Friday, June 22, 2018

The Source of Strength ✡ "He Endows Your Realm With Well-Being" - Israel365

He endows your realm with well-being, and satisfies you with choice wheat.
Psalms 147:14 (The Israel Bible™)

הַשָּׂם־גְּבוּלֵךְ שָׁלוֹם חֵלֶב חִטִּים יַשְׂבִּיעֵךְ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

ha-SAM g’-vu-LAYKH sha-LOM KHAY-lev khi-TEEM yas-bee-AYKH

The Source of Strength

While the Bible makes frequent mention of military affairs and speaks often of soldiers, the important principle that emerges is found in this verse: Ha–sam g’vulaych shalom (השם גבולך שלום). Translated here as ‘He endows your realm with well-being,’ these words literally mean ‘He who makes your borders peaceful.’  We must always remember that ultimately, our own efforts do not matter. Rather, Hashem (God) is behind all of our successes.  Though the modern Israeli army is one of the strongest in the world, it continuously remembers the true source of its strength.
What is the source of your strength?

The Israel Bible: 70th Anniversary Hardcover Edition


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Non-Jews Taking a Noahide Vow On Temple Mount, Recreating Biblical Ger Toshav - Breaking Israel News

BIN HeaderBiblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Non-Jews Taking a Noahide Vow On Temple Mount, Recreating Biblical Ger Toshav

Four Christian Americans made a special stop on their tour of Jerusalem: ascending to the Temple Mount, and in front of a Bet Din (rabbinic court) took an oath to obey the Seven Noahide Lawsincumbent on all of mankind

Emunah Israel’s Healing Work Has Miraculous Societal Impact

In Emunah Israel's 85-year history it has helped give hope to some of Israel's most neglected citizens

Yonina: Lecha Dodi/All of me

Nina and Yoni Tokayer, who make up the duo Yonina, play the Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming the Sabbath) hymn Lecha Dodi (Come my Friend) to the melody of John Legend’s All of Me

ICYMI: Israeli Scientist Finds Mathematical Formula that Proves Prophecy

Saul Kullok, a scientist with many patents to his name, has developed a formula correlating the axis of the earth and the latitudes of Israel’s Biblical borders to Prophecy

The Curse of Religious Coercion

By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
After the Children of Israel complained about the lack of water in the desert, God ordered Moshe to speak to a rock and draw forth water, but, as is well known, he hit the rock instead
By Jonathan S. Tobin
By Carrie Sheffield
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Report: Hamas Paid Family to Claim Baby Died From Israeli Teargas - Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY

Report: Hamas Paid Family to Claim Baby Died From Israeli Teargas

Thursday, June 21, 2018 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Remember that baby girl who died in Gaza last month allegedly after inhaling teargas fired by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian protestors?
Well–surprise, surprise–it turns out 9-month-old Layla Ghandour wasn't the victim of heartless Israeli brutality after all. At least not according to her cousin.
Twenty-year-old Mohammed Omar was captured by Israeli forces late last month while taking part in a three-man infiltration of southern Israel. The Fatah-affiliated activists managed to cut through the Gaza security fence and tried to set fire to an unmanned IDF post. Omar and one other cell member were nabbed, while the third managed to escape back into Gaza.
During his interrogation, Omar detailed the planned attack, and also volunteered that he was related to Layla Ghandour.
According to his indictment filed by the Southern District Attorney on Thursday, Omar told investigators that he was present at the mass Gaza border demonstration on May 14, the day Layla died.
Omar reported receiving a phone call from his mother informing him that his baby cousin had passed away. When he arrived home, Omar was told that Layla had succumbed to the same blood disease that had killed her brother less than a year earlier.
It was at that point, Omar recounted, that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar got in touch with the family and offered them NIS 8,000 ($2,200) to tell reporters that Layla had died from inhaling Israeli teargas.
This type of deception is not uncommon in the Palestinians' portrayal of Israeli defensive and counter-terrorism measures. Nor is the mainstream international media's willingness to publish each and every unsubstantiated Palestinian claim against Israel absent even the most rudimentary fact-checking.
As the above video notes, Hamas had already removed Layla from the official Gaza border death toll at the end of last month, but not until longer after the damage to Israel's reputation had been done.
Watch video here: Hamas lies
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Thursday, June 21, 2018

MEDIA MADNESS! | Dr. Lance Wallnau video

Published on Jun 20, 2018

The spiritual war over the United States that threatens the Republic

'They Had the Power:' Former Satanic High Priest Says Christians' Prayers Hindered Him from Carrying Out Evil - CBN News Charlene Aaron

'They Had the Power:' Former Satanic High Priest Says 
Christians' Prayers Hindered Him from Carrying Out Evil
CBN News Charlene Aaron
John Ramirez once worshipped the devil and carried out evil in the name of Satan.

Now a pastor, he knows all about the dark side.

He once sacrificed animals as part of satanic rituals and his friends even called him, "Luficer's son."

In his book, Armed and Dangerous: The Ultimate Battle Plan for Targeting and Defeating the 
Enemy, Ramirez details why Christians need to pray more effectively.

"I wrote this book because I wanted Christians to know that it's not only a defense spiritual warfare, 
but there's an offense spiritual warfare," he told CBN News. "We need to keep the devil, the devil 
in his place."

Watch CBN's Charlene Aaron's interview with Ramirez on Prayer Link
Ramirez said he was most effective in Satanism when believers were prayerless.

"I was able to go in there and capitalize and take a stand and a position in the spirit realm 
against the Christians that were not praying," he explained. "I took that territory away so I 
owned your neighbor, I owned your neighborhood, I owned your region because you didn't 
saturate with prayers. I beat you to it."

He also shared how when Christians did pray that it stopped his evil plans in their tracks.

"It is those believers, it's that group of people, those intercessors that gave me such a beatdown 
in the spiritual," he said. "When I came into the neighborhood and they were in the spirit together 
holding hands. Do I know they were physically holding hands in one area? I don't know, but in 
the spirit realm, they were holding hands. And, they were able to chase me out the neighborhood. 
No mission accomplished. Mission aborted, weakened my assignment and no mission accomplished 
because they knew something: they had the power in that neighborhood that I didn't have."

Ramirez now encourages Christians to broaden their prayers and to be sensitive to pray for the 
nation, schools and other areas.

He said, "If I know what's going on in my neighborhood, then I know what to lift up to the altar 
of God. And I think a lot of times we miss it because we have been called to be intercessors 
between life and death. We need to intercede for our neighborhood, our region, then our family, 
our loved ones, our husbands, wives, our workplaces."

After serving the devil for most of his life, he says that he wouldn't trade anything for what he's 
found in Christ.

"For twenty-five years of my life, I was able to do anything to anybody, anywhere," said Ramirez. 
"I count that all to be foolish to gain Christ. He's my Uno. He's the breath that I breathe. He walks 
with me. I can hear the sound of His voice in my ear."