Friday, October 28, 2016

"Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Messiah's feet
Matthew 4:23 - a description of Yeshua's ministry:
"And Yeshua was going about in the Galilee...proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people."
These are Yeshua's instructions to his disciples found in Mathew 10:7-8:
"As you go, preach, saying, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.'  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give."
Recently our son Ariel invited us to join him in training with a team who were going about the Galilee healing the sick and casting out demons.  I know this sounds incredible, but remember what Yeshua said would happen in John 12: 12-14:
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these will he do; because I go to the Father."

So we took Yeshua at His Word and hit the streets two by two.  When we met people we asked them if we could ask a question.  We prefaced it by saying the question was a bit unusual.  If they agreed we asked if they had pain in their body.  Depending on their response we would pray for them.
I was paired with a Jewish believer from Romania who barely spoke Hebrew and no English at all. My Hebrew is ok but sometimes I'm searching for words.  He was supposed to train me but due to the language barrier, he couldn't relay what we were to do. But that didn't stop him and with his broken Hebrew, he approached strangers and simply asked, "Do you have any pain in your body?" You can imagine some of the responses, "Excuse me?" "What did you say?" "Why do you want to know?"  "Who are you?!"  It was a challenge but he was undeterred.  
Finally we met a gentle lady with an abundance of patience, necessary traits in order to bear our painful presentation.  She admitted that she did have pain in her lower back.  So we offered to pray for her.  Then I sensed there was something wrong with her feet.  When I asked her if we could pray for her feet, her eyes widened and she asked, "How did you know?!"  She not only suffered from a foot disease but one of her legs was longer than the other.  After we prayed for her, her shorter foot grew out right before our eyes!  She jumped up and danced while shouting that her back pain was gone and that we must be angels!  We assured her that we weren't angels but that Yeshua had touched her.  "I'm open.  Tell me more," she said.  So we explained the Gospel as well as we could. She gratefully gave us her phone number so Ariel could follow up with her.

Carolyn also encountered people on the streets and together we are entering into a new season of seeking G-d's heart for reaching the lost, healing the sick and bringing the Kingdom of heaven to earth.  Please pray about several recent developments that are adding to our longing to see more and more of Him and less and less of us... 

"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.  
Freely you received, freely give."  Matthew 10:8
Speaking Song Lyrics - a testimony

A dear friend described a recent encounter while sharing Messiah with an Orthodox Jew who became quite hostile. 
Our friend suddenly quoted this song from my CD: 
Just like Joseph, He's hidden from you.  
Just like His brothers, you don't have a clue.  
Can't you hear him?  He's talking to you. 
What's it gonna take 'till you know what to do?  
Then our friend walked away, leaving the man speechless!
Living Stones visit from CanadaChinese group in Jerusalem
Scripture Zechariah
Our hope is to raise up informed intercessors for Israel through these meetings.  One young man after a meeting said, "I loved getting to come and I can't even begin to describe how much it impacted me."
What an honor and a joy to minister to beautiful believers from the nations in Jerusalem and in the Galilee!
Chinese group in Jerusalem 
During my "spare time" I love adding Scripture to photos I've taken from Israel and posting them on my Facebook page.  Please feel free to share them and encourage others with the Word! 
Upcoming Journeys
We are beginning to put together a brief journey to Germany, Switzerland and France in January, 2017 and praying about another to the East in the spring or summer.  Please pray for G-d's perfect will and timing...
NASA view of IsraelRH ChWould you like to join us in praying for the coming Aliyah, the return of the Jewish people to Israel?  If so, please let us know and we'll send you details about an upcoming Aliyah conference this January, 2017 in Jerusalem.  
We are so grateful for your faithful love, prayers and support. 
May the L-rd bless you all and give you a keen spirit of discernment so you'll understand the times you live in and know what to do...
Blessings in Messiah's amazing love,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada *  

Worship Music and Outreach Booklets from Israel!

 Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover   All 5 Supernatural booklets in a row
partner with us icon      

We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

10 Ways to Show Godly Respect to Your Wife - CAROL PETERS-TANKSLEY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

A happy couple can be found when both parties show each other the respect they deserve.
A happily married couple can be found when both parties show each other the respect they deserve. (Flickr )

10 Ways to Show Godly Respect to Your Wife

A marriage without respect will not thrive. But sometimes it's hard to know how to show respect to your spouse.
Where respect falls in the hierarchy of needs and desires may differ somewhat between men and women, but it's a vital need for both sexes. Not demonstrating respect to your spouse will kill any real intimacy between you. Without respect you cannot be—and feel—connected to each other.
As a wife, you may feel as though your husband should earn your respect before you offer it. But if the situation were reversed, would you want him to demand you earn his love before he offers it to you? Showing respect for him should be a gift you voluntarily offer whenever possible.
As a husband, you may not realize how much the degree to which you show respect to your wife causes her spirit to either shrivel and die—or thrive and grow. If you want your wife to be a queen and display her beauty to you, treating her with respect will go a long way toward allowing her to do just that.
So here are some practical ways in which you can show respect to your spouse:
1. Listenreally listento them. Paying attention to and devoting real energy to understanding what your spouse is trying to communicate shows that you value what they have to say. Listening without interrupting or putting them down shows that their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and feelings are important to you.
2. Seek out their opinion. Don't wait for your spouse to always initiate conversation. Seek out ways and times when you can ask for their input on what you are working on, struggling with or interested in. Doing so shows you think they have something of value to offer.
3. Celebrate their wins. When your spouse accomplishes something that was a challenge, reaches a milestone or takes an active step toward fulfilling a dream, celebrate with them. Make a big deal—in appropriate measure—over their win. Brag about their win to others, as appropriate. Be your spouse's biggest cheerleader.
4. Ditch the criticism. That doesn't mean you sweep problems or issues under the rug. It does mean you don't nag. Period. No condescending comments. Express the concerns you have clearly, privately and with the purpose of solving a problem or offering support, not tearing down your spouse.
5. Guard their reputation. There will be things your spouse does that you don't like, or that hurt you. Don't air their dirty laundry to your friends, on social media or otherwise in public. If there are some serious issues about which you need advice or support, seek out a counselor, pastor or older godly Christian to get input from—privately. 
6. Speak well of them in public. This is the converse of No. 5, and it's one of the most powerful ways in which you can show respect. Speak well of your spouse in public or on social media. And it's great when your spouse can catch you doing this; it validates how much you respect him/her. And make your positive words real; no underhanded or qualified praise.
7. When you cause them pain, apologize. You don't want your spouse to dismiss your hurt feelings, so don't make that mistake with them. Your spouse feels how they feel; acknowledge that. Even if the pain you caused them was unintentional or seems unreasonable to you, apologize and make it right as much as you are able.
8. Be your best self. Take care of yourself in a way that your spouse can be proud of you. You're not doing it because your spouse wants you to, but taking care of your health, your appearance and your attitudes/behavior shows you care enough about your relationship to bring your best self to it.
9. Study your spouse. You study things that really matter to you. Studying your spouse—becoming increasingly aware of their moods, fears, strengths and love language—shows that they are the most important thing in the world to you. You're paying attention; that demonstrates respect.
10. "If it's important to you, it's important to me." If your spouse cares about something, you must care about it too. You may not feel the same as your spouse does about sports, fashion or what a particular person says or does, but you can care about it because you care about your spouse and the impact that issue, person or situation has on them.
Few things demonstrate disrespect more than making your spouse an afterthought in your life. Taking the time and energy to learn how to show your spouse respect will pay big dividends. Respect will strengthen and fuel your marriage in powerful ways.
Does your spouse know that you respect him/her—by what you say and do? If you're not sure, ask. And then invest the time and energy in learning how to demonstrate respect to them in the ways that will mean the most to them.
Question: How well are you demonstrating respect to your spouse? Is there a way you could do that better? You can leave a comment below. 
Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley is both a board certified OB-Gyn physician and an ordained doctor of ministry. As an author and speaker, she loves helping people discover the Fully Alive kind of life that Jesus came to bring us. Visit her website at
For the original article, visit
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Spreading the 'Good' Lies Friday, October 28, 2016 | Chris Moxon ISRAEL TODAY

Spreading the 'Good' Lies

Friday, October 28, 2016 |  Chris Moxon  ISRAEL TODAY

Want more news from Israel?
Britain’s Lichfield Cathedral has hosted a conference with the intention of ‘Holding Palestine in the Light’.
But instead, an avalanche of familiar bias aimed at undermining and delegitimizing Israel was presented by a panel of intellectuals, including the Dean of St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem, Hosam Nahoum, who suggested that the Palestinians were converted to Christianity at Pentecost 2,000 years ago.
This of course flies in the face of the biblical record which makes it clear that the early Christians were entirely Jewish, though this included a small number of converts (to Judaism).
He later admitted that, in services, he and other Palestinians try to avoid the Old Testament (what Jews call the Tenach) and does not use the Psalms as they are “Israel-friendly”.
His interviewer, Jane Clements[1], even confessed that she finds it very hard to say “This is the word of the Lord” (in formal Anglican tradition) after reading some passages of the Bible which, she said, “patently isn’t the word of God”.
And yet the Old Testament is the scripture Jesus knew and loved – he even said he had come, not to abolish the Law (of Moses), but to fulfill it, as in ‘live it out’. (Matthew 5.17)
He denies, however, that his view amounts to Replacement Theology, the belief in some Christian circles that the Church has replaced Israel in God’s purposes and affections.
Yet so-called ‘Christian Zionism’ was described by the host – the Very Rev Adrian Dorber (dean of the cathedral) – as a “pernicious doctrine” when the panel was discussing the impact of evangelical Christianity on Israeli politicians.
Some of the greatest Christians of the past few centuries – men like John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, William Wilberforce, Lord Shaftesbury and Rees Howells – have indeed encouraged and supported Jewish aspirations to resettle their ancient homeland. And they were right to do so because the Bible prophets clearly speak of such an outcome.
And, yes, these wonderful Christian leaders influenced the government of the day to help bring this about. Hence the Balfour Declaration of 1917 that paved the way for Jewish repatriation. (Lord Balfour, the Foreign Secretary, effectively gave a promise that the British Government would do all in its power to facilitate a re-born state of Israel).
Professor Ilan Pappe, a secular Jew, then made the astonishing claim that Zionist leaders plotted the pogroms and expulsions of Jews from Arab countries following Israel’s re-birth in order to increase the new state’s population because “not many Jews from Europe wanted to go there”.
He also said that Jewish students in the UK identifying with Israel can expect pressure, and noted that every synagogue holds weekly prayers for Israel, which renders them “vulnerable”.
Actually, praying for Israel is a biblical command, even for Christians (e.g. Psalm 122.6 & Isaiah 62.6).
In short, much of the discussion bordered on the absurd, such as Professor Yossi Meckleberg’s[2] statement that “there can be no thriving Israeli economy without peace, no democracy without peace, no security without peace…”
The situation, however, seems to be that Israel does indeed have democracy and a thriving economy despite a lack of peace.
In conclusion, the Lichfield dean felt obliged to defend discussing the “grubby world” of politics in a church setting as “sanctified disputation” which “redounds to the glory of God and is deep within the tradition of being an English cathedral”.
It is difficult to see how some of the secular, non-believing, obviously biased participants were engaging in ‘sanctified disputation’. More like anti-Semitism dressed up in Christian piety.
For full article see blog page

  1. Jane Clements is director of CCJ, the Council of Christians and Jews ↩
  2. A professor at Regent’s College, London  ↩
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Actor Denzel Washington speaks at the Carousel of Hope Ball in Beverly Hills, California. (REUTERS/David McNew)

Denzel Washington: God 'Had Faith in Me'


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Did you know that Hollywood actor Denzel Washington considered becoming a Christian pastor?
According to Faithwire, the A-list actor whose father was a Pentecostal minister thought about preaching despite hating church as a child. Today, Washington has no qualms about his Christian faith. He has been a member of the West Angeles Church of God in Christ for over 30 years and professed that he prays and reads the Bible every day
Washington recalled from his childhood, "Because we had to go to church, I hated it. ... I rejected it in my early teen years, when you're working stuff out." Additionally, due to his father's pastoral role, Washington was barred from watching most Western films. Thus the only movies from his childhood he remembers are Bible epics such as King of Kings and The Ten Commandments.
Despite his sheltered childhood, Washington has held roles in a dynamic collection of films including American GangsterThe Equalizer and Training Day.
And of course, he no longer shies away from Christianity, and instead is quick to identify the impact it has had on his life. At a Christian charity event in St. Louis, Missouri, Washington attested, "There's never been a time (when) God didn't direct, protect and correct me."
Washington's career aspirations ranged from studying pre-med, to political science and pre-law, to journalism, before he finally settled on acting. A Christianity Today article reported that Washington "chooses roles that he can bend in the direction of a positive message or a reflection of his deep personal faith."
"Give thanks for blessings every day. Everyday. Embrace gratitude. Encourage others. It is impossible to be grateful and hateful at the same time," Washington remarked at a charity event.
What a refreshing message from a man who lives out his Christian faith despite the secular influence of Hollywood. 
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request - CBN News David Brody

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request
CBN News  David Brody
WASHINGTON -- The Trump family has a new place to stay on Pennsylvania Avenue.
No, not that one… but the new Trump International Hotel. The Republican presidential candidate took credit for opening the doors under budget and ahead of schedule.
He's hoping that accomplishment can translate to success on the campaign trail but most national pollsters see trouble ahead for him.
Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is making a play for traditional Republican states, a strategy Trump tells CBN News she may want to rethink.
"You know Hillary wants to run up the score on you? Democrats might be a little cocky," CBN News Chief Political Correspondent David Brody said.
"I don't think they're cocky anymore. Now it looks like we're leading Florida, could be leading Florida big," Trump responded. 
"They are out playing in Arizona and Utah," Brody said. 
"I think we're doing very well in Arizona. I mean, we'll speak in two weeks and see what happens," Trump said.
Some recent polls show Trump possibly closing the gap. Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CBN's Jenna Browder she's confident.
"I believe that we will win. I believe that the country is calling, urging for true change not just talking about it in polls," Conway explained. "Seventy-five percent of Americans now say that they want to take the country in a new and different direction. That's an unmistakable endorsement and frankly an unmistakeable mandate."
If Trump hopes to pull this off, he needs one key ingredient and a lot of it.  A source inside the Republican National Committee says it would take at least 80 percent of the evangelical vote to put him in the White House.
"Is it about the base at this point to make sure evangelicals who are a big part of the base that they get out? Because do you believe evangelicals are the ones that kind of brought you to the dance and they are the ones that are going to get you over the top?" Brody asked.
"Well, we're doing very well with evangelicals and if they vote, we're going to win the election…had they voted four years ago, and they didn't, you would have had a different result in the election instead of having Obama who has been catastrophic for evangelicals and a lot of the things that we stand for," Trump urged.
"What is your message to those that are on the fence and aren't sure?" Brody asked. 
"I just want the people to remember: United States Supreme Court. Whether they love me or like me or don't like me, we're going to put great justices, pro-life justices, we're going to put Second Amendment justices and I think for the evangelicals it's so important that they get out and vote," Trump reiterated.
Trump's wife Melania clearly understands the connection between this voting bloc and her husband's chance at success. 

"We want to thank them for their support of my husband. We believe in them. We're standing with them and we will be strong for them," she reassured.
Melania Trump has also shown strength in dealing with a media she says has it in for her husband.
"We saw very dishonest and not fair reporting without checking facts and it's really damaging and hurtful and it's unfair," she reflected.
Trump also adds fuel to the fire when he goes off script.
"Who is the real Donald Trump? We've seen different versions appear on the campaign trail at times," Brody asked. 
"Well, whatever you see that's what he is. He's a fighter, he's the best deal maker… He has days that he really feels that he needs to fight, fight for himself and that's how he will fight for the American people," Melania explained.

As the calendar turns toward November, this fight is coming to an end and Clinton wants to finish strong.
"You know, with 13 days left in this election we cannot stop for a minute. No complacency here," Clinton encouraged supporters.
You can bet Trump won't be complacent in these last days. His team is looking above as the homestretch approaches.
"What do you need prayer for?" Brody asked. 
"Well, we always say health, that's the most important because if you have health, you keep going and keep fighting," Melania replied.
Mike Huckabee with Donald Trump
"I would say I would like them to pray for guidance and to pray for our country because we need prayer now almost more than we've ever needed it before," Trump responded.
It's safe to say a big prayer will go up when this race finally comes to an end.
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.