Friday, July 6, 2018

Recent Tremors in Northern Israel Warm-Up for Pre-Gog Global Upheaval? - Breaking Israel News

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Recent Tremors in Northern Israel Warm-Up for Pre-Gog Global Upheaval?

One mystic predicted 80 years ago that major earthquakes in Israel would precede the War of Gog and Magog, making the earth-shattering changes necessary to bring the Messiah
“The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry. (Psalms 18:7)

Hot Dogs and Hummus: The US Embassy in Israel Celebrates 4th of July

Our correspondent attended US Ambassador David Friedman's 4th of July BBQ and found it a mixture of celebration and prophecy
“Like channeled water is the mind of the king in Hashem’s hand; He directs it to whatever He wishes.” (Proverbs 21:1)

Eizenkot Tours Syrian Border

IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot toured the Syrian  to asses the current status in southern Syria and the developing situation of refugees amassing along Israel’s border
“Then David put garrisons in Aram of Damascus, and the Syrians became servants to David and brought tribute. And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” (2 Samuel 8:6)

Slovakia's Jerusalem Embassy Move

“Slovakia is on its way to relocating its embassy to Jerusalem,” Andrej Danko, head of the Slovak National Council told President Reuven Rivlin
“Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain.” (Zechariah 8:3)

Israel Assembles Task Force to Enforce Slashing PA Terrorism Payments

A new task force to track the payments the Palestinian Authority makes to convicted terrorists and their families was established by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)
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Battle for Hearts and Minds!

IDF Spokesperson Brig-Gen. Ronen Manelis explained to the French National Assembly about Hamas’ cynical abuse of a 7-year-old girl


In the above verse, David assembled the leaders of Israel to announce the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. This was a momentous announcement with significant ramifications on the course of Jewish history...
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[SIGN] The Warrior Heart

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The Warrior Heart

By Morris Ruddick on Jul 05, 2018
The window of the soul is the heart, with wonderfully great complexities that shape and are shaped by the process of our thoughts. Together they are the gateway into our spirits. Within the spirit of man is the potential to connect with God, progressively gaining clarity of who we truly are. More […]

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cast, Crew Walk Off the Set of the True Story About Roe v. Wade - JESSILYN JUSTICE AND SHAWN AKERS CHARISMA NEWS

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Some of the cast and crew walked off the set of a pro-life movie aimed to tell the truth about the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme court decision.
Nick Loeb, the producer of the project, says a woman walked up to him last week during filming outside New Orleans.
Loeb says the woman asked if he was the director of the film.
"When I told her I was, she told me to [obscenity]," Loeb tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Then she threw her headset on the ground and walked off. I found out later she was our electrician."
He continued: "We had to replace three local actors, including one who was to play Norma McCorvey, even after she begged for the role."
Apparently the cast and crew didn't realize the film had a strong pro-life bent.
For Troy Duhon, the man behind the God's Not Dead brand, the walk-out is not coincidental. Though the movie has been in production for a few months, the mainstream media just now caught wind of the story thanks to Anthony Kennedy announcing his retirement from the Supreme Court.
"God's timing is always perfect," Duhon tells Charisma News. "You think about what [President Donald] Trump's about to announce on Monday, what is the first major case that's about to come up? You can't deny it, it's going to be the undoing of Roe v. Wade."
Trump is expected to announce his replacement for Kennedy next week.
Along with pro-life champion Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Loeb has taken on the role of executive producer of Roe v. Wade: The Movie. It is a film he says could radically transform opinions on the controversial issue of abortion and impact millions of lives.
Previous films like VoicelessMeant to Be and Juno contained storylines centered around abortion. A made-for-television movie starring Holly Hunter, Roe vs. Wade, hit the small screen in 1989.
But Loeb, who has starred in Hollywood films like ExtractionSwing State and Precious Cargo and produced the documentaries The Smokers and The Living Century, says Roe v. Wade: The Movie will uncover hidden facts and expose the lies and manipulations surrounding the Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortion in 1973.
"No one has ever made a theatrical movie about the most famous court case in history, and certainly no one has ever done a true version of it," Loeb says. "It's an issue that most Americans, if they read the news at all, are familiar with.
"This movie is the real untold story of how people lied, how the media lied and how the courts were manipulated to pass a law that has since killed over 60 million babies."
Loeb says that "80 percent of the dialogue by characters in Roe v. Wade: The Movie is documented in speeches, interviews and publications" and that "everything we put in the movie is 100 percent fact checkable." Planned Parenthood, perhaps the most powerful driving force behind the pro-abortion movement, is a major theme throughout the film.
The film reveals how Planned Parenthood and abortion advocacy organization NARAL were behind efforts to find a young girl named Norma McCorvey—who eventually became the Roe in Roe v. Wade—about whom "they could manufacture a case to bring before the Supreme Court."
McCorvey eventually became a pro-life advocate.
Roe v. Wade: The Movie also focuses on Dr. Bernard Nathanson, founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League. It explains how Nathanson, too, reversed his views on the issue and became a pro-life activist, including narrating an anti-abortion documentary in 1984 titled The Silent Scream.
Film co-producer Cathy Beckerman (Alien AbductionIsolationThe Experiment) says Roe v. Wade: The Movie is a film that bigwigs in Hollywood would prefer kept from the general public.
"Hollywood certainly does not want the truth to be told, and this movie is the truth," Beckerman said. "They have reduced abortion as an everyday procedure, comparative to going to the dentist. The women's movement really influenced it, and Hollywood has done everything they can to carry on that agenda."
Hollywood has countered Roe v. Wade: The Movie with three pro-abortion movies currently in production. Call Jane stars Elisabeth Moss, who recently won two Emmys for her role in Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale. The other two, which The Hollywood Reporter says has received a financial boost from Planned Parenthood, are titled Ask for Jane and This is Jane, based on the same illegal abortion network featured in Call Jane.
"We're hoping to find an angel out there that will help us because we know no one in Hollywood wants to fund this movie," Loeb says. "We're confident we will get the funding."
Loeb says the movie contains no bad language or nudity, but it features two "extremely violent" scenes, one including police walking out of an abortion clinic with "buckets of dead fetuses." Loeb says two friends of his, both of whom were pro-choice previously, changed their views after reading the film's script.
Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight stars in the film as a Supreme Court justice. Stephen Baldwin has also signed on to star in the movie and as an executive producer. King makes a cameo appearance in the film.

God: The father, the Potter ✡ "We Are All The Word Of Your Hands" - Israel365

But now, Hashem, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You are the Potter, We are all the work of Your hands
Isaiah 64:7 (The Israel Bible™)

וְעַתָּה יְהוָה אָבִינוּ אָתָּה אֲנַחְנוּ הַחֹמֶר וְאַתָּה יֹצְרֵנוּ וּמַעֲשֵׂה יָדְךָ כֻּלָּנוּ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-a-TAH a-do-NAI a-VEE-nu A-tah a-NAKH-nu ha-KHO-mer v’-a-TAH yo-tz’-RAY-nu
u-ma-a-SAY ya-d’-KHA ku-LA-nu

God: The Father, the Potter

Yeshayahu (Isaiah) presents the Children of Israel's confession of impurity and unworthiness of divine assistance to Hashem (God). The prophet then prays to Hashem on behalf of the Children of Israel and begs God to not be angry with them forever. The Children of Israel humbly acknowledge that they are like clay, and that Hashem is their potter. The people hope that God will not forsake the work of His hands. In addition, the Children of Israel hope for a return to their land, the rebuilding of the holy cities and the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) which had been destroyed years earlier. This same appeal has been echoed for generations, and only in our times has begun to be answered.
More on the complexities of God

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