Showing posts with label MARK DEJESUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MARK DEJESUS. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2016

How God Healed Me From Acid Reflux and Stomach Pain - MARK DEJESUS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Healing stomach pain
Listening to fear of the future and dread does nothing to help us. (Getty Images )

How God Healed Me From Acid Reflux and Stomach Pain

For years I had to take the purple pill to alleviate the pain I experienced while eating the foods I enjoyed. The spicier, the better.
Being half-Hispanic, I loved foods with rich spices, but I also had a terrible time afterwards, often experiencing incredible abdominal pain.
In addition, I inherited what I often call a "Puerto Rican stomach" that includes nausea first thing in the morning. Many people try to cure this with a cup of coffee and small breakfast because the appetite is often weak first thing in the morning. In addition, a nervous stomach also seemed to follow me around, meaning my appetite would go up and down depending on what was happening in my life. 
I found out I had acid reflux, where stomach contents leak back into the esophagus, creating a great deal of pain. After a while, the purple pill was not helping, so I ended up going to a stronger medication to help with my recurring stomach pain. My stomach trouble even landed me in the hospital twice with such incredible abdominal pain I could not even stand up straight. I was further diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, a condition where part of the stomach sticks upward into the chest. 
After an investigative procedure, I was told to simply lose weight and stop eating all of the foods I enjoyed. At the same time, God was doing a deep renovation in my life, healing my heart and delivering me from ways of thinking that were working against my growth in Him. Becoming free from various works of fear in my life was a key part of this transformation. As God was healing my heart and delivering me from oppressive thinking, I became aware that the stinking thinking I had allowed to infiltrate my life was also affecting my gastrointestinal tract. 
Fear's Work Against the Stomach
I went before God about the fear issues of my life and began to see how fear compromises the health of our digestive system, robbing us of enjoying foods and of the ability to process the nutrition they offer. If the nervous system senses any lack of peace within us, over time, the stomach and intestines can begin to lose the productive jobs they were designed to do. In fact, there is a separate nervous system that surrounds the stomach called the enteric nervous system. Your body is keenly aware of unresolved fear issues. 

The Fear Issues I Addressed

Here are the fear issues relating to my stomach issues. I addressed them with authority and began to take my peace over them. 


I began to come before God and repent for serving insecurity. I was living in constant performance and perfectionism pressure, but had never realized how much it affected my life. My identity was wrapped around what I did and how well I did it. I listened to the thoughts of rejection telling me that the pressure was on when it came to ministry, singing, speaking or putting an event together. Once and for all, I received the love Father God had for me and began to take my peace over my identity. I renounced living for approval and instead began to live from the approval Father God had already given me.

Fear of Failure

This is a big one if you want to overcome gastrointestinal issues of any kind. I recognized a fear of failure was robbing me behind the scenes. I would live each day focusing on what dreading events or scenarios were coming my way. I took pride in being able to calculate everything that could go wrong. This was working against me, because I had lost my peace regarding the future and could not enjoy the present. 


Even though Jesus commanded us not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6-7) I had a hard time walking in that. I had to receive a revelation of the Father's love for me, knowing He would take care of me and provide for my every need. I had to renounce the fear of failure that drove me to strive and put so much energy into avoiding things going wrong. Instead of simply doing my best and taking my peace, I was tormented with the pressures I had allowed the enemy to put on my heart. The worrywart had to be put away. 

Shifting a Generational Pattern 

On top of that, I had to practice taking my peace daily with God and the situations I found myself in. My family line is riddled with worrywarts and restless minds, so I knew I was confronting a generational way of thinking. In overcoming this trait, I was not only letting God change my mind, but I was giving Him room to even rewire my personality into one that was not afraid to fail and would refuse to be tormented by tomorrow. I was free to enjoy the day in front of me. This wasn't just about my stomach being healed. This was about a new way of seeing life.
Jesus taught that we have enough trouble to focus on today. We don't need to project what could go wrong onto tomorrow. Listening to fear of the future and dread does nothing to help us. Too many live in a private shame of all our worries and fear, thinking, "Well, this is just the way I am." We lose any sight of a better future with health and wholeness. 

Healing Manifestation

As I began to walk this process out of turning from fear, anxiousness and worry, my stomach was healed. No more acid reflux. No more purple pills (or any pills) for my abdominal pain. No hiatal hernia. And no one even laid hands on me for healing. I was able to eat what I wanted and take my peace again.
My body came into health as I aligned myself with heaven's way of thinking. There is no worry in heaven, so walking in that kind of peace gives us the health that God designed us to possess. 
Am I perfect in this walk-out? No way! I still have a dump truck of thoughts God is working out in my life. But I am excited about it, because He is faithful to patiently love us through each stage so we become more like His Son, Jesus Christ. I am enjoying learning to be an overcomer, and my body thanks me for it. 
He is faithful to love the fear out of us and deliver us from all our fears.  
Mark DeJesus has been equipping people in a full-time capacity since 1995, serving in various roles, including teaching people of all ages, communicating through music, authoring books, leading and mentoring. Mark's deepest love is his family: his wife, Melissa, son Maximus and daughter Abigail. Mark is a teacher, author and mentor who uses many forms of media, including the written word, a weekly radio podcast show and videos. His deepest call involves equipping people to live as overcomers. Through understanding inside-out transformation, Mark's message involves getting to the root of issues that contribute to the breakdown of our relationships, our health and our day-to-day peace. He is passionately reaching his world with a transforming message of love, healing and freedom. Out of their own personal renewal, Mark and Melissa founded Turning Hearts Ministries, a ministry dedicated to inside-out transformation. Mark also founded Transformed You, a communication platform for his teachings, writing and broadcasts designed to encourage people in their journey of transformation.
For the original article, visit
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Monday, November 14, 2016

The Missing Ingredient From Our Perspective About Past Relationships - MARK DEJESUS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Some friendships are only for a season—a fact that we seem to overlook many times. (Flickr )
The Missing Ingredient From Our Perspective About Past Relationships
Everyone has relationships that don't work out for the long haul and relational pain that came out of those connections. In my journey of growing and helping others experience transformation, I have found that so many people carry deep relationship frustration; combustion that turns into deep resentment and bitterness.
The Missing Ingredient
Yet over and over, I have found a key perspective to be missing.
We do not realize a key mindset regarding our relationships that is so important.
It took me a while to learn this. I banged my head against the wall a bunch of times until this one concept sunk into my perspective.
This one thing helped me to not get so toxic, angry and bitter over past relationship. It would help leaders to not get so hung up on difficult relationships. It would help people to not get so wound up into the pain of some relationships that did not go the distance.
Here Is the Key
So here's the simple key that can enhance your relational grid and clean off some layers of toxicity in your heart.
Most relationships in our lives are for a season.
So simple, right? Yet we forget this.
God often places relationships in our lives for certain assignments, things we need to learn or areas we need to be sharpened in. There are relationships designed to accompany the season we are currently in. These relationships can be refreshing and propel us to new growth.
In our desperation to possess quality long-term connection, we can prematurely hope the relationship will last for the long haul. We put all our expectation into the person fulfilling every area of our life, rather than appreciating the specific qualities the person imparts to us.
Not Knowing It's Time to Move On
Covenant relationships are those special connections designed to go the long haul. I don't believe all relationships are meant to go that far.
I am not saying we should lower our expectation for quality relationships, we just need a realistic understanding so that we do not place unnecessary burdens on what we think people need to be for us.
Sometimes one party wants a covenant, long-term relationship and the other person is not ready for that, not capable or just not interested in it. This is where things get hairy. The one wanting more gets angered, not realizing the relationship may not be designed to go as far as they want.
Too often we make the mistake of not realizing that it is time to let go and move on.
So we force the relationship to work. We try harder and harder.
We get resentful because we are working harder on the relationship than the other person is.
We get angry because of what we are not getting out of the relationship.
We bang our heads against the wall and stress over burdens we don't need to carry.
Growing to the Next Level
When we don't realize its time to move on, both people can be hindered from their growth. We must recognize that our season of life may be changing. When this occurs, many relationship adjustments take place. This is where people struggle to adjust ... and the enemy gets his hands in the mess.
Therefore, we get so deep into the emotions of things, we don't recognize that the season is changing.
Churches run into this all the time. They get frustrated with a person in the fellowship, not realizing that it may be time to release that person into their next season. It may be into a new assignment, new church or new environment. Too many of our relationships suffer because we are holding people to an old season or to our personal expectations of them.
We hold onto a friendship that is moving on, because we don't think about what they need. We are too focused on what we need.
Tension of Transition
Most relational conflicts arise when one or both parties do not realize that the season is changing. God is moving and change needs to be a part of it.
Most relationships are for a certain area that God wants to do a work in your life. Are you able to recognize this?
What happens when you need to grow into new environments, but the old relationships are wanted to hold you?
Why Is This Important?
When you recognize that many relationships are for a season, it helps you to do some key things.
1. We focus on what we received in the relationship, not what we did not get or what was wrong. Our minds remember all the good times and celebrate the value the person was in our lives.
2. We focus on the good that person carries. Instead of being hung up on where the relationship is not, we place our attention on the strengths, values and goodness that they brought.
3. We focus on appreciation rather than unmet expectations. Appreciation rather than aggravation. Now our focus is on where we are grateful for the relationship, not focusing on what we are no longer getting.
4. Therefore, you create an association of them in your heart that is not toxic. Your reference for that person is gratitude. You've now walked in a higher perspective.
I have had many relationships come and go. When I recognized this principle, I began to exercise thanksgiving for my past relationships rather than resentment. I began to thank God for who they were in my life and the value they added to me.
In order to do this, we have to:
1. Be aware of new seasons and new relationships that may be needed in the transition.
2. Learn to love people but also release them. The more we place a demand on people relationally, the more we set ourselves up for bitter roots.
3. Maintain graciousness regarding who the person is and what they meant to you in your journey. 
Mark DeJesus has been equipping people in a full-time capacity since 1995, serving in various roles, including teaching people of all ages, communicating through music, writing books, leading and mentoring. Mark's deepest love is his family: his wife Melissa, son Maximus and daughter Abigail. Mark is a teacher, author and mentor who uses many communication mediums, including the written word, a weekly radio podcast show and videos. His deepest call involves equipping people to live as overcomers. Through understanding inside-out transformation, Mark's message involves getting to the root of issues that contribute to the breakdown of our relationships, our health and our day to day peace. He is passionately reaching his world with a transforming message of love, healing and freedom. Out of their own personal renewal, Mark and Melissa founded Turning Hearts Ministries, a ministry dedicated to inside out transformation. Mark also founded Transformed You, a communication platform for Mark's teachings, writing and broadcasts that are designed to encourage people in their journey of transformation. 
For the original article, visit
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Friday, June 17, 2016

What You Do Not Need When Going Through a Tough Season - MARK DEJESUS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

In times of anguish, you don't need these four things.

In times of anguish, you don't need these four things. (Flickr )
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Everyone reading this has gone or will go through many different challenges that grip you to the core. Jesus said, "In this world you will have tribulation" (John 16:33, MEV). He wasn't prophesying doom over us, but letting us know in sober awareness that we will be hit with various circumstances that will seek to overwhelm us and erode our faith.
This past year brought deep trials to my family that challenged every place in our hearts. It included major ministry changes, relational difficulties, financial hardships and other pressures that sought to drain our energy. In just one year, we ended a season of pastoring, started a new ministry focus, had our van totaled, our condo flooded and we had to quickly get acquainted with hotel living for over eight months.
This all happened while a complicated cleanup process ensued. Even as I write this, the details are still being worked out to finish all that is needed so we can get back home.
At times our emotional wits were stretched to the edge. Pioneering new ministry avenues and juggling major changes, while being consistent to invest in our marriage and live faithfully to nurture our children through this, we often ended the day collapsing in exhaustion. Just living in a hotel with two very energetic children was challenging enough. Our days were filled with endless errands, insurance phone calls and genuine attempts to stay in touch with our daily responsibilities.
Although we love the direction God has taken us and do not regret any of the decisions we have made to pursue our call and passion, that doesn't mean that the journey is without intense seasons of pain, trauma and heartache.
As part of my life journey and what I do in working with people, I like to equip others to be helpful and nurturing sources for those going through deep challenges and pain. But these are four things a person does not need when going through these challenges:
1. Pity – Having pity on someone is not the same as compassion. Pity just makes us feel bad with no resolve. Compassion moves us into action, to do something or simply be someone that is part of the healing process.
I don't need pity. I spent five years getting free from self-pity, so when I detect someone giving me pity I want to run out of the room. It's already hard enough that I am going through something. Pity just wants to keeps me in the junk and focus on negative things. If you have pity, you may create an emotional bond, but you won't help someone overcome. I need someone with faith who knows how to love.
2. A quick answer – You also don't need a quick pat on the back with a fast answer. I know people mean well. When they come up to you and say, "How are you doing?" and you tell them whats really going on, they were not ready for your answer. So we have to give people slack.
But jumping to give a quick Scripture or cliche saying is sometimes the worst thing to do. It can quickly reveal a lack of compassion or emotional heart connection. I have had some of the dumbest responses given to me in the most vulnerable moments. All in the name of "giving help." This is why people often isolate themselves during trials—the community doesn't know how to be helpful and redemptive.
3. Quick advice – Job's friends did this. They responded to his excruciating trial by breaking down the whole situation and giving him advice—most of which God flushed down the toilet. You may have some great advice or insight to offer, but the wrong timing can nullify the power of that word.
4. More pasta dishes – Thank God this did not happen to me, but friends I know got inundated with pasta dishes during intense seasons of hardship. The last thing families need in a rough time is dump truck of carbohydrates to add weight and bloat to their already challenging emotional time. Give a grocery card or find out their favorite dish instead.
In my next article, I'll share six things you do need when going through a tough season. 
Mark DeJesus has been equipping people in a full-time capacity since 1995, serving in various roles, including teaching people of all ages, communicating through music, authoring books, leading and mentoring. Mark is a teacher, author and mentor who uses many communication mediums, including the written word, a weekly radio podcast show and videos. His deepest call involves equipping people to live as overcomers. Through understanding inside out transformation, Mark's message involves getting to the root of issues that contribute to the breakdown of our relationships, our health and our day-to-day peace. Out of their own personal renewal, Mark and Melissa founded Turning Hearts Ministries, a ministry dedicated to inside out transformation. Mark also founded Transformed You, a communication platform for Mark's teachings, writing and broadcasts that are designed to encourage people in their journey of transformation.
For the original article, visit
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