Monday, September 11, 2017

PowerUp! Are We There Yet? Why Waiting on God Is Always Worth the Pain | Life Hack: When Your Spouse Doesn't Meet Your Needs | 3 Compelling... - SpiritLed Woman

SpiritLed Woman PowerUp!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Are We There Yet? Why Waiting on God Is Always Worth the Pain

Having to wait doesn't mean your need will never be met; it just means your answer is delayed. (Pixabay/Pexels)
Waiting is so hard! But in one way or another, we are all waiting. Whether we seem to have it all or have the weight of the world on our shoulders, we're all waiting for something—waiting for change, waiting for answers, waiting for healing, waiting for things to get better. No matter how good life gets, every living human being—rich or poor—will always need something.

The troubling thing about having a need is not just wondering if the need will be met: it's not knowing when the need will be met. Most of us don't go through life wondering if we will eat or if we will sleep. We go through life wondering when we will eat or when we will sleep.

Have you ever heard of the "five Ws and one H"—who, what, when, why and how? Usually used by journalists as they write newspaper or magazine articles, these are the same questions that bring almost every human to their knees seeking God for answers. When we need answers in any area of our lives, we want to know who is going to answer us, what the answer will be, where the answer is coming from, why we had to face the challenge in the first place, and how to make sense of everything we're going through. But our biggest question is when the answer is coming. Of the six curiosity pushers, the when produces the most anxiety.

We want to know when our answers are coming. Sure, we want what we want right when we want it. However, I believe that if we knew the time and date our answer was coming, we might be able to wait for it. Waiting gets hard when times and circumstances are unpredictable, when things don't happen on our terms or according to our timing. Not knowing when can take out even the strongest, most positive of us. read more 
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Prophecy: Spiritual 'Chariot Wheels' Being Ordered for the Last-Days Method of Transportation - BILL YOUNT CHARISMA NEWS

The Lord will transport many by spiritual "Chariots of Fire" into enemy territory where people are being held captive by the enemy and natural disasters. (Pixabay/elukac)

Prophecy: Spiritual 'Chariot Wheels' Being Ordered for the Last-Days Method of Transportation

"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. And the eunuch saw him no more, and he went his way rejoicing.  But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached the gospel in all the cities until he came to Caesarea" (Acts 8:39-40).
With the increase of international disasters beginning to take place around the world, there will be urgent missions where individuals will need to get to countries swiftly. These missions will not be dependent upon the future unstable conditions of the airline transportation systems. God is always one step ahead when it comes to spreading the gospel and going into all the world.
In the Spirit, I heard an order of "chariot wheels" being called into the throne room for the last-day method of transportation for emergency mission work around the world. Time will be a critical factor in getting God's people from one place to the next to minister in times of disaster. God will use angels to intervene in many cases, but to actually lift up the full standard against the flood of the enemy along with national catastrophes, He will be sending His people "first class," speedily.
I have heard testimonies where some believers have been praying for a nation, and all of a sudden, in the Spirit, they were caught away and found themselves in that nation ministering to people. Some through dreams or visions, and some as though their own body was there! I truly believe we are living in an hour that we need to take the limits off of God and say, "Here am I, Lord; send me anywhere, anyway You want to!"
Spiritual 'Chariots of Fire'
It's interesting that the army tanks in Israel are called "chariots of fire." While in Israel, I saw a demonstration of these tanks on the move. These tanks are able to shoot forth fire out of the end of their cannons into their enemies. Also, they can shoot forth smoke to hide themselves from the enemy, when needed. These tanks are believed to be the most powerful artillery in the world.
The Lord will transport many by spiritual "chariots of fire" into enemy territory where people are being held captive by the enemy and natural disasters. These chariots will be equipped with the fire of God and the smoke of His glory cloud. They will be used to rescue many from death as their ministers, as flames of fire and preach to thousands with the fire of God on their lips as they are hidden from the enemy and disaster by the smoke of His glory!
'Angelic Air and Ground Traffic Controllers'
As the earth seems to be going more and more out of control and increases its groaning through earthquakes and bizarre weather patterns, angels will be given charge over God's people in their going out and coming in, as they are being escorted on secret missions. When everything appears to be out of control, God will still be sitting upon the circle of the earth in total control of spreading the gospel. Angels will help control air and ground traffic transportation for the missions of God's people.
As many travel and minister in these spiritual "chariots of fire," the borders of their mantles will, at times, touch down upon whole nations and regions to redeem and bring forth life out of chaos!
"Swing low, sweet chariot..." Are you ready for an upgrade in your traveling? 
Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years, where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. Humility and humor characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar, or ram's horn, is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill's website at
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Palestinian Parents Turn In Own Son After Learning He Planned Terror Attack - Israel Today

Palestinian Parents Turn In Own Son After Learning He Planned Terror Attack

Sunday, September 10, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
If only this were the norm, rather than the exception.
A Palestinian couple last month discovered that their teenage son was planning to carry out a terrorist attack against Israeli soldiers, and rather than let him become a "martyr," they turned him in.
Israel's Tazpit News Agency reported that the parents became concerned after finding a "farewell" note written by their son, along with his cellphone.
They immediately contacted the Israeli army, which managed to find the boy near a military installation in Samaria. He was carrying a large knife.
Incessant propaganda in Palestinian schools and in the regime-controlled media seeks to encourage young Arabs to carry out spontaneous "lone-wolf" attacks against Israelis.
PHOTO: Illustration. Israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian terror suspects. Photo by Gershon Elinson/Flash90
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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Prayer for the Hurricane Victims ✡ "When You Pass Through Water, I Will Be With You" - Israel365

When you pass through water, I will be with you;

כִּי־תַעֲבֹר בַּמַּיִם אִתְּךָ־אָנִי

ישעיהו מג:ב
Kee Ta-avor ba-MAYIM eet-KHA a-NEE

Today's Israel Inspiration

In the last couple of weeks, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from their homes and lost all or many of their possessions. Unfortunately, many were injured or even killed. In a heartfelt prayer for the people of Houston, Florida, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico and anywhere that was hit by some of the most powerful hurricanes ever know, Rabbi Tuly Weisz asks the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who created the entire world by separating the waters of creation, to bless these victims. Rabbi Tuly continues to pray from the Holy Land and the holy city of Jerusalem.

Watch Israel365 Share Your Prayers from the Kotel

Rabbi Tuly Weisz and Donna Jollay go live from the Western Wall.

Rabbi Tuly's Prayer from the Western Wall for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey

May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who created the entire world by separating the waters of creation and who made His resting place here in Jerusalem, bless all the victims of Hurricane Harvey throughout the State of Texas.



Today's Israel Photo

Description: Jews come together to pray at the Western Wall.
Photo credit:
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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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