Thursday, February 16, 2017

Is Hebrew the Language of the Future? ✡ "Said Unto Him" - ISRAEL365

And God spoke unto Moshe, and said unto him:
‘I am Hashem'

וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים אֶל מֹשֶׁה וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו אֲנִי יְהוָה

שמות ו:ב

va-y'-da-BER e-lo-HEEM el mo-SHEH va-YO-mer ay-LAV a-NEE Ha-shem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Ramban (Nachmanedes), a Biblical commentator, explains that Hebrew "is the language with which G-d speaks with His prophets and His nation."  Biblical Hebrew is known as Lashon Hakodesh, the holy language, and indeed it is the very dialect spoken by the Jewish nation for thousands of years, since the time of Adam and Eve. With their unique methods and approach towards revealing the secrets of the Bible, the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies will astound and amaze you with a new world of Hebrew education.

Come Explore the Biblical Land of Israel!

Develop a firm understanding of the geographical regions that make up the Land of Israel and the unique characteristics of each one and get a new perspective on many Biblical stories.

Is Hebrew the Language of the Future?

We know Hebrew is the official language of Israel, but did you know Arabic is the mother tongue for 20 percent of the population? In a surprising effort to bridge this language barrier, Jordanians are now promoting the study of Hebrew!

Israel365: Home of The Israel Bible

The Israel Bible is the only Bible to focus on the God, Land and People of Israel. God's connection to and love for His land and His people is apparent in every chapter of the Bible. Truly learn what the Bible has to say about the Jewish nation as the inhabitants of the Land of Israel, and understand how we are living in prophetic times. Plus, for a limited time, you can enjoy 20% off The Israel Bible.
Shop The Israel Bible - Now 20% OFF »

Today's Israel Photo

A striking sunrise over the hills of Judea reminds us of God's promise to Abraham: "For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever." (Genesis 13:15)
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My message is short but full of love for Israel and the Jewish people for without you I would not have my precious faith in Messiah Yeshua. God Bless you. And we know He will because the Bible tells us you are His chosen people. Amayn!
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What the Trump-Netanyahu Meeting Reveals About US and Israel's 'Strong Bond' - DON HORWITZ CHARISMA NEWS

U.S. President Donald Trump (R) greets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a joint news conference at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 15, 2017.
U.S. President Donald Trump (R) greets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a joint news conference at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 15, 2017. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

What the Trump-Netanyahu Meeting Reveals About US and Israel's 'Strong Bond'

Yesterday's historic meeting between President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an important opportunity to reflect on the strong bond between the United States and Israel.
President Harry Truman made the United States the first country in the world to recognize the State of Israel when it was founded in 1948. Since that time, leaders in both nations have come and gone, but the two nations remain close friends and allies.
I believe that this is due in large part to our shared Judeo-Christian values. Both nations cherish religious liberty and personal freedom and value God as central to our lives.
Many in the American Christian community fervently support Israel, adding to the strength of the U.S.–Israel relationship. Christian support of Israel is rooted in the biblical belief that God called the Jewish people to be a light unto the nations, while promising them the land of Israel as an everlasting possession. Israel's restoration confirms that God keeps his promises.
As Executive Director of Christians Care International (CCI), I have seen firsthand the deep love and commitment that Christians feel toward Israel and the Jewish people. As a global Christian ministry, CCI supports impoverished Jews of the former Soviet Union and has helped over 87,000 Jews make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel.
Aliyah remains vital to building up Israel as a strong and secure Jewish state. The word aliyah means to "rise up." When a Jew makes aliyah to Israel, he or she "rises up" to the land. However, aliyah must go beyond the physical act of immigration; it must also extend to "raising up" the individual.
Tragically, many Jews in the former Soviet Union face persistent and endemic anti-Semitism and are trapped living in impoverished conditions, leaving them with little hope for a brighter future.
Christians in the U.S. and Israel must continue to come together to "raise up" those in need of hope, not just through immigration to Israel but also as individuals. This is the true power and meaning of aliyah—when you give someone in need the ability to stand on their own two feet, you give them real hope for the future, and then they can truly "rise up" to God.
I am not a politician, and I am certainly not privy to the private discussions between Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu. I can only hope that they will lead the U.S. and Israel toward an ever-closer friendship, one that grows in the spirit of aliyah for the benefit of both Christians and Jews around the world. 
Don Horwitz is executive director of Christians Care International.
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This Is One Of The Big Reasons Why So Many Families Are Feeling Extreme Financial Stress - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Inflation Blackboard - Public Domain

Posted: 15 Feb 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

When the cost of living rises faster than paychecks do year after year, eventually that becomes a very big problem.  For quite some time I have been writing about the shrinking middle class, and one of the biggest culprits is inflation.  Every month, tens of millions of American families struggle to pay the bills, and most of them don’t even understand the economic forces that are putting so much pressure on them.  

The United States never had a persistent, ongoing problem with inflation until the debt-based Federal Reserve system was introduced in 1913.  Since that time, we have had non-stop inflation and the U.S. dollar has lost more than 98 percent of its value.  If our paychecks were increasing faster than inflation this wouldn’t be a problem, but in recent years this has definitely not been the case for most Americans.

And unfortunately inflation is starting to accelerate once again.  In fact, it is being reported that inflation rose at the fastest pace in four years in January…
The prices Americans pay for goods and services surged in January by the largest amount in four years, mostly reflecting a rebound in the cost of gasoline that’s taking a bigger chunk out of household incomes.
The consumer price index, or cost of living, rose by a seasonally adjusted 0.6% in January, the government said Wednesday.
Meanwhile, our incomes have been incredibly stagnant.   In fact, we just learned that median household income did not go up at all during 2016.

This is one of the reasons why we consistently see families fall out of the middle class month after month.  Even if you keep the same job year after year, your standard of living is going to steadily go down unless your pay goes up.

The things that we all spend money on month after month just keep going up in price.  I am talking about food, housing, medical care and other essentials.  If there is one thing that we can always count on, it is the fact that things are going to cost more tomorrow than they do today.

Let’s talk about food for a moment.  Whenever I go to the grocery store, I am almost always shocked.  I still remember a time when I could get everything that I needed for an entire week for about 20 bucks, but these days you can’t even fill up one cart for 100 dollars.
That is because food prices have been rising aggressively for many years.  The following is a list that was posted on The Economic Policy Journal that shows how much some food and grocery items have increased over the past decade…

1. Tobacco and smoking products
-Price increase: 90.4%
2. Margarine
-Price increase: 63.6%
3. Uncooked ground beef
-Price increase: 46.3%
4. Shelf stable fish and seafood
-Price increase: 45.0%

5. Prescription drugs
-Price increase: 43.5%

6. Rice, pasta, cornmeal
-Price increase: 40.3%

7. Bread
-Price increase: 38.9%

8. Snacks
-Price increase: 38.4%

9. Miscellaneous poultry including turkey
-Price increase: 37.0%

10. Apples
-Price increase: 36.6%

11. Frankfurters
-Price increase: 35.8%

12. Canned vegetables
-Price increase: 35.3%

13. Salt and other seasonings and spices
-Price increase: 34.0%

14. Miscellaneous fats and oils including peanut butter
-Price increase: 34.0%

15. Miscellaneous processed fruits and vegetables including dried
-Price increase: 33.7%

16. Bacon and related products
-Price increase: 33.2%

17. Fresh whole chicken
-Price increase: 32.5%

18. Cakes, cupcakes, and cookies
-Price increase: 32.1%

19. Flour and prepared flour mixes
-Price increase: 32.1%

20. Canned fruits
-Price increase: 32.0%

And thanks to out of control government spending and reckless manipulation by the Federal Reserve, we have come to a time when inflation is starting to accelerate once again.
According to John Williams of, if honest numbers were being used the government would be telling us that inflation is rising at a 6 percent annual rate for the first time since 2011.

At the same time, evidence is mounting that U.S. consumers are simply tapped out.  Previously, I have explained that interest rates are going up, consumer bankruptcies are rising, and lending standards for consumers are really tightening up.

All of those are things we would expect to see if a new recession was starting.

And today we learned that the number of Americans refinancing their homes has fallen to the lowest level that we have seen since 2009
A slowdown in refinancing pulled down the total mortgage application volume last week as changes to certain government-loan programs made refinances less lucrative. Refinance volume now stands at its lowest level since June 2009.
If you will remember, we also saw a slowdown in mortgage refinancing just before the great financial crisis of 2008.

For mortgage applications overall, they are now down almost 31 percent from where they were a year ago…
Total mortgage application volume fell 3.7 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis last week from the previous week, and are nearly 31 percent lower than the same week a year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
A 31 percent decline in a single year is catastrophic.

If this continues, it won’t be too long before everyone is talking about a new housing crash.

And we also learned this week that FHA mortgage delinquencies increased during the fourth quarter “for the first time since 2006″
Federal Housing Administration mortgage delinquencies jumped in the fourth quarter for the first time since 2006, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported Wednesday. The FHA insures low down-payment loans and is a favorite among first-time homebuyers.
The seasonally adjusted FHA delinquency rate increased to 9.02 percent in the fourth quarter from 8.3 percent in the third quarter, MBA data show.
So many things are happening right now that we have not seen happen in many years, but most people are choosing not to see the red flags that are popping up all around us.
None of our long-term economic problems have been fixed.  And even though Donald Trump won the election, the truth is that our economy is in the worst shape it has been since the last financial crisis.  

I continue to encourage all of my readers to get prepared for very hard times, but just like back in 2007 we are experiencing a wave of tremendous optimism right now and most people think that the party can somehow continue indefinitely.

Whether Donald Trump won the election or not, the truth is that a major economic downturn was going to come anyway.  You see, Donald Trump is not some magician that can just wave a wand and somehow make the consequences of decades of very foolish decisions instantly disappear.

We have been on the biggest debt binge in human history, and there is going to be a great price to pay when this immense debt bubble finally bursts.

Unfortunately, most people are not going to acknowledge the truth until it is too late.


(Reuters photo)

Religious Liberty in America Is in Peril

On Feb. 16, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice will hold a hearing on "The State of Religious Liberty in America." Hopefully, it will accelerate the push to secure this most fundamental of freedoms.
President Trump is considering an executive order on religious liberty, the draft of which holds much promise. But legislation is also needed: Religious liberty is currently imperiled on several fronts. 
The war on religion—and that is exactly what it is—is being led by agents of government and activist groups seeking to impose a militant secular agenda on Americans. What drives them more than any other issue is an irresponsible interpretation of sexual freedom.
The activists and lawmakers pushing this cause accuse many religious institutions of resisting their agenda. They are correct. Traditional Catholics, evangelical Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Orthodox Jews, Mormons and Muslims all reject abortion and homosexuality, and they find attempts by the government to encroach on their beliefs and practices objectionable. There is much to object to, especially at the state level.
Many states are considering pro-abortion legislation. In Connecticut, they are weighing a bill that takes aim at a familiar target: crisis pregnancy centers. These centers are the epitome of choice: They give young pregnant girls the choice of giving their baby up for adoption, yet the pro-choice lobby works to deny them this choice.
In Illinois and Maryland, lawmakers are considering bills that would allow Medicaid and state employee health insurance to cover abortions.
In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing the legislature to consider a bill that makes abortion legal for any reason and at any time during pregnancy, even if Roe v. Wade were overturned; he wants Roe codified in the New York State Constitution. Rhode Island lawmakers are studying similar legislation.
New Mexico is considering a bill that would force Catholic hospitals to pay for and perform abortions. The ACLU and other anti-Catholic organizations are lobbying for it.
Most outrageous, there is a coordinated effort going on in 18 states to expand abortion rights. Those behind these efforts want abortion to be covered in both public and private insurance plans, including Catholic ones.
This fight is being led by pro-abortion lawmakers in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. In St. Louis, city lawmakers passed a bill last week that threatens to do the same.
On the LGBT front, the following states are weighing measures that would treat LGBT rights as analogous to race and religion in the workplace: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Texas. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe recently signed an executive order that protects LGBT rights among state employees, contractors and subcontractors.
New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who chairs the bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Baltimore Archbishop William Lori, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, recently sent a letter to President Trump calling on him and his administration to make religious liberty protections a priority. They also called on Congress to do the same.
Lori specifically cited the Health and Human Services mandate issued by the Obama administration as a grave threat to religious liberty; it would make religious institutions such as the Little Sisters of the Poor pay for abortion-inducing drugs in their health care provisions.
The most immediate relief needed is to secure the kinds of religious exemptions in law that have been traditionally afforded. Not to do so is to allow the government to police Catholic non-profits and other religious entities.
President Trump needs to issue a strongly worded executive order on religious liberty, one as wide in scope as the law allows. Similarly, lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels need to pass bills that safeguard religious liberty from the heavy hand of government. At stake is the First Amendment and the beliefs and practices of millions of Americans. 
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Trump's Effect on the Israeli Right - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Trump's Effect on the Israeli Right

Thursday, February 16, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
For Israeli right-wingers, the movement that carried Donald Trump into the White House is like a blessed wind filling the sails of a motionless ship on calm seas. 
Trump's bold pro-Israel stand filled the right-wing constituency with high hopes, some would say too high, that during his presidency Netanyahu's government would finally be able to implement its version of the Zionist vision. This entails, among other things, constitutionalizing Israel as a Jewish state and annexing at least parts of the West Bank. 
No less import, Trump's boldness inspires ministers and Knesset Members to express views they would not dare say prior to his election.
A day before Netanyahu flew to meet President Trump, the head of Jewish Home party, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, said that "after decades of misery, now there is a chance for good tidings, for a new way, getting off the idea of another Palestinian state in addition those in Gaza and Jordan." 
At the 14th Jerusalem Conference hosted by Besheva Media Group, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked expressed the same kind of bold spirit. "I view the election of President Trump as a landmark event, in a way, only the tip of the iceberg of an awe-inspiring global chain of events." The State of Israel, she said, "has a rare opportunity to shape its future and borders … it is our duty to do it … we have to make the whole world recognize our legitimate presence in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley … we must stop feeding the illusion that Israel will withdraw, freeze, disengage, hand territories over to our enemies." 
Shaked concluded her speech with "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet" (Isaiah 62:1).        
Speaking at the same conference, Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that "we have here a new historic opportunity for a new era. We return to proudly say that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people." The Temple Mount, he stressed, "is the most holy place for the Jewish people, and only for the Jewish people."    
Last, but not least, President Rivlin, who tries hard to pacify every minority, said that over the years Israel has cleverly and patiently extended its sovereignty over East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. He didn't once mention a Palestinian state. Instead, Rivlin said that if Israel decides to extend its sovereignty to Judea and Samaria, it must also grant Israeli residency status to the Palestinians. Rivlin stressed his belief that "Zion is all ours," meaning that Israel and the West Bank should be under Israeli sovereignty.
The next coming months will tell how bold is Israel in turning such clear and unambiguous statements to reality.
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Trump Effectively Puts Israel Back in the Driver's Seat - Israel Today

Trump Effectively Puts Israel Back in the Driver's Seat

Thursday, February 16, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
To say that Israelis were glued to their televisions as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood side-by-side with US President Donald Trump to address the media would be a major understatement.
For most Israelis, this first meeting between the two leaders since Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States was enormously fateful.
And most Israelis were beyond pleased with the outcome, and the drastic improvement over relations during the Obama Administration.
What most took away from the press conference was that Trump had effectively put Israel back in the driver’s seat when it comes to making peace in the Middle East.
No more will Washington dictate to the Jewish state and impose detrimental “solutions” that ultimately only serve American interests.
Unlike Obama, Trump recognizes Israel’s sovereignty and is prepared to deal with Netanyahu as an equal, not an underling.
We’ll be taking a little more in-depth look at this critical meeting and the Israeli response to it in the upcoming issue of Israel Today Magazine, scheduled to go to print next week.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss it!
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