Showing posts with label Phenomenal Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phenomenal Video. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2016

Phenomenal Video: Why We Care About Israel ✡ "In the Heart of the Seas" - ISRAEL365

In the heart of the seas are your borders;
your builders perfected your beauty.

בְּלֵב יַמִּים גְּבוּלָיִךְ בֹּנַיִךְ כָּלְלוּ יָפְיֵךְ

יחזקאל כז:ד

va-ya-a-lu va-ya-tu-ru et ha-a-retz... va-ya-vo ad khev-ron

Shabbat Inspiration

Surprisingly, today's verse is not referring to Israel! Instead, Ezekiel is sorrowfully lamenting the downfall of Tyre, a large port city which arrogantly prided itself in its might and beauty. Here we see the greatness of Israel's prophet. In his sincere words of admonishment to inspire Tyre to repent, Ezekiel shows he was filled with love and mercy for all mankind. He was concerned with the welfare of a foreign nation just as for his own people. He demonstrates as well the futility of beauty without acknowledging God as its maker. Lift up in true beauty with meaningful jewelry from the Land of Israel.

Phenomenal Video on Why We Should Care About Israel

A phenomenal video of two friends who look to the Prophets of Israel to understand why they should care about Israel. So inspiring with beautiful scenes of the Land.

Rabbi Receives Heavenly Message Revealing Two Commandments to Bring Messiah

A mystical message from Heaven offers a key component to bringing the redemption.  Find out what it is!

Learn the Meaningful Prayer Engraved in this
Stunning Necklace

Our Sarah Feld collection features hand crafted jewelry, straight from the Biblical heartland. Each piece is connected to the Bible, prayer or tradition, bringing a deeper meaning to fashionable jewelry.
Buy any Sara Feld Jewelry & Get our 8 pc Bible Greeting Cards Set.

Today's Israel Photo

On a terrace overlooking the beautiful Port of Caesarea by Noam Chen.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Celda J Dwyer. Todah rabah!

“Wonderful Messages.. Keep Up the Great Work”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful messages and related pictures and videos. Keep up the great work.- ESTHER B NKANSAH

Good morning Rabbi, I am staying in South Africa. Thank you for the informative emails that I receive on a daily basis. May God keep you all safe. Hope to see Israel soon. With love -Riana Wait
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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