Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Miracles of Obedience (Day 1) - John Shorey, Mark Augason, Pat Schatzline on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Miracles of Obedience (Day 1) - John Shorey, Mark Augason, Pat Schatzline on The Jim Bakker Show

Morningside Studios - Grace Street

Jim Bakker and John Shorey

John Shorey, Mark Augason, Pat Schatzline
Jim Bakker Show 2017 | Show# 3284 | Aired on July 18, 2017
A Morningside Studios Production

Pastor Jim and Lori welcome special guests Pat Schatzline, Mark Augason, and John Shorey as they discuss the miracles which are accomplished through our obedience.


We are not to lose heart because the Lord is not coming on our timing, but He is coming. -John Shorey

There is revival here, this is a beacon to the nation. I believe that with all of my heart. -Pat Schatzline

Matthew 24:36 MEV Concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

Matthew 19:26 MEV But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Proverbs 17:17 KJV A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

1 John 3:14 KJV We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

Jeremiah 1:5 MEV “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you were born I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Mark 13:36 KJV Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

Luke 21:34 KJV And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

Genesis 6:14 KJV Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

Daniel 7:25 MEV He shall speak words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and plan to change times and law. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.

Revelation 13:7 MEV It was granted to him to wage war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe and tongue and nation.

Revelation 13:17 MEV So that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

1 Kings 17:11-12 MEV As she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.” She said, “As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, but only a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a jar. I am gathering two sticks, that I can go in and make it for me and my son, so we may eat it and die.”

John 6:6 MEV He said this to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.

John 6:9 MEV “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two small fish. But what are they among so many?”

John 6:10-13 MEV Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, numbering about five thousand. 11 Jesus then took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those who were sitting down; and likewise, they distributed the fish, as much as they wanted. When they were filled, He told His disciples, “Collect the fragments that remain, that nothing may be lost.” So they collected them and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten.


Restoration Marathon 2017 (Day 14)

Join us for our 3 week long, 24 hour restoration marathon telethon to raise support for the ministry to be able to continue. With special guests Philip Cameron, Pat Schatzline, Bishop Ron Webb, Bishop Terrance Coleman, Bishop Larry Baylor. Quotes Whatever it is that has been broken. Why don’t you…

February 27, 2017

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Antisemitism Follows Resurgence of UK's Hard Left - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Antisemitism Follows Resurgence of UK's Hard Left

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
The re-emergence of the British Labour Party as a serious contender for power – following a period when they seemed unelectable under a new leader from the hard Left – is extremely worrying.
Although I recognise a clear resurrection of Marxism here, it is also worryingly comparable to the nightmare scenario of the rise of Nazism in the early 1930s when Hitler was swept to power by an electorate desperate for a restoration of pride and plenty. With the rise of socialist agendas in Britain and in other countries, the subtle agenda of anti-Semitism is once more being carried along by an increasingly angry undercurrent for change.
I am not suggesting Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is a new Hitler, but it is difficult not to be reminded of the Nazi era. After all, swathes of young people came out in support of Corbyn – the no-hoper turned celebrity almost overnight – in spite of much negative press coverage, including his evident anti-Semitic sympathies. But as someone has said, “the lesson we learn from history is that we never learn the lesson from history!”
The latest victim of the menacing – some would say thuggish – behaviour of those surrounding Mr Corbyn is one of his own MPs, Luciana Berger, a 36-year-old Jewish mum representing a Liverpool constituency.
According to the Daily Mail, she faces the threat of de-selection from party activists unless she apologises for previously criticising her leader. A former member of the Shadow Cabinet who quit her post in protest at Mr Corbyn’s stance, Miss Berger has received vile anti-Semitic abuse including 2,500 hate-filled messages in just three days from internet trolls. These included threats to rape or kill her, while some featured the yellow star used by the Nazis to identify Jews.
Mr Corbyn has faced repeated criticism that he has failed to tackle anti-Semitism in his party. He has personally referred to terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah as ‘friends’ and, in October 2014, travelled to Tunisia to visit the grave of a PLO terrorist linked with the massacre of Jewish athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
But none of this seems to move the rising mass of ‘Corbynistas’, who instead turn out to cheer their man as if he were some kind of pop star. Meanwhile, Labour takes an eight-point lead over the Conservatives – 46 per cent to 38 – according to a YouGov poll for The Times.
Grassroots group Momentum, evidently responsible for Mr Corbyn’s meteoric rise to prominence, has clearly recruited a sea of red political soldiers waving flags of intolerance at anyone daring to oppose their ideologies.
Isi Leibler, a highly respected Jewish leader and commentator, advises Britain’s Jews to cross this ‘Red Sea’ by packing their bags for Israel. The threat to their well-being and safety may be worse than at any time since 1656, when Jews were invited back to Britain under Cromwell following their expulsion in 1290.
“It is a horrifying prospect that a man who publicly praises Hamas and Hezbollah as his ‘friends’, who attended a ceremony in Tunis commemorating the murderer of Israeli Olympic athletes, was employed by the state-controlled Iranian TV to present programs, and tolerated the proliferation of overt anti-Semitism in his party was so close to being elected Prime Minister,” he wrote.
Such huge support “for a primitive Trotskyite whose friends include terrorists…is simply mind-boggling”.
The ‘red line’ has now been crossed for British Jews who are considered pariahs by a substantial proportion of the nation, he added. Anti-Israel rhetoric has reached unprecedented levels both in street demonstrations and at universities, while armed guards are now required at schools, synagogues and other Jewish centres.
By contrast to the 1930s, he said, today’s Jews have a state willing to embrace them where they can enjoy the fruits of the Jewish national renaissance and leave behind the humiliation of anti-Semitism.
Germany in the 1930s might seem a world away from 21
st century Britain, but what makes us think we are insured against totalitarianism, dictatorship, chaos and confusion, riots in the streets and even civil war?
We can insure our houses against a variety of risks, but there is no such insurance policy for our nation at this time. We have turned our backs on the Lord of glory – and he has left us to our own devices and dilemmas. We are now paying heavily for not taking out (everlasting) life insurance as we reap the consequences of worshipping the hedonistic idols of atheism, with society breaking down, terror stalking our streets and what we used to regard as ‘sin’ being celebrated and promoted.
In 1930s Germany, few dreamed that this apparently charismatic figure who talked of restoring German pride and was gaining in popularity by the day would, within a dozen years, have sent 50 million people to their deaths in a war that would see the destruction of the nation’s economy along with many of its great cities, and the most appalling crime in history – the murder of six million Jews.
Many believe the Holocaust could never happen again – and some actually believe it never took place at all – because it was wicked beyond belief. But in Britain’s brave new world where anything goes, a party whose leader has obvious anti-Semitic sympathies is now more popular than the newly re-elected Conservative Government of Theresa May, which has had to agree to work with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party to carry out legislation.
It’s worth recalling that homosexuals were also sent to Nazi death camps. But now, perversely, their lifestyle is held up as something for which we must all be proud – and those who disagree are, like the Jews, also pariahs. Of course both these scenarios are horribly wrong. God loves gay people as much as any of us, but not their lifestyle.
An estimated one million people joined the ‘Gay Pride’ march through London, seen by the BBC as something to lift our spirits in these difficult times blighted by terror and confusion. But the ‘happy’ scene is in fact a tragedy, underscored for me as I watched the TV cameras pan across the parade down Regent Street with the distinctive features of All Souls, Langham Place, in the background.
For many across the world, this church is seen as the very heart and soul of Christian evangelicalism – representing those who believe the Bible is the unchanging word of God for all time; and that it means what it says, and says what it means. But the contrast picked up by the cameras also reminds us that the current state of the union is only temporary, whereas our God is eternal. Comparing people to grass, the prophet Isaiah wrote: “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” (Isa 40:8).
And remember: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Heb 4:13).

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from olivepresspublisher.com
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More Than 100 Christians Arrested This Month in Government Sting - ALEX ANHALT/MISSION NETWORK NEWS

If they're caught, they'll be crammed into makeshift prisons built from shipping containers that are blazing hot during the day and frigid during the night. (Public Domain)

More Than 100 Christians Arrested This Month in Government Sting

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Homes. Graveyards. Shipping Containers.
These are the meeting places of the Eritrean church. Over 100 believers have been arrested in Eritrea during the last month, but Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada says the recent crackdown is nothing new for the nation.
Fifteen years ago, the evangelical Church in Eritrea was growing. "The government was very paranoid and they saw evangelical Christianity as destabilizing the country," said Musselman. "They thought the church would bring an American agenda to Eritrea and cause all sorts of problems."
The Eritrean government had a close relationship with the Orthodox Church, and the number of Christians leaving the Orthodox Church to join evangelicals was starting to grow too quickly. New laws were passed. Lutheran, Catholic and Orthodox churches were allowed to remain, and Islam remained virtually untouched, but evangelical churches were shut down and forced to register.
But that's easier said than done, since much of the persecution against evangelicals hasn't been officially viewed as cracking down on the church. "They'd say, 'It's more for political reasons, it's not for religion.'"
"Christians started to meet in homes, but the government got wise to that and began arresting the evangelicals in church homes," Musselman said. "They'd go to an evangelical wedding and arrest the bride and groom, and at one point, there were thousands of Christians in shipping containers and military prisons all over the country."
When even the leader of the Orthodox Church spoke out against the new, harsher persecution, he was removed from his position. Musselman said Christians and even non-believers began to leave the country "due to the oppressive nature of the government."
Now, the intensity of persecution is picking up again. Christians are forced meet in pairs or small groups in homes, cemeteries and other locations hidden from the government's eye. If they're caught, they'll be crammed into makeshift prisons built from shipping containers that are blazing hot during the day and frigid during the night. Many believers are forced into physical labor until they renounce their faith, and some prisoners who have refused to give up on God have been imprisoned since the crackdown began 15 years ago.
But that doesn't mean they're giving up. "Even in the midst of the persecution, the shutting down of the visible evangelical church, the church is still growing, and people are still coming to know the Lord." 
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Emulating God's Holiness ✡ "Ye Shall Therefore Be Holy, For I Am Holy" - Israel365

For I am Hashem that bringeth you up out of
the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore
be holy, for I am holy.

כִּי אֲנִי יְהוָה הַמַּעֲלֶה אֶתְכֶם מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם לִהְיֹת לָכֶם לֵאלֹהִים וִהְיִיתֶם קְדֹשִׁים כִּי קָדוֹשׁ אָנִי

ויקרא יא:מה
kee a-NEE a-do-NAI ha-ma-a-LEH et-KHEM may-E-retz mitz-RA-yim lih-YOT
la-KHEM lay-lo-HEEM vih-yee-TEM k’-do-SHEEM kee ka-DOSH A-nee

Today's Israel Inspiration

This verse in Leviticus speaks of the goal of the Jewish people of sustaining a status of holiness; of being holy as God is holy.  In handing these requirements to the Jewish people, God is requiring that they distinguish themselves from the other nations. They are handed an enormous responsibility to live a holy life, to follow God’s commandments and to come as close as possible to the holiness of God. In that role, they are to have a positive influence on the rest of the world. Before the Jewish People can help the rest of the world, they must make sure that they have taken care of their own. To have a positive influence on the rest of the world, the Jewish people must demonstrate how to behave towards the needy and downtrodden. Colel Chabad has made it its mission to provide spiritual and physical necessities to the needy across Israel.

Help Delivered Directly to Their Doors

Colel Chabad works to help thousands of needy families across Israel. Colel Chabad emphasizes not just the help that is given, but the way in which they help.

Elevating Souls Through
Bible Study

In a small synagogue in Jerusalem, a quorum of dedicated Bible scholars sponsored by Colel Chabad continuously study Talmud to elevate departed Jewish souls. Through rain or shine, war or peace, this holy activity has been continuous for 117 years.


A Breathtaking Gift for Your Beloved

The word "beloved" describes the strong bond between Hashem and his children. This ring engraved with its inspiring Biblical verse, reminds us of the unique relationship that each of us has with Hashem. This loving relationship described in Song of Songs is often paralleled to the relationship of a bride and a groom, a husband and wife. We should always strive to make sure that our love for God is as strong as our love for our spouses and families.
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“And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3


Today's Israel Photo

Bar Artzi Photography took this stunning photo of "sunset hunters" by Tamrur Cliff in the Dead Sea region.
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Shalom Rabbi Tuly and Team, keep up the great work in spreading the message of God and Israel to the world, Bible prophecy is certainly being fulfilled not only in the Holy Land of Israel but also the World, it is all leading to the ultimate destruction of evil and let us all rejoice about this fact, anyway all my love especially to my brothers and sisters in Christ, keep up the fight. Yours truly, Paul V. Cleary of Wollongong, Australia. God Bless.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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