"Pre-election Vision of Donald Trump and His 'Crown'" and "A Call to the Body of Christ to Pray for His Protection!" by Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia
The Elijah List Oct. 10, 2016
A Vision of Donald Trump
Two months ago I had an encounter with Jesus regarding Donald Trump's Presidential season, but the Lord was specific with me in not releasing this till after Donald Trump was elected.
So today I am releasing this encounter. My heart in releasing this encounter is to encourage you to continue to pray for Trump and your nation.Whether you see today as a day of victory or mourning, we, as God's People across the world, must continue to follow the instruction given to us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
For those of you who are feeling sad, discouraged, confused or fearful I want to encourage you to keep holding onto JESUS! Keep holding onto God. He is good and His heart for the USA is to see her destiny manifested, and healing and restoration come to the land. HE has GOOD PLANS!!!
I want to encourage you with what I felt the Lord say recently:
"My people in the USA, you need to unite, stand and pray more than ever in this brand new day."
In these next few months. you may see great turbulence, uprising and shaking, but continue to stand and pray as there is revival and awakening being ushered in by His Spirit in this brand new day.
In many ways in the next few months, the enemy is going to attempt to divide even more, but the Lord is calling His People to stand together and be vigilant in prayer. Don't lay down your swords now, keep them up high for the breakthrough and the healing of the nation to manifest in power! I had a dream a few days ago where I saw Joel 2:25 written over the nation of the USA in red letters. This is a day of restoration and recompense for the USA!
"I will make Donald Trump like King David, a man after My own heart!!"
The Throne Room Encounter
In this encounter I could see the throne with such clarity, I could feel the atmosphere of the throne room, such peace, hope and expectation of things greater than we could imagine. A hope and peace that defies the natural and the natural mind. There was so much love!!!
As I was standing before the throne, Jesus was standing in front of me. We were looking at each other and I was standing on a long red carpet. Jesus was smiling at me, then He looked past me to the doors behind me which was the entrance to the throne room and He said, "It is time to come in."
I then heard footsteps, someone walking down the red carpet behind me, they walked past me and up to Jesus. I stood there watching as this person stood before the Lord. Jesus bent down and picked up a crown and placed it on this person's head and then placed a royal purple robe over them and Jesus said, "It is time for you to become a King on the earth."
I started weeping so deeply feeling the strategy of Heaven and God's deep heart for this one and the nation. Jesus kept looking at them right in the eyes and He smiled and said, "During your Presidential season I will make you like King David, a man after My own heart."
He then placed His hand on this person's shoulder and said, "I will use you to UNIFY."
The person I saw was Donald Trump!
More than ever right now, I believe we need to be praying for Donald Trump to have deeper encounters with Jesus. I believe we are to pray and agree with the plans God has for him and this nation and that the Spirit of God will make him a man after God's own heart. That he would be crowned with wisdom and heavenly strategy in this season as he leads the nation and a great healing and awakening is ushered in. It's time for victory and triumph in the USA!
Hope is found in Jesus alone, not a man. It isn't about Trump, it's about Jesus and His Kingdom! Has God anointed Trump? Yes I believe He has!
What God has planned is so much bigger than we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Now is a time to continue to trust Him even if there are times we don't understand. He is GOOD! Life, breakthrough, resurrection power, restoration and recompense will come as the Church unites in love, unity, honor of one another, mercy and prayer for one cause...to see Jesus glorified and His Kingdom extended in the destiny He has for the USA!
As an Australian who loves and honors you and your nation... I'm with you!
Below is a second article release from Lana Vawser earlier today:
This afternoon, I had a vision which I felt that the Lord wanted me to release to call people to specific prayer. I know I just released a word regarding Donald Trump (above), but after this vision, I felt that the Lord wanted me to release it for a specific targeted direction to pray.
A little while before the election I had a vision where I was taken into what looked like a "commissioning room" and I saw the enemy gathering hordes of demonic figures and he unraveled scrolls that had strategies on them. This particular strategy was to release blindfolds to the Body of Christ and bring deception. To hinder people from seeing what God was saying and doing leading up to the election and in the nation of the USA.
This afternoon I saw the same "commissioning room" and I saw the enemy and the hordes of demons and he unraveled a new set of scrolls. These were new plans and new strategies. As I looked closely on these scrolls I saw the words "ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS." I knew instantly that these were plans to attempt to assassinate Donald Trump.
Straight away I felt the Lord say, "My people, you need to increase your intercession over Donald Trump. Pray for increased angelic protection over him and around him. Pray for angels of ascension to be stationed around him."
Instantly I saw a HUGE WORD in RED appear OVER the words "ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS" and it said, "ASCENT."
ASCENT DEFINITION: An instance of rising or moving up through the air; to rise up; upward movement; take off, lift off, blast off, launch, soar, climb (see Google.com)
I then felt the Lord speak again, "As My people pray, and pray for Donald Trump's protection, as they call on the angels of ASCENT, Donald Trump will be lifted high above these assassination attempts and NOT be touched or harmed. He will be lifted up by My Spirit to a place where he will SOAR above the enemy's attempts and roar."
As the vision ended, I had such a strong sense from the Lord that the people of God, whether you agree with Trump or not, that we need to unite together and pray for his protection. He is now elected, and the Bible commands us to pray for our leaders in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, and he needs our covering right now. There is a war happening in the spirit and I felt an urgency to pray for his protection.
We need to be speaking LIFE over him and pray for assignments of the enemy to be canceled as angels of ascension come, ministering to him, with the Spirit of God to lift him high above the storm and the assignments of the evil one.
Let's stand together Church! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day.
She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
November 10, 2016
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I KEPT this email to prove to you after the fact, that Lana received this revelation BEFORE the election. She told me about it on October 19th, but she had the revelation before that.
She and I agreed that she should hold this encounter about the "CROWN" until after the election.
I even told her I would keep this email as proof.
I'm just showing you the header to give you the idea:
From: Lana Vawser
Date: October 19, 2016 at 5:25:07 PM PDT
To: Steve Shultz
From: Lana Vawser
Date: October 19, 2016 at 5:25:07 PM PDT
To: Steve Shultz
"I can share the encounter I had in the throne room with you if you're interested. I have wrestled with whether to share it publicly so I've really kept it to myself."
Then I am attaching some new revelation from Lana that she JUST RECEIVED about praying for the protection of Donald Trump. You can see the separation between the two words. The second word by Lana below is about our crucial need to pray for the protection of President-elect Donald Trump and his family.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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