Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ahava Love Letter - "Dreams Do Come True - Part IV" (Final of series.)

          Ahava Love Letter   
“Dreams Do Come True – The BARN”
(Part IV of Series – Final)

This is the LORD'S doing; It is marvelous in our eyes.” Psalm 118:23 (NASB)

Dear family of friends,

In the previous parts of this series (I - III) I shared the beginning of “dreams do come true.” In addition to other means of confirmation, through a dream the Lord gave to me in 1991, a major move, resulting with exciting changes, came about in my life and others, in 1994. It was the start of a new challenge, in a new area, with old and new friends. I conclude this current ahava journey (love in Hebrew), with this final segment of Ahava Love Letters - “Dreams Do Come True” - Part IV.

As you may recall in my previous love letter (Part III), there was a horse barn in the dream. (A “working” barn, as I described it in a written note accompanying the dream drawing, when I shared it with others later, back in 1991.) There was the one on the property. But there were horses in it.
The need for a larger “tent” for the newly started “Watch of the Lord” was very apparent. But where? Space on the new property we now occupied was limited, even with all the acreage the Lord had now entrusted to us small band of prayer warriors.
During another time of “day” prayer, in addition to the Friday all night prayer group, Bonnie received a word, or vision, from the Lord, in regards to the horse barn. That was it! The horse barn could become the next location for the “Watch of the Lord” and All Nations Church Sunday meetings. Are you kidding, Lord? A horse barn, with horses in it?!
Yes. That was the answer. Just like Jesus Himself was born in a lowly place, the ways of the Lord are not ours. (Thank goodness!) His answer to our seeking Him for His provision was right there under our noses. (Horses do create a certain scent, in their stalls.)
But in no time, the horses were trucked away to another location, and my Dad, Louis Martin, and I, took turns swinging the five pound sledge hammer to remove the 2” x 10” x 10” planked stall walls. What an exciting, but hard labor time, it was. Art Maki joined us in literally carrying away the stall doors. Timmy Bryant helped as he could, when not doing his other jobs in caring for kids and running errands. Bill Doak, Sam Carpenter, Willie Hardee, Bobby Hussey, Rick Hardee, Calvin Elston, Ham Fitcher, Selva Ayempeuromal, Josh and Ben Martin, and so many countless others provided more manpower. Even homeless men from Charlotte were driven to the barn during the week by Art Hatton, to give their strength. The Lord overall was giving much grace and energy to His “laborers in the field.” Literally.
Over the next few months, many came on the weekends to join in the effort. While still continuing on “building in the spiritual” with the “Watch” every Friday night in the chapel, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., we got a few hours of sleep and then came back to “build in the natural”. The zeal of the Lord consumed us for His purposes to be accomplished. We were also very grateful for the ladies who cooked great lunches for all. Lila Martin, Ginger Hussey, Laurie Hardee, Rainbow Coan, Linda Hardee, Martha Doak and others. Picnics outside every Saturday afternoon!
When the completion date came, after much blood, sweat and tears (of joy!), “The Barn” began working. We could fit about 120 comfortably in the gathering place, but there were times when many more came to bless the Living God of Israel, to worship and sing His Mighty praises. Powerful healings, prayer for all the nations, especially Israel, were protocol. Shofars were blown. The sound of loud drums and the congas filled the night air. It was a good thing we were out in the country. No neighbors calling to report loud noises!
The faithful worship team, led often by Bobby Hussey on the keyboard, played and praised for hours and hours. Bob Smith, Bob Sherrill, Doug Goff, Rick Hardee and Gilbert Crespo on the drums were the musicians. Laurie Martin, Laurie Hardee, Rainbow Coan, Patti McPherson, Tim Tennant, Angie Carpenter, Brian Johnston and Ed Brigham were the backup singers. As for me, I loved shaking the tambourine, and singing the great songs, while at the same time reading Bobby Hussey’s lips. (Sometimes it was so loud I couldn’t hear what he was singing!) It was a great time being with the Lord of Hosts and His people.
Those glorious days lasted exactly two years. On Sunday morning, Father’s Day of June, 1997, the last meeting took place in “The Barn.” That portion of the property was sold to building developers, and within a month or two there was nothing left of this simple, yet awesome, location of the Lord’s doing.
Hold those other horses! My Dad, whom I know I inherited this from, didn’t want to see anything go to waste. He and I gathered up a few of the 4’ x 6’ x 8’ panel sidewalls, one of the entry doors, some of the heavy duty 6” x 6” posts. We then built a “mini-barn” in the back of my home’s yard! To this day, while housing the “pulpit” that the head pastor sat behind, my yard tools, three of Jeff Gordon #24 NASCAR tires, and a few memories of days gone by, this “stone from the Jordan River crossing” stands.
Isn’t the Lord amazing?! Isn’t He so full of love, provision, and hope for His children?! He is our Heavenly Father.
Many of those relationships, bonded over 15 years ago, still unite several of us. We prayed together. We worshipped together. We ate together. We worked together. We saw the Lord do miracles together.
I would love to share a whole lot more, but maybe at a later time.
Before I end this letter, and series, I want to share one very important concern the Lord keeps pressing deeper and deeper into my heart. It seems that I am almost consumed with this desire of His.
What I really loved seeing during those two years together were the different people, who came from different churches, to bless the same Father. What a joy it must have been for Abba to see His children enjoying His presence with one another.
I long to see the day when Abundant Hope (Matt & Darlene Woodhouse), All Nations Church (Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda), Antioch International Church (Peter Wyns, Jesse Enns, Richard Tompkins and myself), Beit Shofarot (Yossi Wentz), Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams), Cornerstone Church (Mark DeVito, Alan, John and Brian), Chavda Ministries International, CFI-USA (Hannele Pardain), Derek Prince Ministries (Dick Leggatt), FIRE Church (Scott Volk and Michael Brown), Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett), Hope of Israel (Sam Nadler), MorningStar Fellowship (Rick Joyner, Dave Yarnes and team), Present Word Ministries (Robbie Phillips), St. Giles Presbyterian (John Brown, Mike Green and all) and Vision for Israel (Barry & Batya Segal) - fellowships and ministries that we have either been members of, currently fellowship with, or served at over the last 17 years here in the greater Charlotte, NC area - will gather together at least one day. Imagine having each tribe and each people, blessing the Almighty God of Israel, as His children together. What do you think that will do to His heart? What do you think it will do to yours and mine?
“The Barn” gatherings were meant to be just a taste of what is to come. His plans for each of us are so beyond our dreams, visions and imaginations.
What a Mighty God we serve! The One Who WATCHES over Israel, Who also indeed watches over all those who will choose to draw near to Him and the rest of His Body.
Let Jesus (Yeshua) know of your heart’s love and commitment to Him today. Let us show our love for Him by walking together in love and unity.
Now would be such a good time.
Ahava to my family of friends,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

A very special closing note:  I hereby dedicate this entire four part series of “Dreams Do Come True” to my Mom and Dad. They had moved down to Charlotte, from over 40 years in Iowa, to help me with the work of the Lord. He had just retired at age 63, after spending 33 years working in the hot, dusty Viking Pump iron foundry in Cedar Falls, IA.
In the evenings, while yet there in Iowa, he also used to give of himself to several churches, laboring with his electrical skills to rewire their buildings. It was his gift to them, to show of his inner love for His Savior, Jesus Christ, as best he knew how.
Little did we know that he had early stages of lymphoma cancer over those two “retirement years” of 1995-1997, while part of “The Barn” history. Not until later, because he never complained to my knowledge, but continued being such a role model, and father figure, to so many of us.
I am so proud of my Dad. He spoke very little, but was such a hard worker, and provider for Mom and all of us eight kids. When he went to be with our Lord in July, 2000, before his 68th birthday, we mourned his passing, but rejoiced that his suffering in his natural body was over. He now dances in heaven with the rest (and best) of them!
So much honor and appreciation belongs to him too, along with the other natural and spiritual forefathers that I am deeply grateful for. Thanks Dad for being such a great example of how to “walk the walk”, while not speaking idle words. I love you, and miss you.
At the bottom of this Ahava Love Letter is a poem I wrote to honor him, nine years after his passing, on July 7, 2008.

P.S. Beit Tikvah meetings, held as part of Antioch International Church’s desire to bless Israel and instruct believers in our Jewish roots, is held every Friday night at 7 pm in Fort Mill, SC on the former Heritage USA property. We are next to our good friends at Morningstar fellowship.  Laurie and I, along with the Ahava Love Band, share Messianic worship music as we enjoy giving praise to Adonai. Senior Pastor Peter Wyns also loves sharing on his Jewish roots. We are Jews and Gentiles, coming together as one, for His end-time purposes to be fulfilled. We will walk together in unity.

Please plan on joining us when you are in the Charlotte area!  
Love For His People needs your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage?  

Ahava Love letter #14    Date: Feb. 8, in the year of our Lord 2011          Part IV (and final)  in the “Dreams Do Come True” series.

My Father Is With My Father
Nine years ago this July month,
My Father took my father home to Him.
After sixty-seven years on earth,
He has him in His place, of far more worth.

A quiet man, who didn’t say much at all,
But who spoke with his hard work, and commitments too.
These made him the real godly man I trust he was,
Which few probably knew, though I think it ‘twas.

Two jobs a day, most of those years of life,
Providing for eight kids, and our Mom, his wife.
Two pairs of hands, a heart of determination and will,
Made him the one I often think of still.

Not one to complain – just do what it takes;
Fixing peoples homes and many churches, for God’s sake.
Foundry life was hot, dirty and most often forlorn,
But he still had the garden, providing all with beans and corn.

Putting in electric outlets, insulation and lights,
Made the evening hours long and not that bright.
But when finished, and another job was done,
Gave me a sense of pride, in being my father’s son.

So kids, love your dad on earth, and especially the One above.
Learn what you can now, as he shows you His love.
And fathers, keep your children taught, with all the good you know,
For they need to see the Way, but not just for show.

My Father has my father, now in his heavenly reward.
He’s probably fixing someone’s mansion, so far upward.
Maybe he’s tending a garden, or camping with some friends,
Or getting the rest he so deserved; but with helping hands still lends.

For you Dad, with love,

Steve and all your family
July 7, 2008

Michael of the Chris Updegraft Band

Antioch - Jesse Enns - Faith for Today (1 of 3 parts)

Antioch - Jesse Enns - Faith for Today (2 of 3 parts)

Antioch - Jesse Enns - Faith for Today (3 of 3 parts)

Chris Updegraft Band - "Amazed"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ahava Love Letter "Dreams Do Come True" - Part III

                                                      Ahava Love Letter   
“Dreams Do Come True
 (Part III of Series)

“…but I press on, that I may lay hold of that
for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” Philippians 3:12 (NKJV)

Dear family of friends,
In the previous parts of this series ( I & II) I shared the beginning of “dreams do come true.” Through one dream the Lord gave to me in 1991, a major move, resulting with exciting changes, came about in my life and others, in 1994. It was the start of a new challenge, in a new area, with old and new friends. I continue on this ahava journey (love in Hebrew), with this edition of Ahava Love Letters.
“The landing in the promised land” had come. It surely was an eventful trip to Charlotte, NC from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The two packed semi-trucks, followed by the three family vehicles, hit the road in the dead heat of summer, on July 3, 1994. It took the full 14 hours of “road time”, as the Lord had given to me in the dream. That was back in April 1991, a full three years earlier.
The secretary and her shedding red-haired Irish Setter left the office team before we even got to the new ministry and church location. (Long story. No time now to write about it. If you e-mail me I will share pertinent information, without names. Because you too probably had “expected commitments” become “uncommitted.” Hint – her yellow sticky note on my hotel door, placed there the morning after we arrived in Charlotte on July 4, didn’t have enough space to tell the full story. I have never seen her since.)
So now, with a small staff reduced from only three to now two, that of Jerome Lukas and I, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda did what other good leaders do. They kept moving forward in His purposes. And so did we.
It was a beautiful and expansive location! Right here in the Carolinas. God’s country!
Unpacking and setting up the homes, apartments and offices took a good bit of time. I am most grateful that Jodie Lukas came on board, to help “fill the gap.” Her secretarial skills were most needed. I had all I could do to get Mahesh and Bonnie’s situations set up, while at the same time preparing the “work never stops” daily ANC/MCM full office. That being along with my own administrator’s office, which occupied the former bedroom of good friends of ours. (Their faithfulness was rewarded with the big project of restoring the Heritage USA/PTL Grand Hotel, not too far from this place, many years later!)
The Lord’s grace surely always abounds, just as we need it for that He has called and equipped us to do. Thank you Jesus!
In addition, I am also most grateful to my good wife Laurie, who managed the home front, with the four kids (Christen in grade school, Hannah in middle school, Josh and Ben in high school) getting settled in too. There were major adjustments for all, after the seven years in Florida. As in the case of several, who are also ministry wives that I know, she did a great deal of work “in the background shadows,” as I labored at the other end. I am eternally grateful for my lifelong helpmate, and worship leading partner. We all need each other, right?!
The neatest thing we received (OK, “cool” for all the rest of you) were the new friends who came to help. Especially in those early non-stop days, we so appreciated our “old friends” Art and Ruth Maki, Mike and Leslie Adams, Michael and Mary Anne Blade, and Jerome and Jodie Lukas. “Then along came John…,” along with Willie and Linda Hardee, Bobby and Ginger Hussey, Rick and Laurie Hardee,  Timmy Bryant (who later joined us on staff), Rainbow Coan, Ham Fitcher and others who joined us in the new work of the Lord.
My parents, Louis and Lila Martin, made the long move from my hometown of Cedar Falls, Iowa, and joined us in the effort. Dad had just retired at age 65, after 33 years with Viking Pump Company, and wanted to help me with the ministry. (We had both told each other in 1985 that we would both work together at Heritage USA/PTL someday.) Mom and Dad were such a vital part in the “next phase” of those glorious days, in 1995, when we needed a church meeting place. That story will be told in the next “chapter.”
Within the year, the “Watch of the Lord” began, the weekly Friday nights of praise and prayer, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. For the next six years my family was involved, enjoying the hours with the Lord and His growing body of believers in this “tribe.”
Bobby Hussey would play his keyboard for eight straight hours. (OK, he did take two short breaks for the necessities.) That was even after a weeklong job of laying bricks all day. Many used shakers of all sorts to “make some joyful noise.” I enjoyed beating on my tambourine. Over the years, I went through at least six. Several are hanging on our “former garage” history room wall. Dated of course.
Mahesh and Bonnie always brought a timely, prophetic word from the Lord, as we basked in the Holy Spirit’s presence (Ruach Ha Kodesh in Hebrew).
When we outgrew “the chapel” (the previously transformed double vehicle storage room of the parsonage), we sought the Lord for His next provision. Squeezing 70 plus people in that space got just a bit too cozy. Bottom line: we needed a bigger tent.
The Lord quickly answered in a vision. It was given directly to Bonnie, as she especially sought the Lord, if I remember correctly.
As you may recall in my previous Ahava Love Letters, there was a horse barn in the dream. (A “working” barn, as I described it in a letter accompanying the dream drawing when I shared it with others later, back in 1991.) There was the one on the property. But there were horses in it.
So what next? The story continues…so stay tuned! (And have a good week in the Lord.)
Ahava to my family of friends,
Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People Inc.

P.S. Beit Tikvah meetings, held as part of Antioch International Church’s desire to bless Israel and instruct believers in our Jewish roots, is held every Friday night at 7 pm in Fort Mill, SC on the former Heritage USA property. We are next to our good friends at Morningstar fellowship.  Laurie and I, along with the Messianic music worship team, enjoy giving praise to Adonai.
Please plan on joining us when you are in the Charlotte area!  Senior Pastor Peter Wyns also loves sharing on his Jewish roots. We are Jews and Gentiles, coming together as one, for His end-time purposes to be fulfilled. We will walk together in unity.
You can donate now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  

Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage?  

Ahava Love Letter #13   Date: Feb. 2, in the year of our Lord 2011     Part III in the “Dreams Do Come True” series

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ahava Love Letter - "Dreams Do Come True - Part II"

     Ahava Love Letter   
“Dreams Do Come True – Part II”
The LORD of hosts has sworn saying, “Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened,
and just as I have planned so it will stand…” Isaiah 14:24

Dear family of friends,
In Part I, I began this story of how “dreams do come true.” Through one dream the Lord gave to me in 1991, it helped confirm some guidance needed, for a ministry I was involved with, in a major directional move. I continue on, with this week’s edition, Part II.
That small rural, former horse farmhouse, with its gray siding and  the typical Southern porch, was located just a hundred feet or so from the “big house.” It was used as a place for visitors and volunteers to stay in. In March, 1994, when Bonnie Chavda and I came to “check out Charlotte”, a missionary couple was staying there for a few months. They were from Brazil, if I remember correctly, on a “sabbatical” (rest) time.
Harry and Louise Bizell, founders of Lamb’s Chapel, had Bonnie and I stay with them in the retreat center’s main home “big house”), which was their very roomy home. Nine bedrooms. Nine baths. Huge by my Iowan standards. (It had been built many years earlier as a “country home”, south of uptown Charlotte, NC.)
Their big, yellow Labrador dog was the main door keeper. He also had double duty as the guest greeter.
Another smaller home, which was called the “cottage”, had been built across the grassy, pecan tree laden lawn. It was then occupied by a couple from another state, other than North Carolina. Going down the property’s gravel lane from that lodging was a very small shed, maybe 10” x 12”. Rick Joyner (MorningStar founder) later called it his “international office,” when he spoke to us later in the weekend schedule.
Continuing down the narrow, one car lane drive was the Lamb’s Chapel retreat center’s horse barn, complete with three or four beautiful creatures. One of the Bizell daughters cared for the riding horses. (And you will find out more about that barn, just another wooden structure at the time, on the property, in later Ahava Love Letters! What a story that turned out to be. I can’t wait to tell you.)
Bonnie and my stay would last just a few days. During that time we enjoyed the bountiful breakfasts that Louise would make, laughed at the elaborate funny stories Harry would tell, and prayed about where the Lord was leading the ministry. It would become clearer real soon.
One of those mornings Bonnie had been out on her daily jog. This time it was down the road off Lancaster Highway, four miles south of Pineville, NC, on the former Dexter Yaeger property (of Amway fame) that MorningStar was leasing. Paul Cain lived in part of the grandeur-type pillared, two story brick home on the front of this acreage, near the small lake that was along the two lane highway. A one story warehouse building and a ranch style brick home were also near the lake. This body of water was fully encircled by a white wooden fence. (All are still there to this day, despite all the development that has gone on south of Charlotte’s uptown.)
Rick and Julie Joyner’s family lived down the gravel road, on the backside of that large, wooded property, in a very nice three-story log cabin home. Attached to it was a meeting space which held at least 100 chairs.
The MorningStar Fellowship’s Friday night School of the Spirit was being held in that room. Leonard Jones, Matthew Donavan and other worship leaders led the worship that Friday night Bonnie and I were there. It was a glorious worship time, to simply describe it. No exaggeration. And many prophetic words were shared among those in attendance. Rick gave a good word as usual, but I can’t find my spiraled notes just now to tell you what he talked about. (Sidebar: Probably buried in a tub underneath all the other select treasured items in one of my closets. “Probably”, as I hate throwing useful archives out.)
Bonnie later told me of the encounter she had had with the Lord earlier that day’s morning, when she ran up the back steps of the large cabin during her jog time. At the top, she looked out over the deck rail at the area in front of her. A passenger jet plane, right at that moment, was going into its “landing pattern” (catch the prophetic meaning by this simple event), over the southern pine forest. At that exact moment she recalled the vision the Lord had earlier given her in Wilton Manors, Florida, their home at the time, which bordered on Fort Lauderdale.
Even though I persistently asked afterwards, she wouldn’t tell me what she felt at that moment in time. I wanted to know what it had meant to her. After she did tell me part of it, I further sensed in my spirit that the Lord was confirming to her hesitant heart something about this land, and a bit of what the Lord may have in plan for all of us here. Time would tell, as they say.
I think we both had hoped that Mahesh would readily agree as to what we were feeling. I determined that we both were now quite sure of what would soon take place. A move for several families, the ministry and the new church, which we had earlier that year founded as All Nations Church, to this part of the country.
We flew back to Fort Lauderdale, shared as best we could of that “confirming time” as we knew it to be, and awaited the final decision of the move. It didn’t take long.
On July 3, 1994, two full size semi-moving trucks left Fort Lauderdale on I95, heading straight north. (For Laurie and I, we were leaving our “Egypt.”) The movers were loaded down with the household goods of the Chavdas (six of them), the Martins (six of them), Jerome and Jodie Lukas’ family (Ben, Ariel and Gabe’s stuff too!) and the red-headed Claudia Lawrence (the “German Gentile Jew,” as she called herself. She was employed as the assistant secretary.) She also insisted on bringing along with her red-shedding haired large Irish Setter.
Following behind in our cars, the entourage travel would take approximately 14 hours to get to this North Carolina/South Carolina area (if you drive the speed limit.) Another adventure had begun.
In Part III, I will share on “the landing” in the land. Life isn’t always the “fun and adventure” you want and hope for. But the Lord has all His plans for us ready to be revealed, as we seek His face daily. Be seeking!
Ahava to my family of friends,
Steve Martin
P.S. Beit Tikvah meetings, held as part of Antioch International Church’s desire to bless Israel and instruct believers in our Jewish roots, is held every Friday night at 7 pm in Fort Mill, SC on the former Heritage USA property. Laurie and I, along with the Messianic music worship team, enjoy giving praise to Adonai. Plan on joining us when you are in the Charlotte area!  
You can donate now on-line by clicking here for our website “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage?  

Ahava Love letter #12  Date: Jan. 24, in the year of our Lord 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ahava Love letter - "Dreams Do Come True - Part I"

*              Ahava Love Letter   
 “Dreams Do Come True – Part I”
“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Joel. 2:28,29

(I believe these next Ahava Love Letters  will be some of my most timely ones. You will not want to miss one, and read all  – however many that ends up being - to get the full picture. So read on, and learn a bit of how He leads us on!)

Dear family of friends,
It was dark outside. And inside the bedroom too. But when I suddenly woke up Sunday morning, Dec. 12, 2010, at 5:20 a.m., I had learned to expect that something was coming. I like it when those bright red numbers shine at you, and you don’t have to get up. But when you do, because the Lord is about to tell you something that you know you need to write down before you forget it, a blessing follows.
(Sidebar: Numbers mean more than just being numbers to count with. Consider the number “5”, which stands for “grace.”(I also like the “grace” given towards us all. “Hannah” is the Hebrew word for “divine grace”. Nice!) He continually reminds me of that. Those clock numbers of 5 and 20 - “5 x 4 x 5” - means “a lot of grace” to me, each time I see that combination of numbers upon wakening.
Might you learn to think like that too? It will not only build your faith, applying the meanings to numbers when you see them, but it will also give you a thankful heart, as you realize more often that He is sharing with you through all things. Numbers included.)
Immediately the Voice came in my thoughts, to share this Ahava Love Letter.
Write to them that dreams do come true.” (The ones He gives us.)
The Lord then began to remind me of this one dream that He gave to me almost 20 years ago. As I share it, know that it is meant to encourage you in your dreams. The ones that you have already had, and the ones that will surely come from the Lord. He is speaking a lot these days through dreams and visions.
In the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s, our family of Laurie, Josh, Ben, Hannah, Christen and I lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. At this specific time of the dream, it was near the completion of another seven year cycle for Laurie and I.
 Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, Art and Ruth Maki, and Mike and Leslie Adams were seriously praying about where the ministry, known then as Mahesh Chavda Ministries, was going to move to. South Florida had been the location since the Chavdas came from Texas, but now the Lord was calling for a natural location move for the spiritual growth of these and more families to come. Regular times of prayer and fasting were occurring among us, and in Good News Church, for that specific prayer concern. We started at least three years before we felt the time would actually occur for the major change. A wise thing to do.
Phoenix, San Francisco, Austin, Texas and Colorado Springs made up the top four consideration list. Charlotte, NC was a distant fifth, being it was the “belt buckle” of the “Bible Belt”. The word had been spoken that we wouldn’t really consider a move to such a “religious” section of the country. Not what was desired.
Not only would Mahesh Chavda Ministries be transplanted, but the thought of starting a new church was also in the mix. (Sidebar: Charlotte already had at least 700 churches, ranking it among the most per capita in the USA, around 1990. So why start another one there?)
But a few of us, who had some input, had the inclination of moving to Charlotte. We knew of the city’s physical location and the spiritual “heritage” that had already been established here. Laurie and I felt this for sure, primarily because of this being the former location of Heritage, USA and Jim Bakker’s PTL. (We still had our three “lifetime memberships” in hand since 1985, though no longer any good.)
We also wanted more connection with the thriving prophetic ministry of Rick and Julie Joyner and the team of Morningstar (Steve Thompson, Leonard Jones, Matthew Donovan, John Holcomb, etc.). Along with Mike Bickle’s team in Kansas City (another honorable “tribe” in the Lord’s army), our hearts and heads were pointed this way. After the “discipleship and shepherding movement” that we had benefited from for many years, we believed this to be the next move of the Lord – the prophetic movement. Both of these ministries we held in high regards in our hearts, for many reasons.
“We’ll just keep praying,” I thought to myself at times, while basically leaving it up to the main leadership to hear from the Lord.
In the spring of 1991, the Lord gave me a dream. It was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever received, and this one I knew was to be shared immediately with others. So I scribbled down the “picture” I saw in the dream, while yet at home that following morning, before going into the office. When I got to the MCM office down the street a few hours later, and sat at my administrator’s desk, I grabbed the first blank paper I had. It was the back side of a cassette tape set album master cover that had been misprinted. (It had the word “anointing” misspelled “annointing.” In case you have misspelled it before, remember this. You don’t want to miss the anointing.) J
As usual, being I hadn’t wanted to waste this absolutely good paper, on the backside, I had a pile of these misprints sitting in the back of the Fort Lauderdale office. Now this one piece had the prophetic dream picture drawn on it. At the time, I didn’t fully understand what it would end up being. Usual case when the Lord gives you something in the beginning.
(Sidebar: That first MCM public office was then located under the second story home of Mrs. Rodriquez, whom I wrote the rental checks to each month. It was also across the street from the Fort Lauderdale High School, home of the “Flying L’s”. (And I thought our 8th grade St. Patrick’s football team name of “Shamrocks” was really corny. But their mascot name took the top prize. Maybe that’s why the Flying L’s weren’t any good at football in those days.)
David and Anna Selby’s kids Chris and Lisa were attending there at that time. David had recently been my boss at Derek Prince Ministries (1987-1990), for the first time, just a mile or two down the road. They had been so kind as to let us stay in Chris and Lisa’s bedrooms, with our four kids, for the first two weeks after we had moved to the Atlantic coastal city on that hot August day in 1987. (Our long-time friend, Michael Blade, drove the 24’ UHaul from East Lansing, MI to there. After helping his family move six times, he wanted to bless us back! We also weres topping three days at Heritage USA/PTL, in Charlotte, NC, to use our three “lifetime memberships.”)
Back at the Selbys, the kids of both families adjusted to our two week stay. We were so grateful for that demonstration of love, and the many more that followed. The Lord’s goodness and provision came also through them, the Selby family.)
After I had drawn out on the “anointed” paper what I had remembered from the dream, I first shared it with Bonnie, being Mahesh was out of town again. (He was averaging 256 days a year away from home on ministry trips during those days.) Then I put it in the “may not ever happen” file in my home desk drawer. It stayed there for three years.
Fast forward, three years to be exact, to May of 1994. Bonnie and I made an “investigative trip” to the Charlotte area. We stayed at the home of Harry and Louise Bizell, of Lamb’s Chapel. It was a beautiful, nine bedroom, nine bath home located just 10 miles due south of “uptown Charlotte”, on 60 acres, just before the South Carolina border. Rick and Julie Joyner had once lived on the property too, when they had moved earlier to the Charlotte area. They had occupied the small, two bedroom gray house, with a typical southern front porch attached, that was also on the property.
I’ll have to stop at this point for now, being I am running out of my “two or three pages per letter” room (and your time!) But just to give you a hint of what is to come…the Joyner’s former bedroom, complete with the black pot belly stove/fireplace that blue birds got caught in from the roof flue, would become my new administrator’s office! Rick shared later that he had angel visitations in that room, which he also wrote in one of his books. (Or said in one of his messages, which then went into a book?)
So be watching for Part II next week! See what the Lord has done, as He continues to fulfill dreams.
Ahava to my family of friends,
P.S. A big “Welcome!” to our new readers, especially those from the Beit Tikvah meetings we hold every Friday night (on the former heritage USA/PTL property!), as part of Antioch International Church’s desire to bless Israel and learn of our Jewish roots. Feel free to share this “freely” with whomever you’d like also.
P.S.S. Love For His People, Inc. sends monthly financial support to believers “on the ground” in Jerusalem, and to an orphanage in Accra, Ghana, cared for by a Messianic Jew named Ephraim. We also give as we can to assist a very reliable work in Hyderabad, India, called Lighthouse Center India, founded by John Ebenezer. We appreciate your special gifts.
You can donate now on-line by clicking here for our website “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035
 Facebook page: Steve Martin  Twitter: martinlighthous  Blog:  Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage and envelopes!) Plus you too can bless others through your favorite ahava letterman!                                                                                                       
 Ahava Love Letter #11       In the year of our Lord Jan. 18, 2011