Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The most shocking story of a Muslim who was really a Jew - Israel Video Network

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Imagine growing up a Muslim and finding out you are a Jew at the age of 26. Well, that’s what happened to Mark Halawa. Find out about his journey in this unbelievable story. It’s unlike anything you have heard before.
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Operation Entebbe was one of the most miraculous hostage rescues of all time!
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More moderate Imams like him need to speak up!
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Israel has contributed to the world in so many ways, including on the sports field! Israeli startups have taken the lead in making the World Cup better for sports fans around the world. If you love watching sports, you might want to thank Israel!
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Shalom from Jerusalem! 
Avi Abelow
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©2018 12Tribe Films | Jerusalem, Israel

Fire in My Bones: Do You Want Deeper Friendships? Adjust Your Attitude - J. Lee Grady

Fire in my Bones, with J. Lee Grady
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Do You Want Deeper Friendships? Adjust Your Attitude

(Getty Images/iStock/Getty Images Plus/tommaso79)
I've been blessed with some amazing friends. When my father died back in January, several of my friends surprised me by showing up for the funeral unexpectedly. Two of those guys flew all the way from Pennsylvania to Georgia, rented a car and drove to my town simply to support me on that difficult day. When they walked into the church, I burst into tears because I couldn't believe they would sacrifice so much to stand with me.

I've come to learn that good friends are so much more valuable than money, fame or career success. Yet many Christians I know struggle in the area of relationships. Many people I've met—even pastors—admit they have no friends. And many churches are full of lonely people who are starving for friends but don't know how to make any.

The modern church doesn't always place a high value on relationships. While the New Testament commands us to "love one another deeply with a pure heart" (1 Pet. 1:22), we have developed a cold corporate culture that doesn't resemble the book of Acts. We are content to herd people into buildings for services and then herd them out.

Our main concern is that they simply occupied a seat and listened to a sermon. But did they connect with each other? Even in churches that try to nurture relationships, only a fraction of the people get involved in small groups.

I don't believe we will see New Testament revival power until we reclaim fervent New Testament love. read more 
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July Prophecy: Strategic Partnerships Deliver Multiple Births
It's time to activate this word.
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With First Moon Shot Israel Reaches for the Heavens - Breaking Israel News

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With First Moon Shot Israel Reaches for the Heavens

SpaceIL, an Israeli non-profit organization, announced that its unmanned probe will lift off before the end of 2018 and land on the moon on February 13

Israel Shuts Gaza Crossing, Deter Incendiary Kites

Israel announced  that it will shut down Kerem Shalom, the main border crossing into Gaza, in an effort to force Hamas to cease sending incendiary kites and helium balloons into Israel

WATCH: 'Black Forest' English Premiere

Palestinian terrorism survivor Kay Wilson speaks about her ordeal at the English premiere of 'Black Forest' - a movie about the attack that left her fighting for her life and killed her Christian friend, Kristine Luken

ICYMI: Arab Media Accuses Israel of Bombing Iranian Military Site in Syria

Air defenses in central Syria were activated on Sunday night in an attack on the T-4 airbase that Arab media attributed to Israel

Column One: Why the Concern for UNRWA

By Caroline Glick
UNRWA and its supporters present the agency as an organization dedicated to supporting Palestinian refugees. But this is a lie.
By Dr. Mordechai Kedar
By Soeren Kern
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