Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hamas and the Nazis are the same, and here is proof - Israel Video Network

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Ordinary people are shocked when they learn Hamas and the Nazis are one and the same. That’s the scary part: People don't realize that Hamas is not merely an organization fighting against Israel. They want to murder all the Jews. Just like the Nazis. Is it really that hard to see?
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No matter what President Trump does, the media will criticize him.

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We must do everything we can to fight terrorism - especially, outside of our borders.
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It’s nice when Jews are Zionists. But when non-Jews decide on their own that they should support Israel because that’s what’s right, it is just unbelievable! Check out what this non-Jewish Hungarian Zionist wants to tell the world about Israel!

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How to Achieve Holiness ✡ "Yehuda Became His Holy One" - Israel365

Yehuda became His holy one, Yisrael, His dominion.
Psalms 114:2 (The Israel Bible™)

הָיְתָה יְהוּדָה לְקָדְשׁוֹ יִשְׂרָאֵל מַמְשְׁלוֹתָיו
Hear the verse in Hebrew

HAY-ta ye-HU-da le-KAD-sho yis-RA-el mam-she-LO-tav

How to Achieve Holiness

Hashem (God) exhorts the People of Israel to be a holy nation. The Torah (Bible) outlines how to achieve holiness through the observance of Biblical law. Most of the laws pertain to man's interaction with his fellow, but several are also ritualistic. Examples of the former include required portions to charity, honest business dealings and treating our neighbors as we wish to be treated. Examples of the latter include keeping the Sabbath, being meticulous in the laws of sacrifices and not worshiping idols.
Be holy

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Israel Foils Massive Hamas Terror Assault - Israel Today

Israel Foils Massive Hamas Terror Assault

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli security officials this week revealed the recent thwarting of a massive Hamas terror assault on central Israel.
In October of last year, the Israel Security Agency (ISA, known in Israel as the "Shin Bet") began investigating a large Hamas cell established in the Samarian town of Nablus.
In the ensuing months, the ISA discovered that the cell was planning an unprecedented terrorist offensive.
"In recent months, the Shin Bet, Israel Defense Forces and Israel Police uncovered a Hamas terror cell, extraordinary in its size and level of activity, which operated in the Nablus area," read an ISA statement released this past Sunday.
The cell was made up of over 20 operatives, most of whom have now been arrested. They were planning to carrying out a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, bomb attacks in Tel Aviv and the Jewish settlement of Itamar, and shooting attacks across the northern West Bank.
All of the aforementioned attacks were thwarted, and by the end of April, nearly all the cell members had been taken into custody.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said these revelations again proved why Israel can't simply surrender its biblical heartland for a questionable peace agreement.
"Hamas is trying to harm us both from Gaza and from Judea and Samaria. That is the reason that we will continue to maintain security control over the entire area west of the Jordan," said the Israeli leader in a prepared statement.
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