Megan Rotella
January 28, 2019
"A Dream About the Snake and Witchcraft"
Megan Rotella with John Kilpatrick, Daphne, AL
Intro from John A. Kilpatrick:
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"A Dream About the Snake and Witchcraft"
Megan Rotella, Daphne, AL
A Dream of Two Gates
On Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 4am, I had a dream in which I was inside a fenced backyard, and I saw a snake in the grass. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the longest snake in the world—its length stretching for over one mile. It was moving slowly in the grass due to its size, therefore I felt no fear but I wanted to get out of the yard. The only way out was to go through a series of two gates. I went through the first gate and entered a holding area, which was in front of the second gate. I knew when the first gate finally closed all the way, the second gate would open.
As I stood waiting, I watched the first gate close. A voice then spoke and said, "Get rid of the witchcraft!" I found myself holding many trinkets, included jewelry and charms with elaborate designs. As I looked at them, I was trying to discern which objects were attached to witchcraft and which ones were not. I tossed away several, but the ones I was unsure of I held on to. The second gate then opened, and I exited the holding area.
It's Time to Kill the Snake!
The dream shifted and I was now in a house with many people. My family was there as well as people from the church. The snake which I had seen in the grass, had now come into the house and was slithering along the baseboards. It was so long that it simultaneously stretched throughout every room of the house. Upon seeing the snake, I felt regret toward the items I had not thrown away while waiting for the second gate to open.
Instead of killing the snake everyone went to bed. During the night, the snake continued to move throughout the house. As it stretched from room to room, its body became taut, causing it to pull away from the baseboards and cross my bed. I felt it bump into me, jolting me awake. While still in the dream, I yelled, "That's it! It is time to kill the snake!"
I ran throughout the house, waking everyone up to alert them. Several of us, specifically my father, went searching throughout the house to find the head of the snake. When we found it, we saw the snake shrink down to one foot long right before our eyes. Upon seeing how small the snake had become, we decided to let it live because we felt comfortable and complacent with its smaller size. Once we returned to our beds, the snake stretched back to its original length of over one mile. This entire process repeated several times before the dream eventually came to an end.
The Waiting Room
After I awoke from the dream, immediately I felt insight into the interpretation. The gated holding area is where the Church stands right now. Being in the midst of significant change, we have exited through the first gate. We are now in the waiting area, getting ready to go through the second gate—a new season in our lives.
In the brief transition from one gate to the next, the Lord is telling us to get rid of the witchcraft. This speaks to things we thought were okay to hold on to from our previous season, but we must get rid of them!
If we insist on holding onto such things, dragging them into our next season, it will be an open door for the snake to come into the house. Furthermore, we cannot become complacent with a snake in our house! We have to wake up!
Regardless of how small the snake may appear, we have to follow through and spiritually kill it. What is significant will appear insignificant to lull us back into complacency.
Lean into the Secret Place
In this hour, I sense a great stirring causing us to lean into the secret place, spending time with God. There is a new hunger for God, compelling us to "throw away" everything that carries no heavenly or eternal purpose. We are in a season where nothing else matters except Jesus! A new hunger is growing in us. It is essential to throw away the things that seemed okay to us in our last season: old thought processes, busyness for the sake of busyness, and meaningless things that consume our time. Some things we have allowed in our lives cannot stay with us because of where we are going. Many are realizing it is meaningless—all is meaningless—except for God! The only thing that matters is God!
Megan Rotella
Church of His Presence
Megan Rotella is passionate about influencing children of all ages and seeing them encounter God through hearing His voice and experiencing His presence. She loves to help children recognize the power of the Holy Spirit inside them and discover what God says about them. Being raised as a pastor's daughter in upstate New York, she volunteered in her parents' ministry from an early age. At the age of 18, she and her family attended The Bay Revival, hosted by Church of His Presence. There she experienced the Holy Spirit and the fire of God personally for the first time. After discovering a new hunger for more of the Lord, Megan attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California for three years. Upon graduating in 2016, she moved to Daphne, Alabama to serve in full-time children's ministry.
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