Andrew Garfield: To Fall in Love With Jesus Is the Most Remarkable Thing
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First audiences saw him as Seventh-day Adventist and war hero Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge. A few months later, they saw him as Rodrigo, a Jesuit missionary persecuted for his faith in Silence.
Actor Andrew Garfield says he fell in love on the sets, but not in a way he expected.
"What was really easy was falling in love with this person, was falling in love with Jesus Christ. That was the most surprising thing," Garfield tells America Magazine. "God! That was the most remarkable thing—falling in love, and how easy it was to fall in love with Jesus."
The interview with America isn't the first time the amazing Spider-Man talked about his faith.
"It was difficult to live up to that goodness, that purity, that guilelessness and childlikeness," Garfield told Relevant of his Hacksaw Ridge role. "It's hard to hang around with him because I would disappoint myself when the day was over. I would fall back into my own flawed nature, my own jealousies and insecurities, my own irritations that just weren't present as I was inhabiting Desmond."
Of his role in Silence, Garfield says he studied the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. These routines began to grow his faith.
Upon completion of the Exercises, Garfield was "was filled up with all this information and all this longing to spread the teachings of Christ, which I truly started to adore." 
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