Saturday, December 28, 2019

“The Dream & the Movie “Harriet” – A Prophetic Picture For Us Today” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“The Dream & the Movie “Harriet” – A Prophetic Picture For Us Today” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Dec. 28, 2019 Love For His People ministry
“Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14, NASU
The Lord God Almighty, Creator of all, can and does use anything to get His message across, to wake His people up, to lead us in the way we are to go.
He can and will use even an ass as He did with Balaam and the donkey (Numbers 22) to get our attention and reveal His directives. He uses dreams. He uses visions. He can even use Hollywood.
On Christmas day, Dec. 25, 2019, I received an email from our good friend Caroline Hyde, who lives in the Galilee region of Israel with her husband Richard. They made aliyah (immigrated) from Texas in the USA to the Land of Y’srael over 15 years ago, and have a ministry called Heart of G-d ( They are fully involved with the Lord’s plans in these end times.
I want to share the email communications (thanks to Hadassah Lerner from Jerusalem for putting the string together, who is the co-founder with her husband Nissim, of His Lighthouse, Inc., another vital ministry in Israel for aliyah) that took place between Caroline and me.
Carolyn Hyde, Heart For G-d
As follows:
Dec 25, 2019, 11:53 PM
Shalom dear ones,
I just awoke from another highly detailed, realistic dream and once again it was in North Carolina. It’s clearly an Aliyah dream but I’m not sure what the numbers at the end mean. If the L-rd shows you something, please let me know. It seems very clear that we need to come back to NC again…
Dream NC – the staging ground
I had parked the car somewhere but couldn’t remember where after leaving my friend’s house. After the youth planning meeting, I was brought back to my friend’s house but the next day I needed to get my car and drive to the main meeting, but I couldn’t remember where I left my car. So I said goodbye and wandered out the back door and then the pieces of the puzzle began to be put together.
There was a high-speed chase down Hwy 771 and the driver was our daughter-in-law. The police caught her and she was lying on the ground, protecting her kids. Her Mom was there to comfort her and the story came out that someone tried to hurt the girls and take them and that’s why she fled. The police had mercy on her and let her go.
I was back looking for my car near Hwy 771. There were neighborhoods of brick homes with many African-Americans that were built into the hills of North Carolina. The scenery was gorgeous and landscaping was absolutely stunning!
I passed under a bridge and there were new brick homes but also built into the hills. When I looked up, I saw Eric & Terri Morey (who also actively work for Aliyah) waving from an upper room so I walked into the house. It was very old and filled with antiques. Another was in the back room trying to stay warm. Thankfully my purse was there in that house so I was able to get it and leave and afterwards meet up with Richard. Together we walked to the large youth meeting.
It was all in NC and just before I woke up, I heard that North Carolina is the staging ground for the great Aliyah to come from the west. There are already boats near Wilmington and other coastal regions that have been designated, their owners called by G-d to carry Jewish people home when the fleeing time comes.
And I knew that I have to go back there again…
I looked up the highway number 771 in NC. It used to be a primary highway two different times but later its number was changed to Highway 38.
Dec. 26, 2019 5:26 am
Thanks for sending Carolyn.
My 1st inclination is that Hwy. 771 (which I thought you meant Interstate 77 which runs North-South through NC, through Charlotte) was part of the Underground Railroad back in the 1800’s, when the black women Harriet Tubman led escaped slaves from the South to Canada. I am not sure of that location in NC.
The movie “Harriet” is out now. Charisma Magazine said it was very good.
I will pray about this dream further and let you know.
The movie “Harriet” Nov. 2019
Dec 26, 2019, 5:52 AM
More to share:
1. Parked car – stopping point. Places along the way where people get on/off, like places along the Underground Railroad has.
2. High speed chase – time is speeding up, accelerating.
3. Shayla, kids and Mom – families will travel together in the escape
4. Police – some in authority will understand and help. As angels along the way. (Righteous Ones as during Holocaust)
5. AFRICAN-Americans: another “picture” of the Underground Railroad era
6. Purse – provision is provided
7. Youth- they will be involved as we (older generation) give them direction and instruction. Multi-generational involvement
Another aspect of the dream to consider and seek the Lord on:
The black people in NC/SC need to get involved in aliyah. They will understand it!
Carolyn HydeDec 26, 2019, 7:51 AM
What an absolutely brilliant interpretation of this dream!  I’m so thrilled and I sent the dream and your words to a new friend who is an African American intercessor from Lincolnton, NC!  She had been in our home with a tour group but I got to know her during the conference recently in Nazareth. 
She was one of the intercessors that flew out just to pray during the conference!  It was such a joy to worship and lead worship a few times with peoples from the ends of the earth – Pacific Island nations.  
Blessings to you all in Yeshua’s love,
Steve Martin <>Dec 26, 2019, 8:00 AM (2 days ago)
Yes, the more I consider the dream, the “Harriet” movie now out in the theaters, the role of black Americans in the Carolinas…it is the Lord who wants to get them involved even more so! Somewhat like a “redemption” and “salvation” act on their part. For such a time as this!
Carolyn HydeDec 26, 2019, 2:25 PM
Oh I can’t wait to see this film!  Actually, you sparked a memory from a few years ago when we were ministering in a congregation in Sacramento, CA, on a Shabbat morning.  After the meeting a beautiful African American woman named Deborah invited us to minister at her brother’s church the following Sunday morning.  She said a prophetic woman was coming to minister too.  We felt the L-rd say to go and when we arrived, this woman began to speak over us.  She looked right at me and said that the anointing of Harriet Tubman was upon me and yet this lady knew nothing about our calling for Aliyah!  
I just love how the L-rd prepares the way so beautifully for His children to walk in the fullness of their callings in Him!  
On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 3:01 PM Steve Martin <> wrote:
Yes, the more I consider the dream, the “Harriet” movie now out in the theaters, the role of black Americans in the Carolinas…it is the Lord who wants to get them involved even more so! Somewhat like a “redemption” and “salvation” act on their part. For such a time as this!
After my good wife Laurie and I saw the movie “Harriet” at 9:10 am that day, Friday, Dec. 27, 2019 (it has primarily left the theatres and will be out on DVD and movie channels Jan. 28, 2020), I sent this to Carolyn.
Steve Martin <>  Fri, Dec 27, 12:16 PM
Excellent movie “Harriet”.
1. After escaping herself she went back and got all her family.
2. She became known as “Moses”.
3. She continually prayed along the way of escape, stopping, kneeling, and asking the Lord for direction. It saved her and many others several times. All portrayed in the movie.
Screenshot from the movie, “Harriet”
Having now lived in North Carolina now since July 4, 1994 (25 years ago this past summer), we are becoming more aware of what the Lord is doing with Israel, His people there, and how He is connecting Love For His People ministry (founded by Laurie and I 10 years ago in April 2010), with those in Israel who have also been called. We are becoming more extremely aware of His plans for ALIYAH and are giving ourselves to be a part of this plan, His plan. We see in part and are connecting with others who also see in part.
He is connecting the pieces of this new railroad in our day, for His people, the Jews, to get back to their land He promised them centuries ago. For there they will be supernaturally protected, have new life, and will see their Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, return.
The Lord Jesus, the Messiah, is awakening His people, both believing Jews and Gentiles, to what is happening in this hour, as the final days, the end of times, are upon us. He is using dreams, visions, and yes, even Hollywood, to get His point across.
We need His wisdom and understanding as we continually walk on, even as Harriet Tubman (i.e. “Moses) continually sought the Lord on the escape routes, even stopping to kneel down and pray in her steps along the way, as she guided the escaping slaves from their life of torture, cruelty, and bondage to freedom.
May you too be aware of what He is doing and get on board! Another Underground Railroad is about to happen. He is arranging the train, the conductors, and making His already prepared plans known to those with ears to hear and eyes to see.
Come on. Get on board! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!
Now think on this.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s new mobile app is available for iPhones
Android smartphones
These are free app downloads!
Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On ThisThe sign-up form is on our new ministry website:
You are welcome to help support the families in Israel that we do. Give now. Givelify.

Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did. And I thank you too.
Now Think On This #473 – in the year of our Lord 12.28.19 – “The Dream & the Movie “Harriet” – A Prophetic Picture For Us Today”  Saturday, 8:10 am

Monday, December 23, 2019

“What? Americans Are That Way?” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“What? Americans Are That Way?” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Dec. 23, 2019
“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks…” Psalm 75:1, NASU
When the speaker that morning proclaimed that in a recent poll published that Americas have now become among those near the top, if not THE top, countries listed as “Complainers”, I was a bit shocked. And then I was very much ashamed.
How could we, a nation so blessed by the Lord above, have become ones who number most among those ungrateful and most unappreciative, and prove it by being complainers.
It is a sad commentary on our society. And yet, if you look around long enough, you can hear, see, and sense it is so true quite often. We have become complainers. It is because we have lost our appreciation for the gift of life the Lord has given us.
We can’t be around one another too long before we become bored and want to leave. We’d rather spend time on Facebook, Twitter, or a smartphone video game. By our self.
It is raining outside, and it is going to rain on our parade. We let the Creator know we don’t like it (though we don’t put it in those words or say to Him out loud. Just to those around us. After all, He is not listening anyway, right?)
The neighbor’s dog is barking again outside. Why can’t they shut that thing up? Oh yes, it is their only companion (because I won’t be one to them.)
What! The can of string beans went up again $0.04, and the T-bone steak up another $0.30 a pound! Yes, there are still kids starving in China.
Someone left their shoes near the front door again, cluttering up the area. We are annoyed, again, that someone is with us. We’d rather not have their shoes show they are still here? I know some who would love to have their loved one’s shoes once again by the front door.
We send our well-trained, well-equipped troops to help another country in need, to save their people from slaughter, and we complain that we should just let them alone (and die by themselves.) Who cares about people way off in another country, anyway? Didn’t Vietnam prove that, and now Afghanistan? Another answer for another day.

Who has time for anyone else in the world?
We give our grandkids presents, and time, and speak a word to help them along the way, and we never hear a “Thank you”, or “I appreciate that” from them? I guess their parents didn’t teach them? Because we didn’t teach the parents when they were under our training. Shame on us.
Sometimes I am tempted to quit sending graduation gifts, wedding presents, or funds to help others who ask me, even on an all-important missions’ trip, every time I am asked. I never hear back. Sorry, I complain about that one.
How about this one. We don’t want to be burdened with another. So, we kill our unborn.
I often wonder how the Lord Jesus felt after He healed the 10, and only one came back and thanked Him.
“Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
So when He saw them, He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.
And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.
So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?  Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?”  And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:11-19, NKJV
It is a sad thing that we have lost the value of thankfulness, appreciation, gladness of heart when someone has done something for us, or to us, to help and encourage us along the way.
So what is the solution? First and foremost, it begins with us, by being thankful ourselves, and expressing that thankfulness to the Lord. Every day. He doesn’t have to bless us, but He ALWAYS is blessing us, whether we choose to acknowledge Him or not. With life, with His goodness, with His Son Jesus and His Holy Spirit. The list will go on for eternity.
Hey, He even blesses us with rain, so we have green grass, fresh water, and recreational lakes, rivers, and ponds to swim in, boat, and fish! (Ever been to a desert?)

The next time someone gives you something, send back a nice text, email, or Facebook post, or show appreciation in any way, big or small, by taking the 2-3 seconds it would take, just at least say or write, “Thank you.”
And oh, by the way, thank the Lord that you can read this. It is He who has given us all that we have, even our sight, our ears to hear sounds, and our mouths to speak good things. Can we have a little thanks, yes, to Him?
And hey! Thanks for reading this. Share it with another if they might need a budge or two in this area of their life too.
Now think on this.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s new mobile app is available for iPhones
Android smartphones
These are free app downloads!
Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On ThisThe sign-up form is on our new ministry website:
You are welcome to help support the families in Israel that we do. Give now. Givelify.

Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did. And I thank you too.
Now Think On This #472 – in the year of our Lord 12.23.19 – “What? Americans Are That Way?” Monday 4:00 pm

Dutch Sheets: Mount Up with Wings as Eagles (Isaiah 40:30-31)

King of Kings Worship Center 17.7K subscribers
Great insight from Dutch on Isaiah 40:30-31: “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
The Assyrian king Sennacherib trained eagles for warfare. God gave his brother Tim a prophetic word: “There is coming a tsunami generation that will ride the wave of my Spirit. They will be called my War Eagles. They will ride the wave of my presence and as my war Eagles they will begin to fly carried by the waves of my presence.” The Assyrian eagle was trained to look for an enemy. They would descend on an enemy at speeds up to 60 miles an hour. Josephus says that upwards of 2,000 people in Israel had been killed by the War Eagles. And now you know why the Lord said, “Those who wait upon the Lord…”
The word for wait in Hebrew is “braid.” The concept is those who are braided together with God, those who wait upon him and in your waiting you’re being entwined with him. So now you know why the Lord, in response to Sennacherib’s war eagle, says to Hezekiah those who braid themselves to will run and not get weary because the Eagle is doing all the work.
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God gave my brother a prophetic word. “There is coming a tsunami generation that will ride the wave of my spirit. They will be called my War Eagles. They will ride the wave of my presence and as my war Eagles they will begin to fly carried by the waves of my presence.”
To find out about war eagles you must go back to 700 BC, almost 3,000 years, to the Assyrian Empire. You can read about Sennacherib in Isaiah 36 and 2 Chronicles 32. The was the most vicious Kingdom on earth was the Assyrian Empire 700 BC. Sennacherib was their king. He created the catapult. He created towers that would be pulled up by horses or oxen to the edge of a city closed and they would pull the tower up and had a staircase inside and the soldier from the route up jump on the wall and come in take the city. he’s very inventive he.
He conquered much of the world and then he came to Israel. He had conquered the northern part of Israel and then he set his sights on Jerusalem in the southern kingdom. He sent 250,000 soldiers to lay siege to Judah. King Hezekiah, knowing the story, and knowing that no army in the world had been able to stop this invading force, was now under siege by Sennacherib. He had 7,000 Himalayan golden eagles. He sent 700 of them to Jerusalem.
These eagles had a wingspan of eight to ten feet. They tied leather chords to their feet with a metal ball, about the size of a golf ball. A soldier would have a leather chord wrapped around his wrist and then he’d tie the other end to the legs of this eagle. He would lift up the eagle and begin to run The eagle would scream and begin to flap its wings. he could not soar because of the weight but it could carry the soldier at amazing speeds.
He could go 20-30 miles an hour at 30 to 40 feet strides You’d look out of your city at this huge army and they’re laying siege to you and they’re patrolling with these guys being carried along by these Himalayan golden eagles. The eagle was trained to look for an enemy. They would descend on an enemy at speeds up to 60 miles an hour and then just before they hit the enemy they would turn and those metal balls would go for the head.
Josephus says that upwards of 2,000 people in Israel had been killed by the War Eagles, sometimes decapitating them. It got so bad that everywhere they went people would see a shadow and duck because they were afraid it was an eagle. Hezekiah says, “There’s no hope for us.” So he sends a messenger to the prophet Isaiah and says, “Do you have a word for us?” Isaiah said, “Yes I have a word for you, no weapon formed against you will prosper.”
You can almost hear Hezekiah say, “What about these Eagles?” And now you know why the Lord said, “Those who wait upon the Lord…” The word for wait in Hebrew is “braid.” The concept is those who are braided together with God, those who wait upon him and in your waiting you’re being entwined with him.
So now you know why the Lord, in response to Sennacherib’s war eagle, says to Hezekiah those who braid themselves to will run and not get weary because the Eagle is doing all the work. I can soar with you. I’ll take you up higher. The vigorous young men get tired and grow weary those who tie themselves to me will soar.