Sunday, March 3, 2019

The real City Of David proves Israel's critics wrong - Israel Video Network

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Archaeology shows history. And Muslims may not be happy about it, but you can’t argue with the facts. Mike Huckabee went and saw it all for himself - the truth about the City of David.
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Joel C. Rosenberg: NYT Magazine profiles Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State & an Evangelical Christian. Reports he reads my novels.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

NYT Magazine profiles Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State & an Evangelical Christian. Reports he reads my novels. But then goes on odd eschatology tangent.

by joelcrosenberg
(Washington, D.C.) -- Aside from the Vice President, no member of the Cabinet has a closer working relationship with President Trump than Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
That's a good thing, especially given the high stakes of American diplomacy right now. Mr. Trump came to office with no military or foreign policy experience, and having said a number of unsettling things during the 2016 campaign.
Pompeo is a strong conservative and a devout Evangelical Christian. He graduated from West Point. Served as an officer in the U.S. Army. Was deployed in Europe during the end of the Cold War. Came back to Kansas. Built a company. Ran for Congress. Served on the House Intelligence Committee. Was tapped to be Trump's first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Served there with distinction before becoming Trump's second -- and far more effective -- Secretary of State.
This morning, the New York Times Magazine has published an extensive profile of Pompeo, looking both at his relationship with Trump and his Evangelical faith. I'll let you be the judge of whether the reporter is genuinely curious about and respectful of Pompeo's religious beliefs, or trying to paint him as a nut.
When he explores Pompeo's faith, the reporter -- Mattathias Schwartz -- weaves me into the story. He notes that Pompeo and I met when he was in Congress. That we've stayed in touch over the years That we've met together from time to time, most recently in Egypt. And that he has read my novels for years. 
All of that is true. Indeed, I was more than happy to give the Secretary an advance copy of my forthcoming political thriller, The Persian Gamble, during one of our last meetings. 
But the implication in the article is that the basis of our friendship is End Times theology. That stunned me when I read the final version of the story because it's not true.
Pompeo and I have talked about a lot of interesting and important subjects over the years, including our shared Evangelical faith. But not once have we ever talked about eschatology. I would never shy away with discussing my views with him, or anyone else for that matter. But he's never raised the topic. Nor have I. We've had plenty of other things to focus on. 
When I met Schwartz in Egypt, we sat near each other at the American University in Cairo where Pompeo was delivering a major policy address. Then we rode together in Pompeo's motorcade to the massive new "Nativity of the Christ Cathedral," and then to the brand new mosque. Schwartz asked me a number of questions about my views of Pompeo and some questions about myself and my background. Yet he never asked me about whether Pompeo and I had ever discussed eschatology or shared the same views. 
Here's what has actually impressed my about Pompeo over the years:
  1. Pompeo understands the nature and threat of evil. Too many in Washington do not. Yet as I have often said, "to misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it." Pompeo is unlikely to be blindsided. He came of age during when the Soviet Union -- the Evil Empire -- was at its zenith. He thus understands the  serious threat posed by tyrants like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. He also sees Radical Islamism -- not Islam as a religion, but Radical Islamism as a terrorist ideology -- as a force for evil that absolutely must be pro-actively confronted, contained, and dismantled.  
  2. Pompeo is a man of action -- not content with simply analyzing a problem, he wants to figure out how to solve that problem and then pursue his strategy relentlessly. That's why it was so important that he leave the CIA, whose director is not supposed to be involved in making policy. He's much better suited to being Secretary of State, where he can help the President and VP shaped bold, decisive American answers to the world's most dangerous and intractable problems. 
  3. Trump, Pence and Pompeo have forged an impressive alliance in completely reversing the direction of the disastrous Obama-Biden-Clinton-Kerry foreign policy. Together, they have scrapped the fatally flawed Iran nuclear deal and are building a global alliance to neutralize the Iran threat. They are pressing North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program and sign a peace treaty with South Korea. They are working to strengthen NATO and contain the aggressiveness of Czar Putin. And they're trying to forge a new era of peace and strategic alliances between Israel and her Sunni Arab neighbors. I pray they are successful on every front. This not easy work. The threats are real and the stakes are high. But they're moving in the right direction, and I can't think of anyone better to be running the State Department at a time like this than Mike Pompeo.
I'd recommend you read the magazine profile in full.
I'd also encourage you to take 29 minutes and listen to an interview Mattathias Schwartz did with National Public Radio in which he discusses how he approached researching and writing the profile, what his views of Pompeo are, and how he views Pompeo's faith.
You likely won't agree with it all. I didn't. But Pompeo is a power player. There haven't been many serious, detailed profiles about him. And it's worth understanding him better, and keeping him (and his lovely wife, Susan) in your prayers.
(Photos: 1) New York Times Magazine website; 2) First time I met with Pompeo, back when he was a Member of Congress; 3) our most recent meeting in Cairo.)

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joelcrosenberg | March 3, 2019 at 1:19 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Saturday, March 2, 2019

"Women of God - Rise Up and Answer the Call!" - Dehavilland Ford, The Elijah List

Dehavilland Ford: "Women of God - Rise Up and Answer the Call!"

The Elijah List Feb 28, 2019

Steve ShultzIntro From Julie A. Smith:
I so concur with this most powerful word for women from Dehavilland Ford. God is raising up women to be culture and societal reformers in the lands He is calling them to.
As women, we often think we are limited to maybe one area of influence and that's where our calling stops. But not so! Women in the Church are being called to multiple venues at the same time to have impact not only in ministry, but also in education, media, government, and so on. Women of God – you are being called not only to one area of influence, but multiple mountains that will work and connect together. This will bring culture shifts and set many women free and into a new calling in Christ.
And know this – what you do to help even one woman will be multiplied many times over to other women...just like a domino effect!
This word by Dehavilland is on the very heart of God in this hour for women:
Many of us will never understand what it's like to have a price on our head for the Gospel. However, God in His mercy is calling forth a remnant of women out the greatest oppression, and healing their wounds. He is calling His Church to wash the wounds of a hurting society made up of the most oppressed women and children. That night, God confirmed this to me in a dream.
Women of God, this is a NOW word to get behind and start walking into! Be empowered in the new territories and places of influence God is calling you to pioneer! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor and Producer
Elijah List Publications and Elijah Streams TV
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I can remember it like it was yesterday. I heard a knock at my door very late at night. It was a young pastor friend of mine who was seeking shelter because the police were looking for him to arrest him. His crime: helping a young woman escape her Muslim parents who allegedly wanted to kill her for converting to Christianity.
This young lady was protected and would go on to fight her parents in court and had to suffer many trials for her conversion. She and I later became very good friends. As the years went on and life became busy, I lost contact with her (mostly due to her trying to protect herself and others). After a few years of separation, while watching Christian television, I rediscovered my friend, Rifqa Bary. She had matured into a vibrant young woman, and I watched her boldly share her story of this on a national TV show in the USA called The 700 Club! In spite of her life still being under assault, she shared on the program how she escaped Islam and how God is now using her testimony.
A Dream of the Rising Remnant
After watching this, I went to bed with a deep heart of gratitude before the Lord for preserving her life and allowing me to see the fruit of it. Many of us will never understand what it's like to have a price on our head for the Gospel. However, God in His mercy is calling forth a remnant of women out the greatest oppression and healing their wounds. He is calling His Church to wash the wounds of a hurting society made up of the most oppressed women and children. That night, God confirmed this to me in a dream. (Photo via Pixabay)
In the dream, I was at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, at an outdoor prayer gathering with thousands of people. A spiritual father of mine, Lou Engle, was handed the microphone and began to say, "It's time for the women preachers to arise! If you're called and you're a woman preacher, get up here." Suddenly thousands began running and charging the stage. My spiritual father then said, "OK, I guess I'm done here." I then said to him, "You're not done, because it's time for you to release your mantle, like Elijah, on a company of Elishas, except they are women. This is not going to just mark them, but brand them."
I then got on an elevator to go into a room where I saw hundreds of Muslim women dressed in burqas, who I knew were empty and spiritually hungry. They were waiting to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We began praying for the women, and the dream ended.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Dream Interpretation: Wake Up Sleeping Beauty!
The dream took place in America at a memorial to President Abraham Lincoln – who is recognized for his work in freeing the slaves – because God is releasing an "Emancipation Proclamation" to women preachers. Their prayers have come up as a memorial before God, and they are being called to take their place on the stage of history. The older generation of preachers are not done, until they raise up their sons AND daughters. God wants spiritual fathers and mothers to pass their mantle to their double-portion daughters as well, to preach with Holy Spirit power. The women in burqas represent not only the impact this will have in the Middle East, but women being emancipated from every religious bondage through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
In short, I believe this dream represents how God is waking up His sleeping beauty, the Church, and how women will play a key role in liberating the nations. The mandate of Joel 2:16 is to break this bondage through repentance. God called His servant Joel to call the nation of Israel to come together in the place of fasting and repentance for the sins of the nation.
How to Break the Bondage
It is interesting to me because, as women, we often ask our children to repent when they've done wrong, or our spouses when they've made mistakes. Well, I believe God is asking women to take the first step in repentance. Why must women repent? In America, we opened the doors to feminism and liberalism – two movements that resulted in the abortion crisis, all done in the name of having rights to our own bodies. As a result, over 60 million babies have been aborted. Women must take responsibility as priests before the Lord in brokenness for what breaks our heavenly Father's heart. In response, God will act on behalf of our prayers. (Photo via Pixabay)
In conclusion, I have a charge for the women who are reading this: You may not have a major platform before men, but you have the most powerful weapon in your hands; it's called prayer and fasting! I believe fasting and prayer are forerunners to revival and awakening – that's where Joel 2:16 and Acts 2:17 come into play. God pouring out His Spirit on all flesh is a result of the Church being aligned with God's heart. Do you want to see revival in your city, your public school, and your workplace? It starts with you and me in prayer and fasting. This is the place God will anoint you with power.
Acts 1:8 says, "...but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." This power will come upon a fasting and praying people because you can't break the back of Islam or abortion (or any stronghold for that matter) in the natural. It's not enough to be a popular speaker or charismatic preacher. Beloved, you must have the power of God.
This power is already being poured upon women all over the world and God is visiting Muslims in dreams and revealing the Messiah. God is rescuing young girls from sex slavery and using fearless, laid-down lovers to partner with Him, and many of them are women. God is calling housewives and businesswomen to humble themselves so He can use them as His witnesses in the earth and be used in this great move of God in every sphere of influence!
A Charge to Women
Women of God, my charge to you is this: In the name of Jesus, take your place! You have a voice before Heaven that now will be used on Earth. You are emancipated and are being empowered to preach the Gospel! Women, its time to answer the call, to run the race set before you and contend for an epic outpouring. Take up the charge and preach the Gospel. It is Psalm 68:11-12(NASB) which says, "The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host: 'Kings of armies flee, they flee, and she who remains at home will divide the spoil!'" Women, when you respond to this call you will impact your homes and societies! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dehavilland Ford
818 The Sign

Dehavilland Ford served as a former staff member at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and has worked with the late Jill Austin. Dehavilland, along with her husband, Will Ford, currently serves as the primary visionary of the "818 The Sign" movement, a gathering which is committed to seeing revival and reformation within the inner cities of America. Since she was 17 years old, Dehavilland has carried a passion for prayer, and as a revivalist, she has traveled across America carrying the forerunner message. 
She has also been to several nations such as Africa, England, South America and Israel, preaching the Gospel with a burning desire to see transformation in the earth. Dehavilland has spoken at TheCall gatherings lead by Lou Engle, and has appeared on God TV. Dehavilland carries a deep burden to see a culture of life and an awakening of Bridal-love for Jesus released in our generation. She is married to Will Ford and has two amazing boys.