Thursday, June 21, 2018

Is The United States On A Road To Becoming Ungovernable? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 20 Jun 2018 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

For a long time I have observed the rancor in modern American political discourse, and I have become concerned about where all of this anger and frustration is taking us.  In order for any society to function, there must be some form of government.  And in order for government to function, a certain percentage of the population has to be willing to submit to the authority of that government.  

For example, there will always be a few tax protesters out there that refuse to pay their taxes, but if every single American suddenly decided to stop paying taxes our system of taxation would collapse overnight.  Sure, the government could prosecute thousands of us, but if that crackdown still didn’t motivate people to start paying their taxes there is not much that could be done.  The only reason any form of government works is because enough people buy into the narrative that the government is legitimate and should be respected.  

Here in the United States, fewer and fewer people are buying into that narrative.

The Pew Research CenterGallup, and NPR have all run polls that show that faith in government is near all-time lows in the United States.  A lot of us have been let down so many times, and most of us simply do not “believe in America” like we once did.  Yes, we may still believe in “the people” or “the values” that the nation was founded upon, but at our core we just do not have faith in our governmental institutions.

But simply being disillusioned is not going to be enough to make us ungovernable.  

Generations of Americans have complained about government, but they have always gone along with the system.  Unfortunately, things are changing in a fundamental way.  Instead of just complaining about government, Americans are being trained to think of government as the enemy.  We certainly witnessed a great deal of this under Barack Obama, and without a doubt Obama was absolutely terrible, but now under Donald Trump things have gone to an entirely new level.

We literally have millions of people in this country that truly believe that President Trump is the moral equivalent of Adolf Hitler and that the Republican Party is a bunch of fascists.  Of course some conservatives have been saying similar things about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Democrats for years.  But with Trump we are witnessing something that we have never seen before.  The mainstream media is actually pounding the drumbeats of hatred for our president day after day, and when you say something long enough and loud enough some people are going to believe you.

If you truly believe that someone is just like Adolf Hitler, the logical response would be to do whatever is necessary to end the tyranny.  And this is precisely what we have seen from Antifa – their open embrace of violence is justified in their eyes because of the “enemy” that they are fighting.

And it isn’t just Trump that the left is targeting.  Just this week a deranged man in Ohio was arrested for threatening U.S. Congressman Brian Mast
A Stuart man was arrested Tuesday after a federal complaint states he threatened U.S. Rep. Brian Mast’s children over the Trump administration’s child-separation immigration policy.
Laurence Key called Mast’s Washington office Monday and said, “I’m going to find the congressman’s kids and kill them,” an intern who took the call told the FBI, according to a federal complaint filed in U.S. District Court. “If you are going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids.”
For those of you that don’t know, Congressman Mast is a double amputee.  He lost both legs serving our nation overseas, and he has a young girl and two young boys that are all younger than 8.

Are you starting to understand why more good people don’t run for office in this country?

Now that President Trump has signed an executive order that will keep immigrant families together at the border, the left has got to come up with something else to keep the rancor going.  So now we are being told that President Trump is inhumane for “putting entire families in cages” at the border, when that is not true at all.

But it really doesn’t matter what the truth is – the key is to keep the narrative going.

We have already reached a point where a certain percentage of the population is not going to recognize the legitimacy of our government no matter who is sent to the White House.  Millions upon millions of Americans refer to Donald Trump as “not my president”, and there are millions of us that never accepted the legitimacy of the Obama presidency. So who would the American people accept?

Someone in the middle?

Sadly, the truth is that Barack Obama and Donald Trump are “the middle” today.  There is no longer a single set of values that unites our nation, and America is becoming more deeply divided with each passing day.

The only thing that is really holding us back from mass rioting and chaos on a constant basis is our massively inflated debt-fueled standard of living.

As long as people have plenty of food to eat and lots of entertainment to keep them sedated, a complete and total societal meltdown is unlikely.

But if our food and entertainment were to be taken away, the American people are primed for the biggest temper tantrum in the history of our nation.

We have never had a president that is hated as much as President Trump, and the mainstream media keeps feeding that hatred on a daily basis.  Whatever goes wrong over the next few years will be blamed on him, and the moment a real crisis hits we will start to see cities burn all over the country.

The second president of the United States, John Adams, once made the following statement
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Today, the American people are not very religious and they certainly are not moral.  Suicide rates are absolutely soaring, and we are very deeply unhappy as a nation.

It would be wonderful if we could unite behind the values that this nation was built upon, but we discarded those values long ago.

So now we face a very uncertain future, and it is only a matter of time before someone lights a spark that sets off mass societal unrest all across the United States.

Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.

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Chuck D. Pierce: "The Kingdom Clash is Upon You! Do Not Resist the Head-On Collision!" - The Elijah List

Chuck D. Pierce: "The Kingdom Clash is Upon You! Do Not Resist the Head-On Collision!"

The Elijah List  Jun 21, 2018
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Dear Elijah List Readers,
This is a "medley" of prophecies spoken at Chuck Pierce's church, which Chuck is a part of, has endorsed, and sent out.
God is speaking to His people that NOW is the time to NOT SHRINK BACK and not LOOK BACK, but to FORGE AHEAD.
We are in a time where kingdoms are clashing – both on Earth among the nations and in the heavenlies between dark forces and God's Kingdom.
I want you to read this and not be ignorant about what God is saying to HIS CHURCH in this VERY HOUR.
Forge matter the clashing of Kingdoms! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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Dear Advancing Ones:
Amazing revelation is breaking forth in our services that is changing the atmosphere around us! Don't miss this key prophecy!
"There is a KINGDOM CLASH that is upon you, and you are in the midst of this KINGDOM CLASH! You are seeing, feeling, and called to embrace this KINGDOM CLASH.
"I am causing kingdoms to realign, and without you there cannot be a realignment. The Kingdom is within you! Therefore, you are vital in this realignment that is occurring.
"Do not resist the clash! Allow the Kingdom within you to rise up and realign the earth around you! Don't shrink back! Don't shrink back! Don't shrink back!
"Backwards is calling you, but rise up and clash with Me in those things around you in this head-on collision. You may want to shrink back and go backwards to avoid what you are about to collide against, but go straight forward! Don't try to veer to the right or left! This is a time you must collide head on!
The Reality of My Kingdom and Heaven
"My Kingdom has come to this earth. Many have not walked in this reality because the clash has never come into their lives. This is the hour of the clash that will demonstrate and reveal the reality of My Kingdom.
"There is a reality in Heaven around you that you do not understand. For the heavens are around you, the heavens are above you, and the heavens are warring over you. Enter into this heavenly realm and your eyes will see in a dimension they've never seen before.(Photo via GraphicStock)
"I have opened portals and gateways – to your right and to your left, above and behind. I am opening pathways for you to move in the heavenlies. Are you willing to come and align? Will you move forward on the paths I have created? I have created lines in the earth and in the heavens, and My people will align with My lines at this time.
"Come with Me, for I am pouring Heaven down into you. In other days, what I poured down has leaked out. Come with Me! I am opening the portals over you and pouring down, and what leaked out in the past season will now rise up within you and cause you to become buoyant in faith.
"Come with Me now and I will fix the leaks that have allowed My spring to run out of you. You will not just have springs, but you will enter into a river. Come with Me now, for I am pouring the river through the portal.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
"Will you allow Me to penetrate through layers you've not allowed Me to penetrate in past seasons? There is much within the layers of the strata within you – much abundance and prosperity deep within you. Will you allow Me to drill and access the portal that goes down deep within you? Will you allow an enhanced recovery of everything that is within you?
Fit for Battle!
"I am writing 'FIT FOR BATTLE' over your spirit! I have put eternity in your heart, and there is a portion of eternity only the warrior can see and know.
"If you choose to enter the next season of war I am calling you into, I will stamp 'FIT FOR BATTLE' over you and allow you to enter a portion of eternity that has been locked inside your heart. As you move in – step by step by step – you are moving into portions of eternity because you are fit for battle. I am restoring the heart of the warrior!
"There is a fight between life and death. In the clash of kingdoms there are some who are in a literal fight between life and death. There is a spirit of death that is trying to take you prematurely and that opposes the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. Despite the diagnosis you've received, hear My word over you: The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus will give life to your mortal bodies.
"Enter into that dimension of My Kingdom! Enter into that dimension of My Word that is stronger than any power of death, Hell, and the grave! Grab it! War with it! Let the kingdoms clash, and sing your song of victory, 'His Spirit gives me life!'
"Some of you have encountered death in the past, and that's what has caused you to lose strength. In those places where death pushed you backwards, you must rise up and see eternity. When you go into death encounters, you lose vision of eternity. But I have set eternity in your hearts.
"When you go through loss, confusion, and hope deferred, I am ready to push out of you the death encounters of the past and return you to a place of victory so you can see eternity." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
(Prophetic words spoken by: Chuck D. Pierce, Amman Beeftu, LeAnn Squier, Acijam Otxoa, Brian Kooiman, Tobias Lyons, and Linda Heidler)
Chuck D. Pierce with Rebekah Faubion
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

Fire in My Bones: If You Want New Wine, You Need New Wineskins - J. Lee Grady CHARISMA

Fire in my Bones, with J. Lee Grady
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
If You Want New Wine, You Need New Wineskins

(Getty Images/iStock/Getty Images Plus/RinoCdZ)
You may not have heard the crashing sound. But last week, old walls of tradition collapsed when the nation's largest Protestant denomination elected a new leader.

The commotion occurred after J.D. Greear, 45, a successful pastor from Durham, North Carolina, was elected president of the 15-million-member Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Greear is the youngest leader of the SBC in 37 years, and he brings with him a fresh approach to ministry that could trigger a wave of growth as well as upset some hyper-conservatives.

Greear lives outside the traditional Baptist box. His church doesn't even have the word "Baptist" in it. The Summit Church, which he started with 300 members in 2001, has now grown to 10,000 members who meet in nine locations throughout the Raleigh-Durham area.

The church's worship has an exuberant charismatic flair. In a 2012 teaching series on the Holy Spirit, he told his congregation that it's a sin to restrict speaking in tongues. But most of all, The Summit is aggressively evangelistic and missions-focused.

When Greear was elected on June 12, he said God is stirring the SBC and exposing "a startling amount of sin in our midst." Greear said he welcomed God's uncomfortable work "because whom the Lord loves, he chastens." He was specifically referencing recent reports that SBC leaders have at times told women in abusive marriages that they should submit to domineering husbands. read more 
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