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Thousands to Exemplify Hebrews 12:2 This Morning
All across the world, millions of students will gather at their schools' flagpoles on Wednesday, September 27, to pray for their schools, friends, families, churches, communities and nation at the annual See You at the Pole™ (SYATP) event. SYATP is a day students are committed to global unity in Christ and interceding for their generation. The theme this year is "Fix Our Eyes" taken from "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus" in Hebrews 12:2.
For over 25 years, SYATP has been about one simple act: prayer. A small group of teenagers began what has become an international movement of prayer among young people. Now each year, more than three million students participate in more than 20 countries.
The Global Week of Student Prayer, this Sunday, Sept. 24, through next Saturday, Sept. 30, is also dedicated to prayer and encourages students to find new and unique ways, places and times to pray throughout the week. Whether they attend public school, private school or homeschool, many students will initiate prayer opportunities and launch on-campus Bible clubs, prayer strategies and student ministries.
The First Amendment guarantees students the right to pray individually or in groups on school grounds during any non-instructional time. All students may express their opinions verbally or in writing before or after school, in between classes, during the lunch hour or on the playing field, according to the federal guidelines on prayer in public schools found on Liberty Counsel's website.
"Liberty Counsel supports all students who exercise their constitutional right to pray during the annual See You at the Pole event, the Global Week of Student Prayer and throughout the school year," said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. "These Christian young people are leading the way and providing an incredible example that all people should follow," said Staver.

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