March 29, 2017
"Hang On for 3 Months! Much Needed Exposures Coming in Government, Businesses and the Media"by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This prophetic word by Johnny Enlow that follows may well be one of the fulfillments of this. Nevertheless, what has been hidden for a long time is about to be revealed, and as Johnny's article says, "It will not make for a pretty sight."
This is such a potent word for the next few months...over the government, businesses, and the media...that we are posting this on both the Elijah List and Breaking Christian News.
Many times I end these intros with "Enjoy!"
Not this time!
This time I'll end with: "PLEASE PRAY...but don't be shocked as God is telling us what we need to know WHEN we need to know it!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: .
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
"Hang On for 3 Months! Much Needed Exposures Coming in Government, Businesses and the Media"
by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
"I saw a vision of a huge lid over a pit of toxic waste being lifted off—and the stench and fumes being quite intense. I believe this represents hidden darkness in government, in business and in media being exposed..." –Johnny Enlow
Beginning April 4th and going until July 4th, we will see the next tsunami effect on our nation from the Trumpquake that God has redemptively unleashed onto our nation.
I saw a vision of a huge lid over a pit of toxic waste being lifted off—and the stench and fumes being quite intense. I believe this represents hidden darkness in government, in business, and in media being exposed as the preliminary step towards coming reformation to all three areas.
PRAY! Your prayers and decrees in agreement with the immense army of angels assigned to this task will make this even more effective.
Hoards of Hell have protected purveyors of high level darkness involved in all sorts of tawdry acts and deeds and it is now time for that cover to be blown. It will not make for a pretty sight but it is a needed step in the overall throngs of reformation that are now gripping our nation.
In the name of Jesus: I decree that the protected darkness will now lose its cover. Mighty angels fight on with new intensity and new ferocity. Kingdom come!
(To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny and Elizabeth
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.