Showing posts with label praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praise. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

Don Moen "Thank You Lord"- music video

Don Moen - worship leader

Don Moen - When It's All Been Said and Done - (HD) With Songtekst/Lyrics

Published on Jun 10, 2012
From the Great Album Don Moen - Thank You Lord(HD)

If you like this please buy the dvd.

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Aaronic Benediction (Hebrew & English) - Joshua Aaron - with lyrics



Published on Mar 28, 2014
Aaronic Benediction by Joshua Aaron with lyrics

Monday, June 15, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mark Schultz - All Things Possible (music video)

Published on Aug 28, 2012
Album: "All Things Possible"
Copyright 2012, Fair Trade Services

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sharing Love From Sweden - FRIENDSHIP WITH JESUS - by Eva Haglund

by Eva Haglund

God is not a God Who want us to just come and ask things from. He is a person, as He wants us to have a relation with. He is not a boring but a wonderful Friend full of love. It is not boring to get to know God and to have Him as a friend. He is also a God who tells jokes in a relation with Him when we are sensitive to hear. It was He who made laughter.

If we are in a period of loneliness we can learn to know God as our Friend. When David was outside with the sheep he learned to know Him as a friend. He was worshiping Him. David took time with God in a relationship. Sometimes worship is not counted so important but the Bible tell us to sing to God. We see that David was worshiping God. 

We read in Acts that Paul and Silas were worshiping in prison. In Psalm 139:3 it is written, "Let them praise His name with dance." We also need dance in a relation with God. Some think that dance to God is just for some but I think it is for anybody and that it also can be strong spiritually and that we need it. We can see already small children moving in dance to music.  David danced to God and so did Miriam. We can do it, too. Sometimes people do not like it but as David experienced it is good to continue. To worship and dance to Jesus has relationship with God. He is in the centrum. We also need the prophetic songs and dance.

Worship I think feels like giving our hearts to God in a relationship. It  is important. We lift God up and He is in centrum when it is from our hearts to Him. It is also good to sing Scriptures and Jesus is also the Word.

With Jesus it is good to know that He is not just a friend who is with me in prayer in the morning or evening but who is with me in the day whom I can talk and listen to. It is good to take time with Him and to learn to know His voice with the inner voice and try to hear things He wants to say. It is easier to learn to know God when we read the Bible constantly. To learn to know Him is to learn to know a God of love and in this relationship He speaks to us in friendship. 

Artwork by James Nesbit

In Song of Solomon we see that the bridegoom's heart was crushed for the bride by his love. In Song of Solomon 4:9, "You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse. You have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes, with one link of your necklace." We see here the deep love. This is how Jesus looks at us personally and His Bride - the Body of Christ. His heart is crushed for us.   When He looks at us He also sees no spot in us because His blood cleanses us. 

We read in Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are all fair my love. And there is no spot in you." We are  accepted and loved. Jesus as our Friend has so much love for us and He wants to be a close friend. Sometimes thanksgiving is not considered so important but to thank God is not anything unimportant for Him. In Psalm 100:4 we also read "Enter into His courts with thanksgiving."

If we love Jesus we can imagine He gets glad when we thank Him. We have much to thank Him for. He who suffered so much because of His love for us is worthy our thanksgiving. He suffered much more for us than we can understand. If we have suffered much it is just like a drop of the suffering Jesus suffered for us at Calvary. He did it because He loved us. 

If circumstances are difficult we can always have something to thank God for. We can thank Him for the fact that He suffered so much for us. We can simply thank Him for our being able to walk, or see, or eat, or other things. His grace is forever and He always loves us. We can thank Him for different things. Paul worshiped God when he was in prison. The Bible tells us to make sacrifices of praise. In Heb 13:15 it is written "Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruits of lips that openly profess His name."

When we begin to give thanks to God and when we worship God it is also a help. It is a help in trials. In worship we also can sing thanksgiving to God. When Jesus is our Friend we can talk with Him sitting in a sofa or maybe take a walk and when we are alone and eat we can talk with our Friend Jesus.

Jesus is the Word and the Word is then like our bread. Jesus is the Bread of life, as it says in John 6:35. The Word  is also like water in a desert. We need this clean water. We need to spend time with it and with Jesus in prayer. He also wants to speak with the inner voice. It is important to know in a relationship with Jesus that we are so loved by Him.

We can tell Him that we love Him and thank Him for all His sufferings for us at Calvary. 

Sometimes Christians can be so busy doing things for God but do not think it is so important to take time in a relation with God. If He is our Friend then it so natural that we also take time to talk to and listen to our best Friend. As we need time with friends we need time with Him. He is the most wonderful Friend we can have and it is good to learn to know Him more and more and His Kingdom. 
In Isaiah 45 it is written about hidden treasures. We need MORE of God! To learn to know Him is like digging in a golden mine. Jesus is full of love and He is not boring. What a privilege to learn to know Him as a friend! To talk to Him face to  face like Moses in 2 Exodus 33:11, "So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend." We can have a meeting with Jesus when we read about the woman at Jesus' feet. She was so crushed by His love. She cried and cried. She received Jesus and her sins were forgiven. Her heart was so touched by His love. She wanted to give Jesus a most precious present - precious perfume expressing her love to her Savior . She also gave her life in Jesus' hand.
I am thinking also about Song of Solomon who shows not a dry , intellectual relation to God. When we also think about a relationship as it can be between bride and bridegoom, but also between Jesus the Bridegoom and his Bride the church, when the heart is touched by God's love and it is a relation with the best friend. In Song of Solomon is written about this relation. In verse 6:3 "I am my beloved`s and my beloved is mine." It is talking about a relation where the heart is touched. It is not a relation when you come to Jesus just when you ask for things.
I believe God's love for us is much bigger than we understand. It is a very strong love. His love reaches higher than the stars. Jesus loves to have a relation with us. In Song of Solomon it is written, "Oh, my doe in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.” In Song of Solomon we can see much about a relation not just between a usual bride and bridegoom but about the relation with the first love from the Bride to the Bridegoom – from our hearts to Him. To be in love with our Bridegoom Jesus we can then see how He is crushed by His love for the Bride. In Song of Solomon 4:9, ”You have ravished my heart, my my sister, my spouse, you have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes,with one link of your necklace.”

Artwork by James Nesbit

We find  that the bride is expressing love to the bridegoom. In Song of Solomon 5:10, "My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousand." She is in love. We can think about the relation to Jesus that we can be in love with Him - the first love from the Bride to the Bridegoom - Jesus our Savior. 
In the book of Ruth we see how Boaz was kind to Ruth and treated her with respect and care when she came as a stranger to a new place looking for a job and watched so she was not badly treated. He also helped her so she got food in Ruth 2:14When I read this story I think about the heart Jesus has for us. He treats us with love and cares about us. When we read that Boaz cared we can think about how Jesus cares about us in a relation. He showed us the deepest love giving everything for us at Calvary. He loves all people and wants all to receive Him.
In Rev. 3:20 we  read "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." He wants  to become a Friend to people who do not know Him and that all will receive Him. When I read that He wants to come into all and dine with them, I am also thinking about a relationship where we eat with someone to have fellowship with them. 

 Yeshua/Jesus is a wonderful Friend who gave His life for us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Take the Test: Are You Fully Abandoned in Worship? by Lee Grady

Take the Test: Are You Fully Abandoned in Worship? 

by Lee Grady

Identity Network
I was raised in a traditional church where people worshipped God reverently while holding identical blue hymnals. The only instruments in our church were a piano and an organ, and nobody got too excited except for the one old man on the front row who sometimes belted out an uncomfortable "amen" during the preacher's sermon.
Then, at age 18, I had a life-changing experience with the Holy Spirit - and I ended up visiting an African-American church on the other side of town. These people worshipped Jesus with no inhibitions. They flailed their arms, shouted "Hallelujah!" and swayed to the beat of drums. I was so energized by their passionate praise that I couldn't wait for the next meeting.
Worshiping God with Your Whole Heart
I soon learned from studying Scripture that my African-American brothers and sisters were worshipping the biblical way, even though it was foreign to me. God never intended for His people to hide their enthusiasm. The more exuberant I became in my worship, the more personal freedom I experienced. I began to leave the shallow waters of religious tradition. I ventured into the deep ocean of total abandonment.
I learned what it means to worship God with my whole heart - with no fear of people's opinions.
Many churches today have adopted a free style of worship, and some of the best praise music ever recorded is available to our generation. Yet I find that many Christians have still not learned the secret of uninhibited praise. Many of us are content to listen to a music team on stage when God never intended a worship service to be a concert. He invites all of us to be fully and radically engaged in extravagant worship.
Have you shed your inhibitions in worship? I often challenge people to compare their worship experience with the book of Psalms, which should be the standard for every church regardless of nationality, culture or denomination. Psalms calls us to joyful, energetic, unreserved, high-voltage praise.
Have you found the freedom to express your worship in these ways?
  • Declaring praise. The psalmist says: "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." (Ps. 107:2). Praise is simply honoring God for His character and attributes. But it is not enough to just think nice thoughts about Him - you must verbalize how much you are thankful for His mercy, forgiveness and goodness.
  • Raising hands. King David said: "I will lift up my hands in Your name" (Ps. 63:4). I'll never forget the first time I saw a room full of Christians praising God with their hands in the air. It looked like a bank robbery! God asks us to raise our hands because our physical posture affects our hearts. Lifting your hands will help you surrender totally to Him.
  • Singing. Can you imagine a world without music? It lifts our hearts, releases joy and breaks the power of anxiety. The psalmist said: "I will sing of lovingkindness and justice, to You O Lord I will sing praises" (Ps. 101:1). Don't just listen to songs in church or mouth the words halfheartedly. Turn up your volume and belt it out - and don't worry if you are in tune. All God wants from you is a joyful noise.
  • Shouting. We don't think anything about screaming at the top of our lungs for our favorite sports team. But are you comfortable cheering for Jesus? The psalmist wrote: "My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You" (Ps. 71:23). The shouts of God's people caused the walls of Jericho to fall. Some types of spiritual resistance will not come down until you raise your voice.
  • Clapping. The psalms have several references to clapping (Ps. 47:1), but it is not just a way to make noise. Clapping in worship has an invisible spiritual impact. Psalm 149:6-8 says that when we engage in the "high praises of God," we bind spiritual principalities with chains. High-decibel praise is a form of spiritual warfare that has profound impact on demonic powers. No wonder the devil has convinced some churches to stay quiet!
  • Dancing. One of the most powerful moments I ever experienced in worship was when I danced in a church for more than an hour with a group of Christians in Nigeria. I was absolutely soaked with sweat by the end of the service, and my calves were sore the next morning, but my spirit was free. Many Christians are too self-conscious to express their worship in dance, even if it's just a simple sway or a side-to-side shuffle. But the Bible is still clear: "Let them praise His name with dancing" (Ps. 149:3). If you want God to move in your life, you may need to move when you worship!
  • Kneeling. Catholics and liturgical Protestants have practiced kneeling during worship for centuries, but many of us Pentecostals and charismatics have forgotten this vital biblical practice. Muslims bow in prayer five times a day, yet it has become a strange practice in the evangelical church. David wrote: "Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker" (Ps. 95:6). Kneeling inspires humility, and reminds us that we are not God. You may find the most profound experience with Jesus occurs when you are on your knees.
Turn Up the Volume
When King David brought the ark into Jerusalem, he was so overjoyed that true worship was restored that he danced before God with abandon. Yet his wife Michal was so embarrassed by his radical display of devotion that she criticized him - and became barren as a result (see 1 Sam. 6:12-23).
Who would you rather be in that story - the wholehearted worshipper or the stick-in-the-mud religious critic? Don't let tradition, spiritual pride or personal hang-ups stop you from experiencing all God has for you. Break out of your box and turn up your volume.
Lee Grady

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Michael W. Smith & African Children's Choir "When I Think Of You" [A New...

Michael W. Smith & African Children's Choir

Uploaded on Jan 28, 2010

Friday, August 29, 2014

John Mark McMillan - "Future / Past" (Live Performance Video) - Dove Award Nomination 2014

John Mark McMillan

Published on Jan 15, 2014
"Future / Past" is the first single off John Mark McMillan's upcoming LP Borderland, which debuts March 04, 2014.

Buy "Future / Past" now on iTunes:

"Future / Past" by John Mark McMillan ::

You hold the reins on the sun and the moon
Like horses driven by kings
You cover the mountains, the valleys below
With the breadth of your mighty wings

All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend

And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past

The constellations are swimming inside
The breadth of your desire
Where could I run, where could I hide
from your heart's jealous fire

All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend

And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past

You are the beginning and the end

Monday, August 25, 2014

How God Reveals His Power When You Offer Praise, Thanksgiving and Joy

joyful woman
(© Ersler/

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The only sacrifices mentioned in the New Testament are the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving and the sacrifice of joy.
I don't know about you, but this was liberating news for me. I don't have to sacrifice by begging, confessing, memorizing prayers and Scriptures, fasting, going to all the church services, keeping a serious face all the time, or abstaining from certain things. God loves us and He loves our worship and praise and our thanksgiving and joy.
To sacrifice is to offer something to God. To sacrifice means, "to give up something of value, to make an offering, to surrender, to kill, to give up, to dedicate, consecrate, devote, and to benefit." A sacrifice will cost your time, focus, killing the flesh, surrendering your will for a higher cause. The benefit we receive can never be calculated. Every sacrifice we make is compensated and backed up by all of God's promises and treasures.
When we bring our sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving and joy to God, we are telling Him that we wish to die to our own desires and knowledge, and we desire to love and trust Him completely.
It is in the holy atmosphere of praise and worship that healing, miracles and transformation of the soul begin to manifest, and God's glory starts cleansing and changing our carnal nature into the nature and character of Christ. 
We are literally praying with our heart, soul and spirit. The result is always an impartation of God's infinite blessings, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. When you truly understand this truth you will begin to regain and restore all that Satan has stolen from you. Demons cannot resist the praise of the children of God.
When you feel discouraged, and a spirit of confusion tries to invade your thinking, if you begin to offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving you will find that the peace of God will cover you as a shield of protection and the angel of the Lord will encamp all around you and deliver you (see Ps. 34:7).
Two years ago I was in Mexico with my husband waiting at a stoplight, when suddenly the side door of our van was abruptly opened and a gunman thrust a gun into the driver's face demanding that he give him jewels and cash. He flashed the gun at my husband and me also, demanding that we strip of jewels and cash. The light was still red and he wanted us to quickly obey his commands before the light turned green. He managed to get away with two watches, and though he demanded that I take off my jewels, I was miraculously unable to take off my diamond earrings and wedding rings. The light changed, and the assailant was gone.
We were told that many had died in the middle of traffic in similar situations, but our lives were protected by divine intervention. I immediately realized that on that same morning I had offered a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and declared, "No weapon formed against us shall prosper."
God protects His children from all manner of situations, attacks, and accidents. We should never leave the house without offering a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.We cannot be afraid to pray with boldness, even if our knees are shaking. Our actions will determine the outcome of every situation.
Joy means, "delight, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, ecstasy, elation, happiness, joyfulness, thrill, wonder, triumph and jubilation." The sacrifice of joy is the most difficult sacrifice to offer to God. When you're sad and afflicted, going through storms and difficulties in life, or when sickness afflicts our bodies, then it becomes a real sacrifice to lift our voices and offer a sacrifice of joy. But let me share a secret with you.
The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10). Strength is power. Strength is emotional toughness and resistance. Strength is defensive ability. Strength is effectiveness to succeed and achieve. Strength makes you progressively better. We offer this type of sacrifice singing melodies, dancing, reciting psalms, and declaring aloud those things that are not as though they are, smiling, laughing, clapping our hands, and rejoicing in what the Lord says about us.
Every morning I feel God's goodness invade my atmosphere. My home is peaceful. Healing greets every visitor. God is a merciful Father and desires to bless you with healing and wholeness. It is by His grace (kindness, blessing, mercy, generosity, divine favor) that we receive all good things. Grace is a gift. God desires our love. He wants to passionately love us. The more we draw closer to the Holy Spirit, the more we learn to love God with all our heart. Father God wants to shower us with an outpouring of His miraculous healing and blessings.
Offer Him the sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving and joy and see what He does in your life.
Adapted from Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle by Iris Delgado, copyright 2012, by Charisma House. This book will help you reach into the supernatural realm of the Spirit and bring the miraculous into your life today. It's filled with practical principles, amazing testimonies, and Scripture-based prayers that will inspire you to believe God for the impossible in your life. To order a copy click on this link:
Satan, You Can't Have My Miracle
This week take time in your personal walk to consciously offer the Lord your praise, thanksgiving and joy-especially during this busy time. Allow the Lord's peace to permeate every aspect of your life and carry it with you wherever you go. Thank Him for ordering your steps and ask Him to invade your atmosphere to reflect His presence when you reach out to those in need. Remember President Obama and those working with him concerning our major security and financial issues. Continue to pray for our military and Israel during this volatile time. Neh. 8:10
To enrich your prayer life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate Scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt: Prayers that Rout DemonsPrayers that Bring HealingPrayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break Curses. To order any or all of these click here.
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