Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Senate Chaplain: "One Senator Has Led 13 Heads Of State To Jesus Christ" - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Senate chaplain Barry C. Black has a remarkably interesting job. He is the spiritual counselor and adviser to the house, as well as ministe...
Jesus Transformed Paula White's 'Journey' Rockstar Husband Into A WORSHIP Leader! 
Jonathan Cain had it all. For decades, he toured as the keyboard player in the band Journey, penning hits such as Don't Stop Believin'...
Hundreds Of Children Give Their Lives To Christ At Will Graham's Evangelism Event In China 
Billy Graham's grandson Will is following in his grandfather's footsteps; by preaching the gospel to the masses all across the world. Recent...
Here's Why Alveda King Is 'Cheering On' President Trump Through Fervent Prayer 
The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Alveda King, is getting right behind the President of the United States, and believes we are in an...
Franklin Graham On LGBT NFL Agenda: "I Hope Texas Will Put Its Very Large Size Boot Down On This One" 
Rev. Franklin Graham has spoken out about the controversy surrounding the NFL's threat suggesting that if the Texas legislature passe...
5 Imperfect Rulers In The Bible Who God Used To Do Good 
With the mainstream media criticism of President Donald Trump reaching fever-pitch, perhaps it is time to take a step back and see him...
Phil Robertson: "Neil Gorsuch Will Protect Our Families, Our Bibles, Our Guns, And Our Freedoms" 
Neil Gorsuch, Donald Trump's new Supreme Court Justice, appears to have gathered support and approval from all areas of the Christia...
Kris Vallotton: 5 Ways To Judge Prophecy
Have you ever received a prophetic word and felt like it was just so right? And then other times not so much? I’ve even received...
Shane Claiborne: 'Donald Trump Is Not My President' 
Presidents’ Day is the perfect day to declare that Jesus – not Donald Trump — is the hope of the world.It was the...
Jesus Statue Outside Indiana Church Beheaded Twice In Two Weeks 
Vandals continue to desecrate a statue of Jesus at an Indiana Church, beheading the figure twice in two weeks. The headless statue por...
Ivanka Trump: "We Must Protect Our Houses Of Worship" 
Daughter of President Trump, Ivanka, has spoken out about how America must protect religious freedom at all costs. The President has...
This INCREDIBLE Bassist Worships The Lord With His God-Given Talent 
It is an amazing thing when people use their talents to glorify God. Well, that is exactly what bassist Andres Rotmistrovsky is doing. In th...
Tennessee Man Convicted Of Planning To Attack New York City Mosque 
A 65-year-old man has been convicted by a federal jury for planning an attack on a New York Mosque. Robert Doggart was found...
'Those Who Protest Against Trump Defy God Himself' 
Are those who are protesting against Trump defying the will of God for America? That is what one reader at The Times believes, and sh...
Report Warns Christians In Egypt Face Increasing Persecution 
A new report released by Christian Solidarity Worldwide has outlined the many ways in which violence against Christians in Egypt is on the...
Pastors: Stop Trying To Be Popular - Speak As A Dying Man To Dying Men 
A few years back, I listened in astonishment as some  prominent "Christian" leaders talked about replacing “preaching”...
5 Reasons It Is The BEST Time To Be A Christian In America 
With all the scaremongering of the mainstream media, and with Christian persecution on the rise, you may feels as if it is a terrible time t...
Muslims Allocated Prayer Space At Christian University In Texas 
McMurry University has just created a prayer room in one of its residential dorms. The small Methodist university has its campus in...
8 Ways The Bible Teaches Us To Remain Humble In An Age Of Outrage 
If you haven't noticed already, there is a lot of anger out there. People blurting out their political opinions on social media, enraged deba...
How To Deal With Difficult People In Your Worship Team (9 Things To Consider) 
Where there are people, there are difficult people, right? It doesn’t matter which church or worship team you choose, we all ha...
3 Truths About Gifts From God 
I do a lot of thinking about coffee. Between roasting my own, brewing it on my custom coffee bar, and working from coffee shops...

Just Because We Love You ✡ "God's Love for Israel" - ISRAEL365

May the Lord your God be blessed, Who has chosen you, to place you upon His throne as king. Because of your God’s love for Israel, to establish it forever.

יְהִי יְ-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ בָּרוּךְ אֲשֶׁר חָפֵץ בְּךָ לְתִתְּךָ עַל כִּסְאוֹ לְמֶלֶךְ לַי-הוָה אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ:  בְּאַהֲבַת אֱ-לֹהֶיךָ אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל לְהַעֲמִידוֹ לְעוֹלָם

דברי הימים ב  ט:ח

ye-HEE ah-doe-NAI eh-lo-heh-KHA ba-ROOKH ah-SHARE kha-FAITZ be-KHA le-teet-KHA al kees-OH le-meh-LEKH la-ah-doe-NAI eh-lo-heh-KHA be-ah-ha-VAT eh-lo-heh-KHA et yees-ra-ALE le-ha-ah-mee-DOE le-oh-LAM

Today's Israel Inspiration

Envision today’s verse as it was declared by Queen Sheba to King Solomon during the time of the First Temple. The Queen hears of King Solomon’s unsurpassed wisdom and sets off on a desert journey to visit and test him with riddles. She is awestruck that King Solomon’s wisdom and holiness surpass all of her expectations. The Queen offers beautiful praises of God’s love for Israel, and leaves Israel a changed, more spiritual person forever. You too can experience the wondrous effects of Israel by bringing Holy Land artifacts into your home and into your heart.

PM Netanyahu Imparts Words of Inspiration to the Jews of Singapore

On the first-ever official visit of an Israeli prime minister to the country of Singapore, PM Netanyahu gave a stirring speech while meeting with the Jewish community in the “Magen Avot” synagogue.

Ancient Shells for Sacred Temple Dye Discovered!

A rock snail shell, believed to have been used in the process of making techelet, the blue dye for tzitzit (fringes) on prayer shawls, was recently discovered.

Patterns of Evidence: Exodus

Spend a riveting 2 hours with Timothy Mahony, as he presents an examination of a plethora of information gathered during twelve years of research and travel, in an attempt to unlock and reveal evidence of one of the most well-known stories within biblical history, The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. The story of the journey into this investigation is available to you here on DVD. It is one that will intrigue you and help you to understand the patterns of evidence discovered.
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Today's Israel Photo

Welcome to the picturesque moment as twilight hits the banks of the Yarkon River in Tel Aviv. Only 100 years old, Tel Aviv is now the city with the largest population of Jews in the entire world and represents the return and possession of the Land.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Joseph Samuels from California; Julia Getman from New York; Priscilla Piersma from Florida; Chris Webster from Washington.

Plant a Tree in Israel » 

Thank You to Our Holocaust Campaign Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Madhur Goldstein from NSW, Australia; Zachary Lomo from Ontario, Canada; Norman Goldblatt from New York; Gayle Richman from New York.
Donate to Holocaust Survivors Now » 

Thank you to our Israel365 Store Customers

"Todah Rabbah" to Sherry Gross from New York; Barbara Bryant from Arizona; Theodore Williams from Georgia; Terry L. Smith from Wyoming.
Shop the Israel365 Store »

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Bless You Israel”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
God Almighty bless you Israel and the Holy city JERUSALEM abundantly now and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ and with the help of The Holy Spirit. Amin. Thank you very much...HALLELUYAH ...IMANUEL ...Amin --Tatorotou Boboyhosi Hondro
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Survivor Reveals How God 'Wrapped His Arms Around Me' - KELLIE VAN GILDER/BGEA

Mayor Ray Nagin looks over the Bible of an 85-year-old woman who was killed during a tornado in a government-provided trailer at the site of her home in the Pontchatrain Park neighborhood of New Orleans. (REUTERS/Lee Celano)
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Survivor Reveals How God 'Wrapped His Arms Around Me'

Tales of brushes with death aren't uncommon these days in Louisiana, where residents are trying to pick up the pieces after four tornadoes recently ripped through the New Orleans area. The storms injured 33 people and damaged hundreds of homes.
No lives were lost, but many, it seems, were impacted in a mighty way.
Al New, chaplain coordinator with the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, recently met with one such gentleman personally affected by the natural disaster. Crisis-trained chaplains deployed to New Orleans East in the aftermath of the storm and are offering emotional and spiritual care alongside sister ministry Samaritan's Purse.
On that particular Thursday, New was serving in the Mobile Ministry Center and was outside when the gentleman pulled up in a new white van.
"He proceeded to tell me that he was in the tornado area in his personal van working when the tornado came and picked him up in his van, spun him around and slammed him about 15 feet away," New said. "It totaled the van, and he said, 'Bless God. I didn't have an injury nowhere.'"
The man, sharing from the driver's seat of his rental van, was thankful to be alive, and New began to help the New Orleans East resident dig deeper into that blessing. Soon, the man realized that beyond thanking God for safety, he wanted to know Him personally. When New asked if he wanted to have a relationship with the Lord, the man responded, "I sure would. Now would be a good time."
They continued the conversation inside the Mobile Ministry Center, and the man decided to accept Christ as his Savior.
Roots run deep in this community, and New soon learned this man was related to a pastor in the area.
"He said, 'I am going to go to church Sunday at my cousin's church, and I am going to testify to what happened to me in the storm and to what God has just done for me here,'" New recalled.
"I got a call from them [the church] on Sunday saying he came to church. He not only came to church, he testified, and he joined the church. Now he's got a home church where they're going to continue discipling him and mentoring him. We're praying that he'll continue to go."
Testimonies abound in this tight-knit community, particularly in a six-mile stretch where houses stand near one another and the residents draw even closer. Newcomers can give rise to suspicion, yet the residents have found a comfort with the chaplains and Samaritan's Purse volunteers. That has helped open doors for even more sharing.
One homeowner told the chaplains that on the day of the tornadoes, he had just returned home from his job of driving a truck. He just happened to look out the bathroom window when he saw the tornado. He went to the hallway and stood motionless.
"He said, 'I know God wrapped His arms around me because the whole house was up and gone, but nothing touched me,'" New said.
Many homes in the area sustained heavy damage, and these residents who climbed back from flooded homes after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 are wondering how they'll rebuild again. As of Tuesday, Samaritan's Purse had received 100 work orders for primary residences.
New said sometimes it's hard to find the right words, but his goal—as well as that of the chaplains—is to continually point to the hope that only Jesus Christ offers.
"You just try to bring them hope and comfort and tell them that they've been through this before; you know that you came through that," New said. "And with God's help and with hope in Him, they're going to come through it again.
"We encourage them to stay strong and trust in the Lord." 
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