As I released this word before the intercessors in our church recently, the presence of God gripped me in such a way that I could sense this word shifting me personally. Last week in my private time, I heard these words in my spirit: "Get your affairs in order." It seemingly came out of nowhere, but I knew that the Holy Spirit was sharing a word with me, extending beyond my own personal existence. I thought about these words for a day or so until I heard the words "paradigm shift" in my spirit. The Lord was putting a word in me to share with the body of Christ, and it has stirred in me ever since. These two separate words are linked, and He wants our attention. A holy paradigm shift is upon us. Do we want it?A paradigm shift is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as "a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely." Paradigm shifts are found throughout the Word of God, and our time is no different. The church has created usual and acceptable ways to conduct things, and God is looking to change it completely.
The paradigm shift coming is not only full of glory and intimacy, but it brings with it a call to holiness and consecration. This is an inward work as we surrender to His will and His heart. It is infectious and countercultural. We cannot comprehend the fullness of the vision. However, one thing is for sure: We are to be prepared and to get our affairs in order as the body of Christ.
Dying for the Shift read more