Thursday, February 2, 2017

Be a Warrior in the Fight Against Poverty ✡ "They Shall Obtain Gladness" - ISRAEL365

And the ransomed of Hashem shall return, and come with singing unto Tzion, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

וּפְדוּיֵי יְהוָה יְשֻׁבוּן וּבָאוּ צִיּוֹן בְּרִנָּה וְשִׂמְחַת עוֹלָם עַל רֹאשָׁם שָׂשׂוֹן וְשִׂמְחָה יַשִּׂיגוּ וְנָסוּ יָגוֹן וַאֲנָחָה

ישעיהו לה:י

uf-du-YAY a-do-NAI y’-shu-VUN u-VA-u tzi-YON b’-ri-NAH v’-sim-KHAT o-LAM al ro-SHAM sa-SON v’-sim-KHAH ya-SEE-gu v’-NA-su ya-GON va-a-na-KHAH

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Hebrew language has many words to describe happiness. According to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, ‘osher’ (אשר) refers to the personal happiness that one experiences, such as when listening to music or observing something spectacular in nature. ‘Simkha’ (שמחה), on the other hand, is happiness that is created in the company of others, such as when celebrating at a wedding or laughing as a family. In this verse, Isaiah promises that the ransomed of the Lord will return with an everlasting joy, ‘simkhat olam,’ upon their heads. The collective joy of the redemption, of the nation returning to God and to the Holy Land, will be everlasting. Bring tremendous joy and happiness to the people of Israel who need it most.

Do You Want to Join the Fight Against Hunger in Israel? You've Come to the Right Place!

How much do you know about the poverty statistics of the Israeli population? Learn more here.

Choosing Between a Warm Home or a Hot Meal

As the temperatures in Israel drop and the weather gets colder, Colel Chabad is doing its part to bring warmth to many Israelis who cannot afford to heat their homes.

Beautiful Challah Bread Board

The corners of this simple yet elegant wooden Challah (bread) board are adorned with an articulate Ancient Jerusalem motif, matching the knife's handle. Engraved at the bottom of the board are the Hebrew words "Shabbat and Yom Tov" (Hebrew for "holiday") referring to the times of year when the Challah board is typically used. The wooden center, which is uniquely carved with a modern Star of David through which the crumbs will fall onto the plate below, is removable, making the board fun to use and easy to clean.
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Today's Israel Photo

The hills of Judea and Samaria call out to the indigenous people of the land, welcoming them home with sunshine as far as the eye can see!
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Ines Ragland from Virginia; Charles Gray from Colorado; Cathy Russell from the UK; Mr. & Mrs Carl Maurer from Florida.
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Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Keith Langston from Australia; Kenneth Wilken from New York; Maria Leizerovich from New Jersey; Jose Da Silva from Gauteng, SA.
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Thank you to our Israel365 Store Customers

"Todah Rabbah" to Rose Bechard from Canada; Sarah Diming from Illinois; Sally Needham from New York; Kathlean Keesler from Illinois.
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Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Thomas Vinit from Papua New Guinea. Todah rabah!

“Keep Jerusalem in My Prayers”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Well it's really awesome what your all doing. I really think it's unfair and selfish of all that has treated them this way .i will keep Jerusalem in my prayers. That finally they can be at ease and not have to worry .it has gone on way to long. Thankyou for sending me an email back.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Netanyahu Announces First New Jewish Settlement in Over 25 Years - israel today

Israel Today
Thursday, February 02, 2017


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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
 Netanyahu Announces First New Jewish Settlement in Over 25 Years
Netanyahu Announces First New Jewish Settlement in Over 25 Years
Israel looks to be finally ditching the so-called 'Oslo Accords' with first authorized settlement in decades
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 WATCH: Illegal Jewish Outpost of Amona Forcibly Evacuated
WATCH: Illegal Jewish Outpost of Amona Forcibly Evacuated
Israeli security forces carry out government order to evacuate, forcibly if needed, unauthorized Jewish outpost
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 End of Winter Sale
End of Winter Sale
Winter sale in Jerusalem: Top offers and great prices - only for a limited time!
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 Netanyahu Asks Rabbis to Pray for Trump
Netanyahu Asks Rabbis to Pray for Trump
Prime minister says it is his faith and study of God's Word that gives him strength to face the world
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National Prayer Breakfast: What Does Its History Reveal? - RealClear Religion Diane Winston

National Prayer Breakfast: What Does Its History Reveal?

On the morning of Feb. 2, more than 3,500 political leaders, military chiefs and corporate moguls meet for eggs, sausage, muffins – and prayer. The Washington, D.C. gathering, the 65th National Prayer Breakfast, is an opportunity for new friends and old associates, from 50 states and 140 countries, to break bread and forge fellowship in Jesus’ name.
Convened on the first Thursday in February, the gathering, known as the Presidential Prayer Breakfast until 1970, has always included the American head of state.
As a scholar of American religious history, I am intrigued by how presidents negotiate the intricacies of church/state relationships versus religion/politics entanglements. Most avoid the former while trying to benefit from the latter. That’s why the prayer breakfast is noteworthy – it is an opportunity for leaders to appear as Christ’s servants rather than formidable heads of state.

Faith first

President Dwight Eisenhower began the tradition with the first breakfast in 1953. While Eisenhower was initially wary of attending a prayer breakfast, evangelist Billy Graham convinced him it was the right move.
Speaking to an audience that included Graham, hotel magnate Conrad Hilton and 400 political, religious and business leaders, Eisenhower proclaimed that “all free government is firmly founded in a deeply felt religious faith.”
Today, “Ike” – the 34th president’s nickname – is not remembered as being deeply religious.
However, he was raised in a pious household of River Brethren, a Mennonite offshoot. His parents named him after Dwight Moody, the famous 19th-century evangelist who likened the state of the world to a sinking ship and stated,
“God has given me a lifeboat and said… ‘Moody save all you can.”
President Dwight D. Eisenhower in a personal chat with Rev. Dr. Billy Graham in Gettysburg on Sept. 8, 1961.
Soon after his election in 1952, Eisenhower told Graham that the country needed a spiritual renewal. For Eisenhower, faith, patriotism and free enterprise were the fundamentals of a strong nation. But of the three, faith came first.
As historian Kevin Kruse describes in “One Nation Under God,” the new president made that clear his very first day in office, when he began the day with a preinaugural worship service at the National Presbyterian Church.
At the swearing in, Eisenhower’s hand rested on two Bibles. When the oath of office concluded, the new president delivered a spontaneous prayer. To the surprise of those around him, Eisenhower called on God to “make full and complete our dedication to the service of the people.”
However, when Frank Carlson, the senator from Kansas, a devout Baptist and Christian leader, asked his friend and fellow Kansan to attend a prayer breakfast, Eisenhower – in a move that seemed out of character – refused.
But Graham interceded, Hilton offered his hotel and the rest is history.

A strategic move

It is possible that Graham may have used the breakfast’s theme, “Government under God,” to convince the president to attend. Throughout his tenure, Eisenhower promoted God and religion.
When he famously said to the press, “Our government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is,” he was not displaying a superficial or wishy-washy attitude to faith. Rather, as Ike’s grandson David Eisenhower explained, he was discussing America’s “Judeo-Christian heritage.”
The truth is, Ike was a Christian, but he also was a realist. Working for a “government under God” was more inclusive than calling for a Christian nation. It also was strategic. Under his watch, the phrase “under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and “In God We Trust” imprinted on the nation’s currency. But legitimating the National Prayer Breakfast was a signature achievement.

A political meeting?

The National Prayer Breakfast has grown steadily over the years – from 400 attendees to close to 4,000. The presence of the U.S. president has made the event a draw for leaders worldwide and networking before and after the breakfast.
In a 2006 journal article, sociologist D. Michael Lindsay described the breakfast as a “veritable 'Who’s who’ of the political and evangelical worlds.” Invitations cast it as an opportunity to “seek the Lord’s guidance and strength … and to renew the dedication of our Nation and ourselves to God’s purpose.”
But according to Lindsey’s conversations with men who attend the breakfast, most attend for political reasons, such as meeting the U.S. president, rather than its spirituality.
For many, the upshot is making new friends with religious, political and business leaders. There also are opportunities for alliances that could happen away from public scrutiny. In 2010, for example, The New York Times wrote about possible ties between the breakfast’s sponsors and Uganda’s persecution of homosexuals.

A guide for the powerful

The prayer breakfast’s success would have pleased Abraham Vereide, the Methodist minister behind the meetings. Vereide immigrated from Norway in 1905 when he was 19. For many years, he ministered to the down and out – society’s cast-offs.
He started Goodwill Industries in Seattle and provided relief work throughout the Depression. But seeing how little progress he’d made, Vereide turned his attention from helping the poor to guiding the powerful.
According to author Jeff SharletVereide’s ultimate goal was a “ruling class of Christ-committed men bound in a fellowship of the anointed.” A fundamentalist and a theocrat, he believed that strong, Christ-centered men should rule and that “militant” unions should be smashed. Between 1935 and his death in 1969, he mentored many politicians and businessmen who agreed.
During the 1940s, Vereide ran small prayer breakfasts for local leaders and businessmen in Washington, D.C. The groups were popular, but he wanted to spread and enlarge them. Senator Frank Carlson was Vereide’s close friend and supporter. When Eisenhower, the first Republican president since Herbert Hoover, was elected, Vereide, Graham and Carlson saw an opportunity to extend their shared mission of nurturing Christian leaders.

Using the breakfast moment

President Bill Clinton saying ‘I have sinned,’ in a National Prayer Breakfast.
In the years since, presidents have used the prayer breakfast to burnish their image and promote their agendas. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson spoke about the harrowing days following John F. Kennedy’s assassination and his desire to build a memorial for God in the nation’s capital.
Richard Nixon, speaking after his election in 1969, said that prayer and faith would help America’s fight for global peace and freedom. In 1998, Bill Clinton, faced with allegations that he had a sexual relationship with a White House intern, asked for prayers to “take our country to a higher ground.”
But while presidents are cautious about their prayers, preferring generalities to specifics, keynote speakers (who are not announced until the morning of the event) are forthright.
In 1995, Mother Teresa condemned abortion as President Clinton, who supported women’s right to choose, quietly listened. In 2013, pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson castigated the nation’s “moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility” while President Barack Obama sat in the audience.
And just last year, Hollywood power couple Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, who produced the television miniseries “The Bible,” recounted how their Christian faith led them to create “family-friendly entertainment” that, they hoped, inspired viewers to talk about God, prayer and the Bible.

More changes with time

Just as speakers have become more diverse, so have attendees. There are Muslims and Jews as well as Christians of all stripes. The Fellowship Foundation, an organization started by Vereide that sponsors the breakfast, considers the National Prayer Breakfast as an inclusive event. Hillary Clinton has attended, as has Tony Blair, Senator Joseph Lieberman and musician Alison Krauss.
But while the breakfast is an open tent, the small seminars and discussions that fill the days before and after are exclusive. These meetings, also organized by the Fellowship Foundation, convene clergy, politicians, military leaders and businessmen for high-level discussions on the global intersections of faith, power and money. The president does not attend these meetings, but his confidantes do.
When President Donald Trump attends the 65th National Prayer Breakfast, historians may listen for echoes of Vereide’s call for strong Christian leadership while journalists may home in on clues for his future plans.
As for the rest of us, we may recall President Obama’s prayer in February 2016:

“I pray that our leaders will always act with humility and generosity. I pray that my failings are forgiven. I pray that we will uphold our obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation – this beautiful planet. I pray that we will see every single child as our own, each worthy of our love and of our compassion. And I pray we answer Scripture’s call to lift up the vulnerable, and to stand up for justice, and ensure that every human being lives in dignity. That’s my prayer as well for this breakfast, and for this country, in the years to come.”