from Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow called: Hearing God: Growing in the Prophetic—made available to you, our Elijah Streams viewer.
This package includes a 9-session DVD series along with a hands-on workbook by Elizabeth Enlow which takes you through a 9-week in-depth study of—how to recognize God's voice in your life and use it to encourage others!
In this series:
Johnny Enlow lays a Biblical foundation on "Hearing God" and proves that God does indeed speak to you—today!
Johnny addresses the "uncertainties of the prophetic" while providing guidelines to help you accurately hear the voice of the Lord AND distinguish between God's voice, your own, and satanic counterfeits.
This is no ordinary message where you walk away—unequipped!
In the step-by-step workbook included, you'll receive a weekly challenge, activation exercises, along with a 30-day challenge to help you continue the learning process of hearing God.
If you want to hear God's Voice, prophesy and share His message of love with others, you won't want to miss out on Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow's OFFER called: "Hearing God: Growing in the Prophetic" made exclusively just for you—our Elijah Streams viewer.
This is an exclusive package made available only to Elijah Streams viewers and is not available in any store...
This package is all yours for a donation of just $49 dollars. Shipping and handling are included.
Ask for offer number: 1022
To order by phone, call the toll-free number listed below, or to order online CLICK HERE.
Or you can send your check to:
Please Specify Offer Number: 1022
Or Call:
(866) 967-3665
P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.
Thank you!
Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries
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