Monday, August 14, 2017

Vice President Pence Calls The Nation To Prayer Following Charlottesville Riots -


Vice President Mike Pence has called on Americans to pray and to focus on eradicating racist groups from the public sphere in some powe...
Christian Leaders Speak Out To Condemn Racist Violence In Charlottesville 
Leading Christian figures from across the United States have spoken out to strongly condemn the violence committed by White Supremac...
Franklin Graham Slams Politicians Who Are Trying To Blame Trump For Charlottesville 
Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has criticized the politicians who are seeking to blame President Trump for the violence that took place...
Pastor Accused Of Sexual Assault Says Hand Slipped In Oil While Anointing Woman 
The senior pastor from a Michigan Church has defended himself against accusations of sexual assault with a quite bizarre excuse: he was sim...
Is This 'Luther Coffee Mug' The Worst Typo Mistake In History? 
OK, so when you look to by a namesake coffee mug, the first thing you want to check is that the face actually matches the person th...
Greg Laurie Explains The Prophetic Significance Of The Solar Eclipse And North Korea 
The media has been abuzz with news of a total solar eclipse, due to take place later this month. Many Christian leaders have attached p...
CBN Founder Pat Roberston Injured In Horseback Riding Accident 
The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Roberston, has suffered minor injuries after being involved in a horseback r...
Does The Bible Really Justify War? 
With the North Korean nuclear crisis at fever pitch, and President Trump threatening all-out war, many Christians are asking the quest...
The Christian Counter-Protesters Fighting White Supremacy With Fervent Prayer 
Charlottesville, Virginia has been grabbing headlines this weekend for all the wrong reasons. A Neo-Nazi rally got out of hand when counte...
Black Pastor Ditches Live Interview As White Supremacists Attack Fellow Pastors 
A dramatic moment unfolded over the weekend as white supremacist protesters attacked clergy in Charlottesville, Virginia. One black pas...
Singer Tauren Wells Aims To Bring God's Love To Mariah Carey Tours 
Christian singer Tauren Wells is currently the opening act for both Lionel Richie and Mariah Carey on their "All the Hits Tour," and he wa...
Billy Graham: Jesus Is PROOF That God Will Forgive You 
Jesus Christ is the ultimate proof that God will forgive those who turn to him, argues evangelist Billy Graham. It can be a concern for m...
Texan Priest Explains Why Trump Does NOT Have Authority From God To Attack North Korea 
A Texan priest has explained his reasons for why he believes that God has not given President Trump the authority to launch a nuclear a...
Ravi Zacharias Updates From ISIS-Ravaged Church: "There's Something So Demonic About It All" 
Preacher, apologies and author Ravi Zacharias is currently on a tour of war-torn nation, visiting various Churches and preaching the gos...
There Are Two Christian Books In Amazon's Top 20 Of All Time, And Neither Are The Bible 
Two Christian books have made it into Amazon's top 20 best sellers of all time, and they do not include the Bible! What is slightly more d...
Chicago Church Shooting: Pastor Says Gunman 'Unloaded On Them' 
A brutal shooting occurred on the steps of a Chicago Church this weekend, when two men were shot dead on the steps of South Aust...
Stetzer: Racists Welcome At Church If They Can Follow A Jewish Savior 
Pastor and church planter Ed Stetzer has made some controversial remarks on twitter following the Charlottesville riots, stating that r...
10 Things You Should Know About Repentance 
Repentance is a massively important spiritual issue that calls for careful study and clear articulation. Here are ten things to remember abo...
Dawkins: I Don't Want To Know You If You're Only Moral Because Of God 
Leading atheist and Oxford scientist Richard Dawkins has expressed his strong view that it is not sufficient to be moral simply as a re...
Greg Stier Asks: Is There A Cure For Racism? 
Is there a cure for racism? "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you...
Facebook Boss Talks Of How Her Faith In God Helped Her Through Husband's Shock Death 
Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg recently sat down with megachurch pastor Billy Hybels for a wide-ranging conversation...

Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America and Today's Top Stories - Breaking Israel News

MK Yehudah Glick Sets Up Camp in Front of Temple Mount
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Major Upcoming Solar Eclipse Holds Divine Moral Warning for America: Rabbi

Yehudah Glick Sets Up Temple Mount Office in Protest of “Absurd” MK Ban [INTERVIEW]

“In the days to come, The Mount of Hashem’s House shall stand Firm above the mountains; And it shall tower above the hills. The peoples shall gaze on it with joy.” (Micah 4:1)

Terrorists Increasingly Using Drones to Watch and Attack Israel

“Hashem will put to rout before you the enemies who attack you; they will march out against you by a single road, but flee from you by many roads.” (Deuteronomy 28:7)

"Fear Not"- The most commonly used phrase in the Bible

The words "fear not" appear 80 times in the Torah. This is more than any other phrase in the BIble. God says these words to all three patriarchs; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as well as to all of the prophets. God also instructs the prophets to relay this message to the Jewish People. By repeating this phrase over and over, God is telling us that we have the power and the capacity to overcome any challenges which we may face in life.
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More Than Half of Israel’s Tourists in 2016 Were Christian, Data Shows

“Thus said Hashem: I am going to take B’nei Yisrael from among the nations they have gone to, and gather them from every quarter, and bring them to their own land.” (Ezekiel 37:21)

Former British PM Tony Blair Received Millions in 'Advisor' Fees From United Arab Emirates: Report

“Do not take bribes, for bribes blind the clear-sighted and upset the pleas of those who are in the right.” (Exodus 23:8)

Trump Envoys Kushner, Greenblatt Return to Region for One More Peace Push

“Thus He will judge among the nations And arbitrate for the many peoples.” (Isaiah 2:4)

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"95% of Arab-Israelis Are Loyal Citizens": Former Head of IAF Intelligence

How is Israel combating widespread support for terror in Arab-Israeli communities? Brig. Gen. (res) Ram Shmueli, the former head of the Israeli Air Force Intelligence, explains that the realities are not what they seem.


As he often does, Isaiah delivers severe rebuke followed by comfort and consolation. He tells the people that God has not cast Israel off...

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