Showing posts with label Thundering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thundering. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

I Heard the Lord's Voice Thundering by Lana Vawser, Identity Network

I Heard the Lord's Voice Thundering by Lana Vawser

I Heard the Lord's Voice Thundering by Lana Vawser

Identity Network Jan. 25, 2019
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Recently I had a powerful encounter with the Lord where I heard His voice thundering over His people, "Make up your mind!"
It wasn't an angry "make up your mind," it was a strong decree and invitation to partner with faith and to move away from being double-minded. 
The Lord showed me that there was an "entry point" for the enemy to come in with his torment, fear and oppression that was in the hearts and minds of God's people and that "entry point" was called "DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS."
"When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you're in that condition?" James 1:7-8 (The Passion Translation)
This strong decree of the Lord caused every part of my being to shake under the power and authority in His words. The decree and invitation was so strong that it resonated in the atmosphere, "Make up your mind to believe what I have said!!!" 
I watched as many of God's people were being "tossed to and fro" in so many ways as this double-mindedness was causing their emotions to run high, it was causing anxiety, it was causing intense fear and the enemy was using it to amplify the sound of fear and intimidation.
But as the Lord decreed, "MAKE UP YOUR MIND," I saw this roar come out of God's people. It was a roar that said, "I will NOT listen to my emotions. I will NOT listen to the lies. I will NOT listen to anything else but what He is saying and I will NOT take this anymore."
Raise My Word to the Highest Place
I heard the Lord say, "Raise My Word to the highest place" and suddenly I had a vision where I saw the Word of God on the same level as the fears, as the lies of the enemy and circumstances. The Lord was thundering, "RAISE MY WORD TO THE HIGHEST PLACE." It was a choice to "make up minds" of ultimate truth and that ultimate truth is Jesus Christ and the Word of God. 
The Lord spoke again, "As My people repent for double mindedness and make up their mind to take Me at My Word and raise My Word to the highest place fear will flee and chains will break!!!!!!" 
I watched person after person on their face before the Lord repenting for double-mindedness and generational fear/intimidation fell off. Attacks of fear fled. Chains of torment, oppressive battles of the mind, anxiety, weariness, and lethargy suddenly fell off.
The Lord spoke again, "Do not wait for your emotions to "feel" My Word, take My Word now and feed upon it more than you ever have and watch how the breakthrough will continue to increase within you and then around you."
Double Vision will Clear
I heard the Lord say, "Double mindedness has caused 'double vision' in My people. They have not been able to see clearly because of their hearts being in this place. In the repentance of double mindedness and making up their mind again in faith, vision will not only clear, there will be a greater accuracy of clarity and strategy."
"My people are about to see further than they ever have."
Peace will be Restored
I watched as so many of God's people were in this major battle for peace every day. They would receive their peace, then suddenly it was gone. Then they would get their peace back and suddenly it was lost again. The Lord showed me that these places of "double-mindedness" were stealing their peace and in the place of "making up their minds again" peace was restored and concreted deeply.
The Lord spoke, "As My people make up their minds again and raise My Word to the highest place My peace that surpasses understanding will fill their hearts and minds and it will remain as they continue to make up their minds in faith."
"It's the Holy Spirit boot camp training that I am inviting My people into right now and the realm is faith. In this new era I am branding this new era with the decree of unstoppable faith."
Friends, let us be people who continue to live in the place of "making up our minds" to not tolerate, receive and focus upon anything but what He speaks. There is a major increase of faith taking place. There is a major work of His Spirit taking place in the body of Christ to break the chains of fear and intimidation. To see doubt and double-mindedness removed from hearts and the army of God rising up with the fire and conviction of the truth of God's Word and what He says being our ultimate reality.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4
Watch how your alignment with the Word of God and what He says will see a mighty move of the Spirit of God ushered into your life, to break the strongholds of fear, the intimidation and the chains you have carried and battled with for so long, once and for all.
Lana Vawser

Saturday, November 10, 2018

"His Roar of Recompense is Thundering—Get Ready for Divine Positioning!" Lana Vawser, - The Elijah List

"His Roar of Recompense is Thundering—Get Ready for Divine Positioning!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia

November 9, 2018

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzThis is such an inspiring word from Lana Vawser of the recompense of God coming YOUR way!

We have heard reports lately of the enemy doing everything he can to bring warfare and attacks on the Body of Christ. If you have been really going through it, I want you to read this prophetic word of the Lord through Lana Vawser as she shares:

I heard the Lord say: "My recompense that I am now releasing is FAR OUTWEIGHING the battle and warfare you have endured. I am adding MORE to you. I am adding INCREASE to you. What the enemy meant for your harm, NOW I am turning for your good."

Please receive this word for yourself and forward it on to everyone you know who really needs to hear it! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"His Roar of Recompense is Thundering—Get Ready for Divine Positioning!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia

Recently one afternoon, as I was going about my day, I suddenly heard a loud roar in the spirit. I heard the ROAR of the Lion of Judah so loudly. As He was roaring, I could hear the sound of the Lord's recompense. While I was listening to this roar, a sense surrounded me strongly that for many who have been in a battle, which has intensified in the last weeks or so, His roar was decreeing: The BATTLE HAS BROKEN and the fierce recompense of God is now being released. It was a roar of the vengeance of God. It was a roar of the increase and justice of God. It was a roar that was thundering loudly, heralding a MAJOR SHIFT for many who have been in intense warfare lately. Now the shift and breakthrough have been released.

Watching Over His Word to Fulfill It

As I stood and this roar thundered all around, I heard Jeremiah 1:12 being decreed loudly in the spirit: "Then the Lord said to me, 'You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My Word to fulfill it'" (Amplified Version).

I really understood that the Lord wanted to give a word of encouragement to those who have been in intense warfare. What the Lord has been speaking and what He has been showing you in the midst of the battle, He is going to continue to confirm. Also, His words, the things He has decreed, He is actively watching over. They WILL be fulfilled, and fulfilled in many suddenly moments.

I heard the Lord say: "My recompense that I am now releasing is FAR OUTWEIGHING the battle and warfare you have endured. I am adding MORE to you. I am adding INCREASE to you. What the enemy meant for your harm, NOW I am turning for your good."

You Have Overcome—Get Ready for Divine Positioning!

I heard the Lord speak again: "The enemy has tried to kill you, but now I am positioning you."

There was such a strong sense of the enemy coming against many to attempt to kill dreams, destinies, hope, faith and strength; but the Lord showed me that the enemy has been on a "LEASH"he has been barking, he has been attacking and bringing significant intimidation.

The Lord has decreed, "The BATTLE is over, the battle is shifting right now!" The Lord is about to position you in ways you've never imagined or seen. The positioning of God is going to SUDDENLY take place, and it is going to be beyond your comprehension. The enemy has been trying so hard to intimidate and kill you by causing you to withdraw, but you have overcome. Now comes a divine shift of accelerated positioning for His Kingdom and His glory.

The Time is Now—See the Giants Bow

I heard the Lord say: "The time is NOW to see the GIANT BOW." I watched in the spirit as huge giants, who had been standing at the threshold of increased positioning and promotion for many, were now suddenly bowing to the name of Jesus. There is a sudden breakthrough overcoming and victory manifesting in the roar of His recompense.

As these giants bowed I saw them trembling—shaking! These giants have stood tall, to intimidate and bring fear on many of God's people, to prevent them from stepping into this new level of positioning. But I heard the Lord decree: "Now, in the roar of My RECOMPENSE and the SUDDEN positioning of My people, the enemy will TREMBLE in fear at how I will move for My people and through My people."

The Lord is ROARING—the Lord is THUNDERING

You have fought hard, you have battled through. Now watch the swift recompense of God released, and get ready for accelerated divine positioning. The battle has been fierce, especially lately, because this is your time! It's your time to ARISE and SHINE (Isaiah 60)! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries


Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. 

She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

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