Netflix Picks Up Chronicles of Narnia in Major Deal
Avid readers of C.S. Lewis' beloved Chronicles of Narnia series received exciting news Wednesday as Netflix announced its plans to adapt the Christian franchise for streaming.
"C.S. Lewis' beloved Chronicles of Narnia stories have resonated with generations of readers around the world," Ted Sarandos, Netflix's chief content officer, says. "Families have fallen in love with characters like Aslan and the entire world of Narnia, and we're thrilled to be their home for years to come."
According to a release posted to the official series page on Facebook, Mark Gordon of Entertainment One (eOne), Douglas Gresham and Vincent Sieber will as executive producers for series and as producers for features. Gresham is Lewis' stepson.
It appears the deal includes both series and films.
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"It is wonderful to know that folks from all over are looking forward to seeing more of Narnia, and that the advances in production and distribution technology have made it possible for us to make Narnian adventures come to life all over the world," Gresham says. "Netflix seems to be the very best medium with which to achieve this aim, and I am looking forward to working with them towards this goal."
Several films have been made from the franchise, including cartoon, BBC and Disney adaptations.
Some readers were concerned the streaming giant would remove the spiritual significance of the tales.
"I do not trust Netflix to do justice for the series! They will be trying to take God out of it like other companies have Christian movies," one person commented on the announcement.
Another wrote: "They better do it justice! Make it something CS. Lewis himself would be proud of! Make it what HE intended it to be and do not leave out God!"
Someone else said, "Please make it with the Godly intonations. Netflix should want a profitable product and to miss the mark against this beloved storyline would be a shame. Excited to view the product."
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Jessilyn Justice @jessilynjustice is the director of online news for Charisma.