Saturday, June 9, 2018

$28,166: What It Costs To Provide Health Care For An American Family Of Four For One Year - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 07 Jun 2018 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

One of the primary reasons why the middle class in America is disappearing so rapidly is because of skyrocketing health care costs.  Families all over the country are being absolutely crushed by extremely high health insurance premiums, ridiculously high deductibles and very large out-of-pocket expenses that were not anticipated.  In fact, medical bills are the number one reason why individuals go bankrupt in the United States today. 

Once upon a time, the medical profession was all about helping people, but today it has become a heartless money-making operation that is dominated by health insurance corporations and pharmaceutical companies.  If we do not make major changes quickly, our out of control health care system will destroy the middle class in our country all by itself.

I knew that health care costs were astronomical, but I had no idea that health care costs for an average family of four for one year had hit $28,166
The total costs for a typical family of four insured by the most common health plan offered by employers will average $28,166 this year, according to the annual Milliman Medical Index.
The estimate includes the average cost of health insurance paid by employers and employees, as well as deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.
That is a crazy amount of money.  Once upon a time, you could buy an entire house in America for $28,000.  But now that will only cover health care costs for a single year.
The largest portion of that amount goes to pay for health insurance.  For those that receive health benefits at work, usually the employer pays most of that bill
Last year, the premium for the most popular health plan offered by employers — what is known as a preferred provider organization  — for family coverage was $19,481, according to the annual survey done by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust.
Employers paid $13,430 and employees paid $6,050 of the premium on average.
When you break down that total, it comes to more than $1,500 a month just for health insurance.

That is insane.

And of course those of us that are self-employed or that work for businesses that don’t provide health insurance have to pay for it all on our own.

Needless to say, that can be financially crippling.  And thanks to Obamacare, it is harder than ever before.  Not too long ago, I wrote about one family in Virginia that is now faced with the prospect of paying $3,000 a month for an Obamacare plan…
Could you afford to pay $3000 a month for health insurance? Previously, Ian Dixon had been paying $900 a month for health insurance for his family of four, but thanks to changes in the Charlottesville insurance market, a similar plan will now cost him more than $3,000 a month.
This is one of the biggest reasons why the percentage of Americans that are self-employed is hovering near record lows.  People simply cannot afford the health insurance.

And every year it gets worse.  For 2018, it was being projected that the average rate increase for Obamacare plans would be 37 percent.

If our paychecks were going up 37 percent each year, that would be fine. But of course that just isn’t happening.

This is one of our great long-term challenges as a society.  We have got to get health care costs under control if our system is going to be sustainable.

There is absolutely no reason why an appendectomy in the United States needs to be 10 times more expensive than an appendectomy in Mexico.  The quality of care in Mexico is not 10 times worse than in the United States.  In fact, it is actually pretty comparable to what we have here, and many Americans are now taking “medical vacations” to have procedures performed down there because our system is so badly broken.

Sadly, this figure of $28,166 for a family of four will be out of date by next month.

According to one expert quoted by USA Today, every single month the number goes up by another one hundred dollars…
“But every month, a family of four’s health care costs are going up $100 a month,” Weltz said.
The costs have been going up by that amount — on average — for more than a decade.
I have to admit that our health care system makes me angry.  Today, the U.S. health care system accounts for nearly one-fifth of the U.S. economy, but back in 1960 it only accounted for about 5 percent of the overall economy.

There is no reason why we can’t start moving back toward that level.  We just need to reintroduce true competition and free market principles into our health care system.  Those that have been abusing their power need to be held accountable, and something desperately needs to be done about the health insurance companies and the big pharmaceutical giants.  In one recent year, more than 100 billion dollars was spent on cancer drugs, and that is absolutely outrageous.

If you go all the way back to 1960, an average of $146 was spent on health care per person for the entire year.

So for a family of four, the total would have been about $600, but now it is over $28,000.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

On a per capita basis, we spend far, far more than anyone else in the world on health care.
If you can believe it, we actually spend nearly twice as much as most of the other industrialized nations in the world on a per capita basis.

The only way that we are going to have a thriving middle class is if we get health care costs under control, but unfortunately Congress is such a mess right now that nothing is likely to get done for the foreseeable future.

So our health care system is going to continue to deteriorate, and many Americans will continue to travel overseas when they need important procedures to be done.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

Whitney Houston's last performance was all about Jesus. - Faithwire

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Analysis: How the Media Serve as an Echo Chamber for Hamas - Yochanan Visser ISRAEL TODAY

Analysis: How the Media Serve as an Echo Chamber for Hamas

Friday, June 08, 2018 |  Yochanan Visser  ISRAEL TODAY
US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman this week harshly criticized the international media for being an “echo chamber” for Hamas and other Palestinian organizations in their reporting on the Gaze border riots over the past two months.
“With all the criticism Israel has gotten, nobody has identified the less lethal means by which Israel could have defended itself over the last 4 weeks… If what happened isn’t right – what is right? It seems to me that in this journalistic environment nine out of 10 articles that are written about the Gaza conflict are critical of Israel,” Friedman argued during a conference in Jerusalem organized by The Media Line.
“There’s tension between getting it out fast, and getting it right,” the American diplomat continued, adding that “no one in the media should have to be an echo chamber,” since journalism should be based on accuracy.
While Friedman was speaking, Townhall published a column written by Marina Medvin in which she accused CNN of disseminating ‘fake news’ about Hamas’ violent attempts to infiltrate and terrorize southern Israel.
CNN stories are propagandizing art. A story about months of continuous attacks on Israeli border and infrastructure by terrorists and their recruits becomes a story of a nurse killed due to Israeli overreaction to what CNN described as ’largely unarmed’ ‘protests,’ a regurgitation of Hamas terrorist allegations,” Medvin wrote.
She then gave two examples of how CNN serves as an echo-chamber for Hamas in Gaza.
In the case of the death of a Palestinian baby in May, CNN reported Israel was responsible for the death of the child who Palestinian Arabs claimed died of inhalation of tear gas during one of the violent protests along the Gaza border.
“Turns out, that was a lie,” Medvin wrote, adding that “the baby was removed from the list of Palestinian dead because that baby died of natural causes unrelated to Israel or the Great Return March.”
The baby suffered “from patent ductus arteriosus, a congenital heart disease commonly described as a hole in the heart,” The New York Times reported last month.
The dead body of the child was then taken to the Israeli border by an 11-year-old uncle, while the father of the baby lied to the media about the causes of his child's death to score some points in the cognitive war against Israel.
CNN didn’t correct its reporting about the death of the baby, nor did the organization withdraw the false accusation that IDF soldiers were responsible for its death.
Then there is the case of Razzan al-Najjar a 20-year-old paramedic who Palestinian sources are claiming was shot dead by Israeli snipers during last week’s violent protests.
Virtually all media outlets republished claims by Hamas and the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza that al-Najjar died as a result of Israeli sniper fire while trying to care for wounded people along the border fence.
Israeli blogger Aussi Dave, however, delved into the information Palestinian sources have been disseminating since the alleged incident.
His article on the Israellycool blog opens with the conclusion that the Palestinian “version of events is not consistent and raises serious doubts as to the veracity of their claims.”
Pro-Palestinian media and organizations have been saying Israeli snipers shot the nurse in the back or in the chest, depending on whom you ask.
TRT World even aired a video purportedly showing al-Najjar wearing a bulletproof press vest after being shot. Other caretakers are seen removing the vest while TRT reports: “Israeli forces killed her.”
A bulletproof vest, however, prevents the penetration of bullets, and the TRT video clearly shows that the nurse's clothes, which Electronic Intifada claimed clearly identified her as a medic, were not blood-soaked as one might have expected when one is hit in the chest by a bullet.
Palestinian sources later published pictures showing blood-soaked clothes purportedly belonging to al-Najjar, but as the TRT video clarified, the Palestinian nurse was not wearing these clothes.
Another photograph released by Palestinian sources shows Razan Najjar raising her hands and wearing a red headscarf (Hijab) while approaching the border fence.
Yet, a picture which purportedly was taken after she was shot shows two things contradicting other images.
First, she wore a black and purple headscarf, but in another shot she suddenly appears wearing a snow-white paramedic's jacket free of blood.
On Tuesday, the IDF published the results of its preliminary investigation into the incident and officially announced its forces had not shot at  Razan al-Najjar.
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The Sneaky Spirit of Suicide: How You Can Fight the Looming Lies That Pushed Celebrities to Kill Themselves - LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD CHARISMA NEWS

(Unsplash/Abdiel Ibarra)

The Sneaky Spirit of Suicide: How You Can Fight the Looming Lies That Pushed Celebrities to Kill Themselves

I want to answer the celebrity suicide question that so many are struggling with: "If a celebrity such as Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain or Robin Williams should kill themselves, why shouldn't I?"
Here's my answer, an answer I would have loved to have shared with our recently departed friends.
Depression is like a living monster built on lies that parade through your mind, lies built for one purpose, to steal, kill and destroy the wonderful person you are. Dr. Keith Abow, a psychiatrist who has dealt with many who entertained this monster, said in an article that addressed Robin Williams, "I would have told you to fight against the invader with everything and every resource, without pride. Deploy every weapon. And because the truth is the mortal enemy of every lie, I would have told you to get to an emergency room or call a suicide hotline or 911 and tell someone the absolute truth about all the dark thoughts you were having—yes, even the one about leaving the planet. Especially that one. Because that one is the big lie implanted in your mind by the Godforsaken charlatan, scum, named major depression. Your enemy. And mine."
I applaud Dr. Abow's wise words, but I'd like to continue to shine truth on the lies that come with depression. The idea that you should kill yourself is from the pit of hell. We know Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy the very ones God has gifted with the most purpose and potential. First, he blinds them to their future and hope; then he whispers lies into their hearts about how the world would be better off without them, and only death will stop their pain.
If you are hearing such lies, do not believe them.
If I could have said one thing to Kate or Anthony or Robin prior to their deaths, I would have told them, "You are loved not only by God, but you have also brought joy to many. If you choose to live, not only will you continue to bring joy to others, but you will find happier moments yourself. Plus, you can find God's peace here in this world."
The sad truth is that many will be influenced by these celebrity suicides and will choose suicide as well. Kate, Anthony and Robin could have chosen life and in time, walked out of their depression. They might even have experienced God-given purpose as well as love, joy and even peace. Sure, in continuing life, these dear souls may have struggled from time to time, but much could have been done to manage their depression, and they could have lived out their lives in peace and even joy. The problems these celebrities may have struggled with such as self-loathing, financial woes, fear of the future, loss of relationships or even mental illness could have been survived or even carried by Jesus himself.
If these celebrities had only trusted in the God who loved them; if they had pushed back against their depression, even one more time. If they had called 911 or gone to the emergency room, they could have lived through the darkness to find life once again.
Kate, Anthony and Robin are gone, but you are here, and I'd like to say that if you are depressed, you can fight back. You can recognize the lies of depression, which may be trying to coax you into a tragic decision that will not only hurt you but those who love you. Don't do anything rash while you are in the depth of your hurt or despair. Live, so you can have a hope and a future.
As the word says in Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT), "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'"
You do not have to give into the temptation of death. You can choose to live. Just as the Lord told his people,
"I call heaven and earth to witnesses against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live" (Deut. 30:19).
Live! God loves you and will get you through the darkness.
Please pray with me:
Dear Lord,
I come to You with my depression and thoughts of suicide. I break the spirit of suicide off of myself in the name of Jesus and in the power of His blood. If Satan has sent his lackeys to pepper me with thoughts of suicide, I say—you must be quiet! You may not speak to me againin Jesus' name!
I declare that I will live because God has plans for me. Plans for good and not for disaster, to give me a future and a hope.
I declare that this day, I choose life and blessings so that my children and I may live.
Also, Lord, I ask that You heal the grief and trauma of my wounded heart and exchange my pain for Your peace, love and joy. I ask that You, Lord, carry my burdens so I may have Your peace.
I pray this in the powerful name and through the blood of Jesus Christ my Savior!
If you would like to know more about God's love for you, go to: 
Linda Evans Shepherd is the author of The God You Need to Know; Discover His Story, Experience His Love, a book that recently hit No. 1 on Amazon in several categories.