Monday, June 25, 2018

Britain finally stands up for Israel at the Human Rights Council, sort of - Israel Video Network

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Britain seems like they want to defend Israel at the Human Rights Council as Boris Johnson speaks up. But their strength and commitment to defending Israel NOW seems to be lacking. They are a bit too lax in their position - so how can anyone take them seriously?
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These tunnels are used to infiltrate Israel and kill Israelis! Important footage to see, even if the reporting is rather biased.
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We must learn from Begin. In the midst of the War of Independence, Begin stood up and refused to shoot back when Ben-Gurion ordered an attack on the Irgun. Hate won't get us anywhere. We are brothers and sisters and will strengthen our country with this love.
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Yonatan Razel teams together with the Mzansi Youth Choir of South Africa in this unbelievable performance. Singing a well known tune by Rav Shlomo Carlebach, their voices are flawless and will blow you away. This is a must see rendition of “For my brothers."
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Avi Abelow
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Zechariah's Prophecies ✡ "My Towns Shall Yet Overflow With Bounty" - Israel365

Proclaim further: Thus said God of Hosts: My towns shall yet overflow with bounty. For Hashem will again comfort Tzion; He will choose Yerushalayim again
Zechariah 1:17 (The Israel Bible™)

עוֹד קְרָא לֵאמֹר כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת עוֹד תְּפוּצֶינָה עָרַי מִטּוֹב וְנִחַם יְהוָה עוֹד אֶת־צִיּוֹן וּבָחַר עוֹד בִּירוּשָׁלִָם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

OD k’-RA lay-MOR KOH a-MAR a-do-NAI tz’-va-OT OD t’-fu-TZE-nah a-RAI mi-TOV
ni-KHAM a-do-NAI OD et tzi-YON u-va-KHAR OD bee-ru-sha-LA-im

Zechariah's Prophecies

The prophet Zecharya lives at a very exciting time in Jewish history, when the Persian King Darius allows his Jewish subjects to return to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple). While there are some who heed the call, many do not respond with the proper enthusiasm. Zecharya tries to encourage the children of Israel to return by reiterating God’s promises and blessings regarding the land of Israel. According to many commentators these prophecies apply not only to the time of Zecharya, but also to the days of the future redemption. Recent years have begun to see the fulfillment of these prophecies, as many cities in Israel flourish again, and God has chosen Yerushalayim by returning His children to the holy city.
More on the holy city

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