Showing posts with label Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korea. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Former Reagan Administration Official David Stockman Warns That Financial Disaster Is Dead Ahead - Michael Snyder

Posted: 04 Nov 2015 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE Blog

Why won’t the American people listen to the warnings?  David Stockman was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1977 to 1981, and he served as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1985.  These days, he is running a website called “Contra Corner” which I highly recommend that you check out.  Stockman believes that a global “debt super-cycle” that has been building for decades is now bursting, and he is convinced that the consequences for the U.S. and for the rest of the planet will be absolutely catastrophic.

His findings are very consistent with what I have been writing about on The Economic Collapse Blog, and if Stockman is correct the times ahead of us are going to be exceedingly painful.

But right now, most people don’t seem to be in the mood to listen to these types of warnings.  Even though there is a mountain of evidence that the global economy has already plunged into recession, U.S. stocks had a great month in October, and so most Americans seem to think that the crisis has passed.

Of course the truth is that the stock market is not an accurate barometer of the economy and it never has been.  Back in 2008, almost everything else started to go downhill before stocks did, and the same thing is happening once again.  In a recent article, Stockman explained that stocks are surging to absolutely ridiculous levels even though corporate earnings are actually way down
At this point, 75% of S&P 500 companies have reported Q3 results, and earnings are coming in at $93.80 per share on an LTM basis. That happens to be7.4% below the peak $106 per share reported last September, and means that the market today is valuing these shrinking profits at a spritely 22.49X PE ratio.
 And, yes, there is a reason for two-digit precision. It seems that in the 4th quarter of 2007 LTM earnings came in at 22.19X the S&P 500 index price. We know what happened next!

Why do so many refuse to see the parallels?

This crisis is unfolding so similarly to 2008, and yet most of the “experts” are willingly blind.
Much of the stock buying that has been happening in 2015 has been fueled by stock buybacks and by M&A (merger and acquisitions).  Many firms have even been going into debt to buy back their own stocks, but now sources of financing are starting to dry up.  This year we have already seen the most corporate debt downgrades since 2009, and big financial institutions are now becoming much more hesitant to loan giant stacks of cash to these large corporations at super low interest rates.

So it is very, very difficult to see how the equity markets are going to move much higher than they are right now.

Meanwhile, the global economy is starting to unravel right in front of our eyes.  In his recent piece, Stockman discussed some of these data points…
In the last two days we posted the latest data on two crucial markers of global economic direction——-export shipments from Korea and export orders coming into the high performance machinery factories of Germany.
In a word, they were abysmal, and smoking gun evidence that the suzerains of Beijing have not stopped the implosion in China, and that their latest paddy wagon forays—–arresting the head of China’s third largest bank and hand-cuffing several hedge fund managers including the purported “Warren Buffett” of China—-are signs not of stabilization, but sheer desperation.
So it is not surprising that Korea’s October exports—–the first such data from anywhere in the world—were down by a whopping 16% from last year, and have now been down for 10 straight months. Needless to say, China is the number one destination for Korean exports.
 Likewise, German export orders plummeted by 18% in September, and this was no one month blip.

For many more recent statistics just like these, please see my previous article entitled “18 Numbers That Scream That A Crippling Global Recession Has Arrived“.

If the global economy really was doing “just fine” as Barack Obama and others suggest, then why is the largest shipping line in the world eliminating jobs and scaling back capacity?…
A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S is scaling back capacity and cutting jobs in the world’s largest shipping line to adapt to a drop in demand.
The Danish company, which last month lowered its profit forecast for 2015 citing a gloomier outlook for the global shipping market, will shed 4,000 jobs in its Maersk Line unit as part of a program to “simplify the organization,” it said in an e-mailed statement on Wednesday.
And why are some of the biggest banks in the western world laying off tens of thousands of workers?…
Standard Chartered Plc became the third European bank in less than two weeks to announce sweeping job cuts, bringing the total planned reductions to more than 30,000, or almost one in seven positions.
 The London-based firm said Tuesday it will eliminate 15,000 jobs, or 17 percent of its workforce, as soaring bad loans in emerging markets hurt earnings. Deutsche Bank AG, based in Frankfurt, last week announced plans for 11,000 job cuts, while Credit Suisse Group AG said it would trim as many as 5,600 employees.

And if things are so great in the United States, why is Target suddenly closing stores?

The truth, of course, is that things are not great.  Global GDP expressed in U.S. dollars is down 3.4 percent so far this year, and total global trade has plummeted 8.4 percent.

We have entered a major global economic slowdown, and like usual, equity markets will be the last to get the memo.

But when they finally do react, that is likely going to greatly accelerate our problems.  Just like we saw in 2008, when there is fear and panic in the financial markets that tends to cause the flow of credit to freeze up.  And that is something that we simply cannot afford, because the flow of credit has become the lifeblood of the global economy.
So no, “the crisis” is not “over”.

Rather, the truth is that “the crisis” is just beginning, and it will soon be making front page headlines all over the planet.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cindy Jacobs: A Movement Coming to Korea Like a Tsunami Wave - Changing Korea and the World

Cindy Jacobs:
The Elijah List

Mike and Cindy JacobsAsia: The Missionary Wave

Mike and I just traveled to Asia to teach in Korea and Hong Kong. We were scheduled to go to Korea two years ago to minister, but I cancelled to stay at my sister's side the weeks before she went to Heaven.

Asia is special to us, perhaps because we have been going since the early '90s. It is said that old friends are good friends, and while that is true, when one is in Christ, the bond goes much deeper; we begin to experience something the Bible reveals to us as Believers, and we become family.

Our first stop on the journey was Seoul, Korea. It is hard to describe this nation without intertwining the impact of the Gospel on the land; it has literally gone from what was known as the "Hermit Kingdom" to one of the most booming economies in the world. Korea is right up at the top with the leaders in the tech and automotive industries. One only has to drive down a street to realize the reformation principles placed in the nation through the education systems started by early missionaries have caused the nation to thrive.

A Recent Time of Mourning

As we landed at Inchon International Airport, my thoughts were on this amazing nation and their recent deep sorrow – a ferryboat sank with school children and resulted in around three hundred deaths. There are testimonies of text messages sent from young Christian students who gave up their life vests to other classmates. No doubt these stories will live for generations and keep their memories alive in the collective heart of the nation. Later in the trip, we were told this incident was the "Korean 911." 

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The spirit of mourning was palpable as we sat with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We knew we needed to bring comfort and hope, not only for their sakes, but also so the missions movement that is a huge part of the nation's destiny would not be slowed down. I knew that would actually dishonor those whose lives were tragically cut short.

Continuous Prayer with Repentance and Reconciliation

Pastor Hye Ja Kim and Young Dong of First Church worked tirelessly to prepare. They also spent hours in prayer. In fact, they have had 24 hours of prayer continually since I gave them a word about it in 1997.

Their youth had all-night prayer meetings to prepare and prayed around the building at Sejong, the university where we would meet. The campus is lovely with beautiful statues of Christ in different Biblical scenes.

Over four thousand attended the conference. The power of God was evident from the first night. The other speakers were Pastor Takimoto from Japan (he is 86 years old, the head of All Revival Koshien Mission, and an old friend), Jerome Ocampo of the JREV in the Philippines (a next generation leader who has mobilized more than 100,000 youth to pray for his nation), and Dutch Sheets.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Powerful times of reconciliation and repentance took place. Pastor Takimoto repented on behalf of the Japanese Church leaders who came to Korea during the Japanese Occupation and told the Korean Church leaders that it was okay to bow down to the Emperor of Japan and Amaterasu in the Shinto Shrines. The Japanese built them all over the country in order to spiritually control the nation. He also asked forgiveness from those whose ancestors were killed by the occupiers. There were many tears, especially from the older generation.

The Role of Korea

I preached prophetically on the role of Korea in God's end-time move. The conference theme was Prepare the Way. I gave what I see as three previous awakenings of the nation and spoke of another awakening still to come.
1. The 1907 Revival in Phong Yang: the start of the early morning prayer meetings
2. The Evangelism Movement sparked by Billy Graham's visit and Expo
3. The Charismatic Movement in the '60s
4. A fourth movement still to come that will be like a tsunami wave of people changing both Korea, with a Jesus People style movement, and the world, with a missions movement
On the last night Dutch preached on the heart of David and the identity of Korea; it was like a spiritual eruption took place as people threw off shackles of hopelessness and despair. A leader named Joshua, proclaiming the role of the Korean Church and its role as David to fight Goliath and as the tribe of Judah, declared, "We are not kittens; we are lions!" 

(Photo via Pixabay)

Indeed, the sleeping Church awakened.

We caught an early morning flight to Hong Kong in order to have lunch with a good friend before the Empowered 21 Asia conference. Going to the meeting was like old home week for us. They had asked us to minister to the people, not on simple inspiration themes, but on that which would heal the generations.

I spoke on the theme of the spirit of Elijah and the Father's heart; the text was from Luke 1:17, and I spoke into the healing of orphan hearts among Asians. The power to heal broken hearts was manifested, and one could hear open weeping all over the center packed with 4,000 leaders from the continent of Asia and island nations such as Japan. I would say the majority of the participants had never heard their own fathers say, "I love you," in their entire lives, such tender, but powerful words.

My friend, Billy Wilson, the President of Oral Roberts University and the founder of Empowered 21, tag-teamed the message with his own message on the Father's heart, including his own personal testimony. We ministered together afterwards, and God's power and tender loving kindness swept the center from the top to the bottom. 

I really believe many of the problems we have with fighting in the Church and competition between businesses and nations are symptoms of unhealed hearts from a lack of spiritual parenting.

Surely God was smiling from Heaven as He was able to wrap His loving arms around His children from the beautiful harbor city of Hong Kong. The Spirit of Elijah was released to heal generations from Asia that will have an impact to the ends of the earth.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.