Showing posts with label Jordan Mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jordan Mountains. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

He made the earth with His might - ISRAEL365

He made the earth with His might, He established the world with His wisdom, and with His understanding spread out the heavens.

JEREMIAH (10:12)

עֹשֵׂה אֶרֶץ בְּכֹחוֹ מֵכִין תֵּבֵל בְּחָכְמָתוֹ וּבִתְבוּנָתוֹ נָטָה שָׁמָיִם

ירמיהו י:י’’ב

o-SAY e-RETZ b'-ko-KHO may-KHEEN tay-VAYL b'-khakh-ma-TO u-vi-t'vu-na-TO na-TA sha-ma-YIM

Today's Israel Inspiration

While Eskimos may have dozens of words for snow, the Jewish people have several words for knowledge. In this verse we are introduced to khach-ma-TO (wisdom) and t'vu-na-TO (understanding). With such a strong value placed on learning and growing each day, it comes as no surprise that the Israelis have done it again with an amazing innovation!  An Israeli startup called Consumer Physics has created a new hand-held device which allows users to scan items in their environment and analyze precisely what they are made of. The applications are endless, from calorie-counting to discerning which pill is which. This innovation was made possible in no small part by equity crowdfunding team OurCrowd, which matches investors with promising Israeli startups like Consumer Physics, recently named one of the top Israeli startups for 2014 by Business Insider.

Startup Tel Aviv

What is it about Tel Aviv that spawns such incredible creativity and innovation? It's all about an ecosystem of talented people who constantly grow from challenges and are idealistic about changing the world.

Israel's Newest Innovation

Israeli tech company Consumer Physics has a dream: to bring our knowledge of the physical world closer to home.  Until recently the stuff of science fiction, their new hand-held device allows users to scan items in their environment and know precisely what they are made of.

Glass "Shalom" Cube

Enhance your office or home with this stunning glass cube which is etched with an image of a peaceful dove and the word "Shalom."

Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len captured this beautiful photo of a sunrise over the Jordan Mountains.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo showed the Israeli Air Force flying above Masada. Reader Vincent Morgan wrote: "I was working at the Masada excavation and dug up many date seeds, olive seeds, grape seeds, etc. in the bathtub room of the western palace ... Sleeping quarters for dignitaries was directly above that room and would have been furnished with fresh fruit for the guests. During the time of the zealots, they would also have kept fruit in that room. So, it was only natural that we would have found the seeds."

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I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA  Thank you for the information in each email. Carol E.

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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