Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: A Czar is born. Now that Putin has consolidated all Russian power...


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

A Czar is born. Now that Putin has consolidated all Russian power in his hands, what must President Trump & his team do to counter the rising Kremlin threat? (My new column for Fox News.)

by joelcrosenberg
(Ft. Myers, Florida) -- The following are excerpts from my new column for Fox News:
  • Vladimir Putin didn’t simply secure re-election on Sunday, winning 77 percent of the vote in a rigged election. He has consolidated all power in his hands and emerged as a modern-day Czar. He has also set his country on a collision course with the West, one that could prove catastrophic.
  • A close look at Putin’s record and rhetoric reveals a man consumed with re-creating a totalitarian state, expanding the country’s borders and rebuilding the glory of Mother Russia....
  • In the face of such a grave and growing threat, however, President Trump has been essentially radio silent about the most dangerous dictator on the planet. He only mentioned Russia once in his State of the Union address. He rarely if ever Tweets criticism of the Russian leader. Indeed, Mr. Trump is more critical of his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, than he is of Putin.
  • Now that Putin has finished with his re-election charade, we must be prepared for the possibility that he will become even more aggressive -- kill more critics, possibly invade another country.
  • Now is the time, therefore, for President Trump to impose far more — and far tougher — sanctions against Russian officials and oligarchs to punish them for their crimes and prevent new crimes. The moves he made last week were steps in the right direction, but not nearly enough.
  • Follow the money of Putin’s inner circle. Freeze their assets. Make it difficult or even impossible for them to use or move their money from U.S. and European banks. Prevent these gangsters from having the freedom to travel into the U.S. and NATO countries. In short: hit the Russians where it really hurts, in their wallets.
  • Mr. Trump must also speak out clearly and more firmly against Putin’s aggressions in interviews and tweets. He should deliver a major speech declaring that Putin poses a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States and our allies....
  • Meanwhile, the president ought to host a meeting with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May and other NATO leaders to discuss and implement additional unified strategies.....
  • Darkness is falling in Russia. A virulently anti-American Czar is sitting in the Kremlin, plotting his next moves. Only decisive American leadership, in concert with our allies, can stop him. And stop him we must.
joelcrosenberg | March 19, 2018 at 9:01 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: https://wp.me/piWZ7-8FG

Prophecy: 'We Are at the Tipping Point of Mass Revival' - DR. HAKEEM COLLINS CHARISMA NEWS

(Unsplash/Michael Held)

Prophecy: 'We Are at the Tipping Point of Mass Revival'

As I was in prayer concerning the present state of the church at large, the Lord began to reveal to me that we are at the tipping point of mass revival coming. I asked the Lord to share with me what that may look like. He showed a prophetic picture of "wind and fire" coupling. The Lord took me to the following Scriptures:
"Who makes His angels as winds, His ministers a flaming fire" (Ps. 104:4).
"But if I say, 'I will not make mention of Him nor speak any more in His name,' then His word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I was weary of forbearing it, and I could not endure it" (Jer. 20:9).
The Lord spoke to me that there are coming wildfires of revival hitting the body of Christ. These wildfires will not be destructive fires but constructive and consuming fires of revival. He gave me the image of wooded sticks on fire speaking of people through whom the next move of God will come. God revealed the term "firebrand" in my spirit. He is going to use firebrand-type revivalists who are glory carriers to spark and ignite personal, corporate and global change. It will happen through intense prayer, worship, fasting, soaking, prophesying and Holy Spirit-filled hunger for the glory of God. The Lord said that these Holy Spirit-filled firebrands would be marked with the love of Jesus and passion to see change in their generation.
The Oxford Dictionary defines the word "firebrand" as "a person who is passionate about a particular cause, typically inciting change and taking radical action." God is raising up Holy Spirit-filled firebrands that will become change-makers who will have a God-given cause burning within them to take action to see a radical shift. The Father is going set many of you ablaze in this season. The Lord is reigniting a new passion for what you have been called and anointed to do. Some of you have lost your fire and passion for what you once loved. God is breathing His breath upon you to rekindle the love and passion again.
The enemy will try to extinguish the fire and the zeal of the Lord in your life. I believe the Lord wants His people to "fan into the flame" the gift He has imparted within us. You are a torch burning in the hands of the Lord for the world to see. We are admonished in the Word of God to not neglect your spiritual gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control" (2 Tim 1:7).
What was it that Timothy had to "fan into flame? Well the Scripture was clear that it was the gift of God. What gift so to speak? Some may say it was the eternal gift but I don't believe it was that per se but the gift of God that was imparted into him by prophetic utterance and laying on hands as an apostolic charge to fulfill his calling. Some Bible scholars believe that it means that Timothy was to reignite his ministry, since the Greek word (here translated "fan into flame") can mean "rekindle." However, in other translations of the word means to "kindle into flame" or "fire it up." Let us look at the full text in 2 Timothy 1:6-7 (NKJV): "Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
The apostle Paul was not telling his spiritual son Timothy to rekindle something that had died in his apostolic ministry or calling. He is telling him to take the gift God has given him and set it on fire (in a good sense). He was telling Timothy to stir up the gift of God, while at the same time to become a firebrand of revival. Don't let your gift lay dormant but become a fire-starter in your generation! Paul's primary directives to Timothy were to ignite the gift God has deposited into him and use it for God's purposes boldly, soberly, passionately and in love.
As revival is coming in a new way we are going to hear messages that will possess prophetic power to set others ablaze. Ministers of the gospel are called like Timothy to preach and teach like men and women on fire. God is going to use many of your spiritual gifts in remarkable ways to bring revival to those you encounter daily. You will be the "burning ones" in your city, community, church, ministry, family, business, nation and generation to set others on fire for the Lord.
The Word of the Lord came to me, saying: For sons and daughters, I am igniting and making you ministers of flames of fire to release My glory to this generation. I am sending you angelic assistance as winds to help you to bring revolutionary change. And know that I am raising you up in this hour as Holy Spirit-filled firebrands of revival that will come in My power and with My authority, and you will be set ablaze, with signs following. Know, My child, that it is My heart to use you to rekindle the flames that have burned out in this nation and to rekindle the embers that have been left smoldering in the lives of those who have lost their zeal and passion. For surely, it is revival time, and I will be using you to spark again the fire in those who were once used in their spiritual gifts, who have become weary in well-doing. Now is the time for My glory to be radiant throughout the land. What seemed charred, seared and stagnant in your life will be revived as My fire ignites a new passion in your soul, says the Spirit of God. 
Dr. Hakeem Collins is an empowerment specialist, respected emerging prophetic voice, apostolic leader, governmental minister, life coach and sought-after conference speaker. He is known for his keen accurate prophetic gifting and supernatural ministry. Follow him onfacebook.com/drhakeemcollins/ and hakeemcollinsministries.com.

Sign of the Times: Why 'Jesus' Was Temporarily Removed from Easter Message - CBN News Emily Jones

Jesus Crucifixion
Jesus Crucifixion
Sign of the Times: Why 'Jesus' Was Temporarily Removed from Easter Message
CBN News Emily Jones
A church in New South Wales was forced to remove the word "Jesus" from its Easter signs at a local shopping center out of fear non-Christians would be offended by the word.
Elim Church paid to display a sign that read "The Greatness of His Power - Jesus is Alive" at the Erina Fair shopping center. However, church leaders were shocked when they were told by the shopping center's management company Lendlease that the word "Jesus" could not be included on the sign, even though it was advertising an Easter event.
Instead, the church had to change the sign from "Jesus" to "Christ."  Lendlease told Pastor Martin Duffy the word "Jesus" could have offended non-Christian shoppers.
"The phrase 'Jesus is alive'... is the core message of the Duffy told 2GB Radio. "I think there's a minority group out there that are constantly distorting the message of Jesus Christ. It's just going on and on."
Lendlease has since changed its mind and will allow the word "Jesus" on the sign as previously requested by the church.
'It was an error of judgment to ask Elim Church to change its messaging, and we apologise unreservedly," a Lendlease spokesperson told Daily Mail.
'Lendlease values diversity and inclusion, and we welcome people of all backgrounds at our shopping centres.'
CBN News has reached out to Elim Church and Lendlease and has yet to hear back.

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God's Love of the Land ✡ "Hashem Will Take Yehuda To Himself As His Portion" - Israel365

Hashem will take Yehuda to Himself as His portion in the HolyLand, and He will choose Yerushalayim once more
Zechariah 2:16 (The Israel Bible™)

וְנָחַל יְהוָה אֶת־יְהוּדָה חֶלְקוֹ עַל אַדְמַת הַקֹּדֶשׁ וּבָחַר עוֹד בִּירוּשָׁלִָם
Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-na-KHAL a-do-NAI et y’-hu-DAH khel-KO AL ad-MAT ha-KO-desh u-va-KHAR OD

God's Love of the Land

There are many explanations of the meaning of the name Yerushalayim (ירושלים), the Hebrew for Jerusalem.  According to the Sages, the name Yerushalayim comes from the words Yirah (יראה) and Shalem (שלם). Yirah is the Hebrew word for awe, and shalemmeans complete. According to this interpretation, the name Yerushalayim means to completely submit oneself to Hashem (God). This holy city is so special and beloved to man because Hashem loves it so much. This is how humans relate to the entire Land of Israel: We love this land because Hashem loves this land. Pictured above is the Mount of Olives, adjacent to the Old City in Yerushalayim.
Read more about Hashem’s love for the Land of Israel

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