Thursday, June 28, 2018

Presbyterian Elder: Demonization of Israelis Counters ‘Loving Thy Neighbor’ - Breaking Israel News

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Presbyterian Elder: Demonization of Israelis Counters ‘Loving Thy Neighbor’

What the church needs, Dr. Michael Gizzi told Breaking Israel News, is a return to the Christian value of loving your neighbor
“You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself: I am Hashem.” (Leviticus 19:18)

Israeli ‘Smart Probe’ That Excels at Detecting Cancer Cells May Improve Survival Rates

A team of researchers at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine believe they have found a way to rein in bandit cells that could dramatically improve cancer patients' chances after surgery
“And give worship to the Lord your God, who will send his blessing on your bread and on your water; and I will take all disease away from among you.” (Exodus 23:25)

Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano Erupts

Is Kilauea's eruption visual evidence of what can be expected at the End of Days?

Israel Praises UN Condemnation of Terrorists’ Use of Human Shields

Envoy Danny Danon calls update to counter-terrorism strategy an ‘important step in our activities to change the rules of the game at the UN’
“After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”
(Genesis 15:1)


Tunnel Discovery Project Awarded Israel Defense Prize

IDF officers responsible for a breakthrough that enables the army's discovery of Gaza terrorist tunnels were awarded the Israel Defense Prize
“You, O Lord, will keep them; you will guard us from this generation forever.” (Psalms 12:7)
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EZRA 3:1

This verse recalls the Revelation at Mount Sinai: “They encamped in the wilderness; and there Israel encamped before the mount.” (Exodus 19:2)...
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Sing and Shout ✡ "He Will Shout Over You With Jubilation" - Israel365

Your God Hashem is in your midst, A warrior who brings triumph. He will rejoice over you and be glad, He will shout over you with jubilation. He will soothe with His love.
Zephaniah 3:17 (The Israel Bible™)

יְהוָה אֱלֹהַיִךְ בְּקִרְבֵּך גִּבּוֹר יוֹשִׁיעַ יָשִׂישׂ עָלַיִךְ בְּשִׂמְחָה יַחֲרִישׁ בְּאַהֲבָתוֹיָגִיל עָלַיִךְ בְּרִנָּה
Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-do-NAI e-lo-HA-yikh b’-kir-BAYKH gi-BOR yo-SHEE-a ya-SEES a-LA-yikh b’-sim-KHAH ya-kha-REESH b’-A-ha-va-TO ya-GIL a-LA-yikh b’-ri-NAH

Rejoice and Sing

The prophet Tzefanya (Zephaniah) describes the result of Hashem‘s (God's) triumphant judgement. Having eradicated evil from the world, He will allow the remnant of Israel to live safely in its land, knowing that God dwells among the people of Israel. Hashem will rejoice and sing when He sees His people dwelling in their land without fear of evil.
Rejoice and sing with Hashem

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