Saturday, August 5, 2017

R.T. Kendall Details Never-Before-Shared John Paul Jackson Prophecy | How to Know if Your Dream Is From God, the Enemy or Your Own Soul - Charisma

Prophetic Insight newsletter
Friday, August 4, 2017
R.T. Kendall Details Never-Before-Shared John Paul Jackson Prophecy
R.T. Kendall speaks to Charisma Media employees.
Prolific writer and biblical scholar R.T. Kendall was greatly impacting the kingdom of heaven when his buddy, prophet John Paul Jackson, stopped him with a personal prophecy nearly 30 years ago.

"He said, 'R.T., you will live to a ripe old age, but if you don't get in shape physically, you won't be around to enjoy it,'" Kendall recalls.

"Well, because of his track record with me—he'd been accurate every time—he put the fear of God in me. He said 'You need to lose weight, you need to exercise, lift weights' and all that stuff."

Now, the 82-year-old Kendall says his weight hovers around 168, he travels the world and would not be able to do so had he not listened to Jackson.

Kendall shared the prophecy with Charisma Media on Friday, where he spoke on his new book, The Presence of God.

Due out this fall, The Presence of God identifies the ways we experience God's presence in our own lives. In it, Kendall expounds on the three kinds of chastening, or disciplining, that God employs: internal, external and terminal.

He also addresses a question that plagues many who walk by the Spirit: What do I do when I don't feel God around me? The answer presents itself in Psalm 16:8: "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be moved."

Not feeling God is an opportunity to please God and walk by faith, like those mentioned in Hebrews 11. read more 
How to Know if Your Dream Is From God, the Enemy or Your Own Soul
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LoveMusic! - "Draw Me Close & Great Is The Lord" - Steve & Laurie Martin, All Nations Church worship team 1999

"Draw Me Close & Great Is The Lord"

Steve & Laurie Martin, All Nations Church worship team
Charlotte, North Carolina 1994-2001

Aug. 5, 2017

Greetings to ye all,

Memories are to be part of our life, as we recall the good things the Living God of Israel has done. Remembering His acts of mercy, love and direction certainly are attributed to His very being so awesome. He is the great I AM.

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan River, the Lord commanded them to take stones from the river's bed, and make an altar on the other side. Not to glorify and make an idol, but to remember what the Lord had done. He brought them out of slavery, crossed them over in a miraculous way, and had them build a "memorial" of praise and thanksgiving.

Laurie and my time at All Nations Church, founded in 1993 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida by the families of Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Art and Ruth Maki, Mike and Leslie Adams, and Laurie and I, are very good memories of what the Lord did then, and continued to do in our lives for the next eight years as part of the ministry and church.

Being with the great men and women who combined their gifts, skill and talent on the worship team were also very special times in our memory banks. All those experiences together, be it during the eight hours each Friday night for those eight years we were members of All Nations and Mahesh Chavda Ministries, will always be forever part of our spiritual history.

Worshipping together at the various Charlotte locations, during the Sunday morning services in The Barn, on Granite Street, at the former Heritage USA amphitheatre, or finally at their current location on the former Fort Hope acres in Fort Mill, South Carolina (and don't forget the 40+ conferences we were part of over the total 14 years together!)...we will always remember the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Enjoy the memories with us, and draw close to the Lord through this song. How great is the Lord!

Shalom and ahava,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA

Worship leader - Steve Martin, with Laurie Martin & Patti McPherson vocals

The worship team (1994-2001) - Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Patti McPherson, John Kirwin, Little Big Eagle, Gilbert Crespo, Terry Lafferty, Bob Smith, Ruth Davis, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Doug Goff, Bob Sherill

 1994 (L-R) Laurie Martin, Laurie Hardee, Steve Martin, Bobby Hussey
- Lower level in the former Heritage USA Barn Auditorium

 In "The Barn" 1995-1997 - (L-R) Steve Martin, Laurie Martin, Patti McPherson, Ed Brigham)

 Steve & Laurie Martin 1997 - former Heritage USA Amphitheatre - All Nations Church

Yes indeed. Every Friday night. 
Praise, worship and prayer for 8 great hours!

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P.O. Box 414
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Thank you!


YouTube video published on Jun 11, 2017

Draw Me Close To You, Great Is The Lord - Steve & Laurie Martin - original recording at, All Nations Church worship team 1999 Charlotte, NC. Video of morning sky - Steve Martin on the All Nations Church property, Fort Mill, SC on Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 6:30 am.

Sound man: John O'Leary. Thanks John!!!

Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Patti McPherson, John Kirwin, Little Big Eagle, Gilbert Crespo, Terry Lafferty, Bob Smith, Ruth Davis, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Doug Goff, Bob Sherill,

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Waiting is Over! ✡ "Tomorrow Will Be The New Moon" - Israel365

Yehonatan said to him, Tomorrow will be the new moon; and you will be missed when your seat remains vacant.

וַיֹּאמֶר־לוֹ יְהוֹנָתָן מָחָר חֹדֶשׁ וְנִפְקַדְתָּ כִּי יִפָּקֵד מוֹשָׁבֶךָ

שמואל א כ:יח
va-yo-mer LO y’-ho-na-TAN ma-KHAR KHO-desh v’-NIF-kad-TA KEE yi-pa-KAYD mo-sha-VE-kha

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Sages teach that the moon is a symbol of the people of Israel. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, appearing tiny when it is new but large by the middle of the month, the children of Israel follow a similar cycle. Though at times they are a small and downtrodden nation, they will again become great in the eyes of all. In our era, with the establishment of the State of Israel, we are beginning to see the truth of this statement. When the world is ultimately blessed with the Mashiach, from the house of David, the light from the people of Israel will shine its brightest, originating in the land of Israel. With the new Israel365 calendar, you will be up to date on every new moon and Jewish festival. Now is your first chance to order our beautiful calendar.

Israel is Waiting for YOU with Open Arms!

Constantly, the news is filled with anti-Israel propaganda. This is the truth that those haters do not want you to see! The beautiful landscapes, amazing culture and great friendly people!

As Tensions Rise on God’s Holy Mountain, Earth Heaves With Quakes, Cyclones and Storms

The recent confluence of a global rash of epic natural disasters and rapidly rising tensions surrounding the Temple Mount echoes events from 2,000 years ago.

The Star of David

The six-pointed Star of David is a common symbol for both Judaism and Israel. Known in Hebrew as a Magen David (shield of David), geometrically it is two triangles superimposed on each other, forming the shape of a hexagram. When King David went out to battle against the enemies of Israel, he did so with a heart set on winning the battle as an emissary of God. He prayed passionately and his heart was filled with an intense love for God, willing to do whatever was needed and whatever was right. Although the words “shield of David”, best recognized as the “Star of David” are never mentioned in the Bible directly, the words in this Biblical quote give direct inference to God being the shield and protector of Israel.
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“Sing, O ye heavens, for Hashem hath done it; shout, ye lowest parts of the earth; break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein; for Hashem hath redeemed Yaakov, and doth glorify Himself in Yisrael.” Isaiah 44:23


Today's Israel Photo

Get this beautiful picture of the Sea of Galilee in our brand new calendar!
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