Saturday, June 16, 2018

One wrong click changed her life forever. - Faithwire

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"Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the
earth by your great power and outstretched arm. 
Nothing is too hard for you."
Jeremiah 32
The Silent Sin
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They aren’t alone. While the numbers are lower for Christian women, they’re still concerning. This is a shockingly rampant problem in our culture — even inside the church. But all hope is not lost... 
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One of the biggest addictions in America is available almost anywhere, free of charge, and no one is talking about it...
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“When we are willing to stand by and allow our government to separate innocent babies from their immigrant parents. When we stand by in silence as government officials bleat on and use the Bible as justification for this immoral act. That’s just vile.”
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Govt Crackdown
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“Are you doing church at your property?” one city planner reportedly asked a church representative following the purchase, adding, “There are eyes everywhere, and you are always being watched.”
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Joe Joe Dawson: A Stirring in the Heavens on Your Behalf - THE ELIJAH LIST

June 15, 2018

"There is a Stirring in the Heavens on Your Behalf"
Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzAs I read this short but powerful word from Joe Joe Dawson, the verse came to me: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

In this article, you will find out just how God is truly stirring the heavens for YOU!

Joe Joe shares here:
The Lord is going to orchestrate the heavenly hosts and send His angels to go before you. No matter what situation you are facing, you must always know God has your back and all of Heaven is behind you. God is always planning, moving and shaking to position you and those around you to help you succeed!

Now, be encouraged that God is always, always working on your behalf! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)


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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"There is a Stirring in the Heavens on Your Behalf"
Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

Most evenings I stay up and spend extra time with the Lord just praying and waiting to hear from Him. During these times, I often ask for encounters to come while I'm asleep. I will also ask that if the Lord gives me a prophetic dream that He will show me the interpretation. This is how the Lord speaks to me. It is different for everyone.

Most mornings, right as I am starting to wake up but am still asleep, I hear the Lord very clearly. Why is that? I believe that the Lord speaks to us during those times because that is the time when our minds are the most clear.

He is Stirring the Heavens and Sending His Angels

Only a few mornings ago, as soon as I was coming out of sleep and just barely awake, I had an encounter with the Lord. I could almost hear and see a stirring in the heavens. Then I heard the Lord say, "Tell My children, there is a stirring in the heavens on their behalf."

I was immediately excited and ready to share this word with the Body of Christ.

Even while you are resting, God is moving, positioning and working on your behalf. I tell people this all the time—God is moving more behind the scenes of your life than you could ever imagine. 

So many people stay up late at night, losing sleep because of worry and fret. There is a better way though, my friends. Go to bed and let God do what He does.

The Lord is going to orchestrate the heavenly hosts and send His angels to go before you. No matter what situation you are facing, you must always know God has your back and all of Heaven is behind you. God is always planning, moving and shaking to position you and those around you to help you succeed!

Put His Plans into Action!

We must fully depend on God to bring about His purpose for our life. There is a stirring in the heavens on behalf of the children of God. However, we must be careful not to develop a spiritual WELFARE mentality. God will not do everything for us, as we are to co-labor with Him; but He will provide us with opportunities, wisdom and His favor to help us move forward.

Just because the Lord is saying there is a stirring in the heavens, does not mean that it will not require some work and cooperation with the Lord. You are to do something.

Whenever the Lord gives you a new assignment, a new plan or new instructions, you will have to put it into action. God gives us supernatural words but it requires a natural response.

If God wants you to work a certain job, it will require you to go and apply for that job. If God is calling you to start a business, there are natural steps that you will need to take to launch that business.

This is a word that God is moving and shaking, and there is a stirring in the heavens—this is not just a now word. This is a forever word. God is always moving on your behalf but everything God has called you to will require action. When God lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land, He gave them the land. But they still had to conquer it, defeat the giants, and cultivate the land He had given them. The same is true for us. God will lead us into what He is giving us, but we will have to position ourselves to take ownership of it. God will do His part but we must do ours.

(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries


Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawson's live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

The Power of Psalms ✡ "Hashem Rebuilds Yerushalayim" - Israel365

Hashem rebuilds Yerushalayim; He gathers in the exiles of Yisrael.
Psalms 147:2 (The Israel Bible™)

בּוֹנֵה יְרוּשָׁלִַם יְהוָה נִדְחֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יְכַנֵּס
Hear the verse in Hebrew

bo-NEH ye-ru-sha-LAYIM a-do-NAI need-KHAY yis-ra-EL YEE-ka-nes

The Power of Psalms

Written by King David and ten elders, each psalm exposes the raw emotion of the Israelites attempting to feel God’s presence, while at the same time contending with external and internal foes. The medium of poetry, with its wordplays and metaphors, acrostics and flowery language, offers a universal subjective aspect to the written word. Each generation finds inspiration, spirit and solace in David’s song. Each psalm, according to tradition, while authored by human beings, nevertheless possesses a divine spark, a spiritual note.
Dive into the power of Psalms

Israeli Children Hope to Play with Kites, Not Fear Them


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UN Condemns Israel, But Won't Censure Hamas - Israel Today

UN Condemns Israel, But Won't Censure Hamas

Friday, June 15, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
The United Nations' bias and hypocrisy was on full display this week when the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of condemning Israel for the violence on the Gaza border, but refused to do the same for Hamas.
Having failed to push a condemnation of Israel through the UN Security Council, thanks to a US veto, champions of the Palestinian cause turned to the General Assembly, even though resolutions passed there are not legally binding.
The resolution passed on Wednesday slammed Israel for "excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate" use of force in dealing with the mass infiltration attempts along the Israel-Gaza border. The motion passed with 120 nations in favor, 8 opposed and 45 abstaining.
Just before the vote, US Ambassador Nikki Haley proposed an amendment that would have also held Hamas responsible for the volatile situation. The assembly voted on the amendment, accepting it by a vote of 62 in favor, 58 opposed and 42 abstentions, but the General Assembly president refused to add the amendment to the resolution arguing that it required the approval of a two-thirds majority. The original anti-Israel draft then went forward to a vote absent the US amendment.
Haley called the final General Assembly ruling a "morally bankrupt judgement."
In Israel, it wasn't paid a great deal of attention. Israelis are by now used to the bias and hypocrisy of the United Nations, and do not much worry themselves with the rumblings of the nations (Isaiah 17:13).
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