Shalom dear friends and prayer partners, We praise the L-rd for bringing us deeper into relationship with Him through LK10 and Heart Sync, two ministries from whom we have learned new skills to bless others with. Every day at 10:02, our phone alarms remind us to pray the Luke 10:2b prayer: "The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore ask the L-rd of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest". And that's exactly what He has been doing - sending broken-hearted people into our path so we can minister hope to them.
Recently while on a Shabbat overnight stay in Haifa, I was feeling a bit useless (that's the life of an evangelist if nothing has happened for a few days!) so I asked the L-rd to send me into His harvest field. I was up late and was just going to read my book and pray. But the L-rd led me to go into a courtyard and there eight women sitting at their table began to speak with me. So I joined these lovely Jewish pre-believers who were on a tour and was able to speak about life here in Israel and encourage them to make Aliyah. I also shared that I'm a Jewish believer in Yeshua and that seemed to be fine with them! When they heard I was a musician, they wanted to hear my music so I played "Come Trembling From the West", my Aliyah song, for them and then they wanted to buy my CDs!
The next day during prayer, I felt we were supposed to go to IKEA. We didn't really need anything there but we went and while there we ran into an old friend who is completely broken-hearted. Richard, who has been studying Heart Sync, was able to minister great hope to her. Then we heard the news that Pastor David Davis from Kehilat HaCarmel passed away. I'd had a vision of him that morning and although angels are rejoicing at his entry into Heaven, we are praying for G-d's peace for his wife and sons. And so life on the roller coaster of Israel continues... |
We're praying about coming to the East this summer after a brief journey in America. Our wonderful friend Kenneth Khoo of Christian Friends of Israel in Singapore has graciously offered to look into dates on our behalf so thank you for prayerfully considering us coming to minister in your church for a time of worship and sharing how G-d is moving on the hearts of Israelis today. As the L-rd leads, please contact him at kenkhoo78@gmail.com
Recently I was led to read the story of Samson and Delilah so I was a bit on guard that day, since the message is one of betrayal. Later, while hitchhiking to Tsfat, an elderly Chabbad rabbi pulled over to pick me up in his car and the first thing he said was, "Who is this nice Jewish girl?" Then he said, "When Messiah comes, it will all be well." I agreed saying, "When Messiah returns, all will be well." He gave me a rather curious look.
Then he asked what I do and that always gives rise to explain about welcoming groups of Christians into our home for worship and Hasbara, public relations on behalf of Israel. Then this gives occasion to speak on Who I follow - Yeshua! "Shtuyot - nonsense!", he cried. "Look how many of our people were killed in this name!" Then he asked me if I knew what a natzir is in Hebrew and he explained, "It's a Nazarene like Samson, but Yeshua is for the Gentiles".
So I replied that Yeshua is Jewish and He honored and kept the Leviticus 23 Feasts of the L-rd. The rabbi didn't agree but he listened. We discussed the Parashat Ha Shavuah, the weekly Torah portion, and he was surprised to hear that I read and study it every Shabbat. When said Yeshua also kept Shabbat, he didn't know what to say. Hallelujah!
In fact he continually asked for my help in arriving at a certain village because he wasn't from the Galilee. I was able to steer him in the right direction physically and hopefully spiritually too! Near the end of our ride, the rabbi advised me to leave Yeshua and be a good Jewish girl. But the Spirit of the L-rd gave me words to speak to this dear soul and his response was, "Now you're speaking the truth!"
What did I say? I told him, "I only seek the truth, the way and the light of the world - the Messiah - the G-d of Israel!" Praise G-d for another conversation and time of seed planting... |

We are immensely grateful
for your faithful love, prayers and support and we pray
the Genesis 12:3 blessing over each of you as you stand with us in Israel.
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada: First Century Foundations

Our hope is to raise up more and more informed intercessors for Israel as we worship, pray and share how G-d is moving on the hearts of Israelis today. Come and join us for dinner and worship in our home in the Galilee!
A believer from London wrote, "Having obtained a number of your CD's, I am utterly blessed with the lyricism, the musicality and the love behind the songs, which of course is your worship unto Yeshua!"
We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.
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