Click here: Zola Levitt - Journey of Restoration (Israel tour)
Series: “Journey of Restoration”
Episode: “Yeshua’s Galilee Ministry”
After a visit to the Jesus Boat Museum, we board a boat on
Episode 2 of 10
Production Code: 1403
Type: Episode
Play Time: 28:31
Series Year: 2014
Hosts: Myles & Katharine
Guests: Yuval Shemesh
Air dates: 2014-Jan-12
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Episodes in this series
Yeshua’s Galilee Ministry
Reforestation and Revelation
Up to Jerusalem
Resistance and Rest
Holy Places, Holy Moments
In the Footsteps of History
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness
Myles and Katharine on the Zola Levitt Ministries
(ZLM) show. Having watched Zola himself in the early
days, I was drawn to the love for Israel through
his words and presentations.
Steve Martin