Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shawn Bolz: A 'Home for God' in Hollywood; plus Lance Wallnau, Rick Joyner, Jennifer LeClaire and more - Prophetic TV

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Shawn Bolz: How This Prophet is Making a 'Home for God' in Hollywood

2. Lance Wallnau: What is the Significance of the Year 5777?

3. Rick Joyner: Keep Going

4. Jennifer Eivaz: Greater Glory

5. Ryan LeStrange: Coming Glory Storms

6. Paul Keith Davis: The Age of Reformation

7. Jennifer LeClaire: A Movement of Movements

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MANY man hours go into researching the very best of the best videos each week.

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Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

"How This Prophet is Making a 'Home for God' in Hollywood"

For me, you can't hear God's heart without having compassion. You see what He sees and He's looking at every act of injustice on the Earth and He doesn't turn His face away... He looks. And the closer you get to His heart; you can't help but see these kinds of things.

So when you hear God's voice, He breathes His life over issues in your heart... you will see a level of who God is there that you can't see anywhere else.

By Shawn Bolz... Watch It Now

Visit Shawn Bolz's Facebook page: HERE
"What is the Significance of the Year 5777?"

We're at a time right now, where it's the five hundredth year of the reformation happening this year... it's the Hebrew year 5777; I've been saying that is the year of the clashing of swords.

Let me make it even clearer, this is the time when God wants to raise up oracles who will literally have the sword of the word of God in their mouth. Fresh guidance, fresh clarity, and fresh direction... and I'm praying for you right now that the Spirit of God is going to give you the strongest and clearest direction that you've ever had in your life regarding what you're leaving and where He is taking you.

By Lance Wallnau... Watch It Now

Visit Lance Wallnau's Facebook page: HERE
"Keep Going"

I don't care how bad they look; I believe it is a word of the Lord for us to just keep going... keep doing what you're doing. This is harvest time and I think just doing what we're doing in the midst of things that are going on is going to give courage to a lot of people and give comfort to a lot of people and to us!

Don't shut down, don't run and hide, you know that's not the answer for us: we run to the sound of battle, not away from it.

By Rick Joyner... Watch It Now

Visit Rick Joyner's Facebook page: HERE

"Greater Glory"

God's Kingdom is always increasing, which means His glory is increasing. It's time to step into GREATER GLORY! Do you know how?

Watch this video and find out more!

By Jennifer Eivaz... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer Eivaz's Facebook page: HERE
"Coming Glory Storms"

I believe God is doing something now in this season, and it's going to accelerate into 2018 in a phenomenal way with the glory... I believe there are glory storms that are about to emerge and erupt, there are supernatural lightning strikes of revelation and revival fire that is going to hit the ground.

There are winds of change, winds of refreshing and winds of transition that are coming and revival is coming!

By Ryan LeStrange... Watch It Now

Visit Ryan LeStrange's Facebook page: HERE
"The Age of Reformation"

I believe that is where we are at as a generation right now, that there is a preparatory anointing that has escalated... that has reached a pinnacle... that has reached a tipping point in human history that I believe began even as we transition from Thyatira into Sardis because the light there was so dim there had to a prophetic injection of an anointing of the bright morning star to revive the Church to begin the process to begin the journey of taking us from this dark spot in Church history back into light where it begins to arise and get back to apostolic standards.

By Paul Keith Davis... Watch It Now

Visit Paul Keith Davis' Facebook page: HERE
"A Movement of Movements"

I heard the Lord say: "A new movement is emerging in this hour. It's a movement of movements. I am moving. Those who are listening to the sound of My voice are moving with Me—they are running to the battle line to fight the good fight of faith over the cause that I have put on their heart..."

"In this season, I am calling many to launch new movements around new causes that I have empowered them to spearhead. I am using them as the tip of the spear to penetrate darkness and set captives free."

By Jennifer LeClaire... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer LeClaire's Facebook page: HERE
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Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

Muslims Return to Temple Mount, Jews and Christians Removed - Israel Today

Muslims Return to Temple Mount, Jews and Christians Removed

Thursday, July 20, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
For several days this week, the Islamic Trust (Waqf) was on strike over Israel's insistence on installing metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount.
Jewish groups took advantage of the situation to finally pray openly at Judaism's holiest site.
But the Waqf is now back on the job, and expelling any Jews and Christians who dare express their faith atop this holy mountain.
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