Monday, March 18, 2019

Ata Yeshuati - Tú Eres Mi Salvación - You Are My Salvation - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

A non-profit 501-C3 Ministry in Israel
AY Screen shot
AY screen shot title
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new music video in Hebrew and Spanish called "Ata Yeshuati" - "Tú Eres Mi Salvación which means "You Are My Salvation" in English. Get on your dancing shoes and enjoy the lively rhythms and also the story of one man's journey from bitterness to forgiveness! Please feel free to share!

Scripture Zechariah
Luke 10:2
Beseech the L-rd of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth for You are the G-d of my salvation.
Screen shot from Spanish radio
March 18 at 10 AM Bolivia time

CVCLAVOZ - March 21 at 11:30 AM Miami, Florida time   
Tsfat lamp
We sense the L-rd is telling us to lead our first tour through Israel of prophetic artists. Does this resonate with anyone?
Booklet in Hebrew
Technion mtg
Technion mtg

For the past few years we set an alarm on my phone and every day at 10:02, we would pray the Luke 10:2b prayer. We forgot to reset it after a journey abroad but we just began praying this Scipture daily and the results have been amazing!

An Orthodox Jewish woman asked me about my faith and we had such a great conversation that now she wants to meet again.

Richard helped a lady from the bus who was traveling with a tour group. This precious woman is a Jewish pre-believer traveling with a church group who just began to consider Aliyah! What a beautiful answer to the LK10:2b prayer!

While ministering at a hotel the tour guide sat in with his group and afterwards requested one of our CD's and booklets, which of course we gladly gave. As usual I had to ask if he was a follower of Yeshua and he replied, "I'm not there yet." I so appreciate the honest responses of Israeli seekers. Please pray for S to get there!

While ministering at another hotel a few nights later, a young waitress was drawn to me so we spoke and I invited her to the meeting with a tour group after dinner. It turns out that she's already a believer but she brought an Israeli-Arab and we had a great talk about Yeshua with her after the meeting!

Several years ago we were invited to a small home group of university students. Recently we were invited to a meeting at this same campus and were surprised to see how many students attended this meeting! We don't know how many students were believers but it's clear that there's an increase in seekers today!

In Isaiah 2:3 we are told to bring the word of the L-rd out of Zion so we praise Him for the privilege of serving in many nations this year on short journeys, which He said was a new change coming into our lives.

April 24-30 A Whirlwind trip to Switzerland, Austria and Germany
May 13-20 Spain and Gibraltar (In a dream I was standing on the Rock of Gibraltar, calling the Jewish people to come home from the West. When I asked friends about this dream, they invited us to an Aliyah and worship conference on Gibraltar right away!)
June Kampala, Uganda
August Ireland, USA and Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
LSE Korea
Come and join us in our home for an evening of worship, Israeli folk dancing and testimonies followed by dinner up on our roof with a beautiful view of the Kinneret, Golan and Jordan Valley!
Deep Calls to Deep cover pic
The Latter Rain CD cover
Fine Linen cover
He Will Appear cover
All 5 Supernatural booklets in a row
Thank you for standing with us and the Media Team as we share Messiah's love in Zion!
The good guys
Thank you for partnering with us and blessings to each of you in Yeshua's love,
Carolyn and Richard Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220 
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001 * Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada * 

Australia: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Great Southlands HOP (Heart of G-d)
BSB: 063674 * Account number: 10205464
Make a Difference in Israel carolyn
Amazon Smile
We may write L-rd or G-d (a Jewish custom Carolyn grew up with) or we may write יהוה or YHVH but it's all about showing reverence for the Holy One of Israel.
Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546San Antonio, TX 78246

A 501-C3 in Israel
AY screen shot title
Shalom and please forgive me for sending the music video too quickly. Here is the music video with subtitles - Enjoy and feel free to share!

Schalom und bitte vergebt mir, dass ich das Musikvideo zu schnell versandt habe. Hier ist das Musikvideo mit Untertiteln – genießt es und fühlt Euch frei, das weiterzugeben!

Shalom y por favor, perdóname por enviar el video musical demasiado rápido. Aquí está el video musical con subtítulos - ¡Disfruta! ¡Por favor, no dude en compartirlo!

Shalom et pardonnez-moi s'il vous plaît d'avoir envoyé la vidéo musicale trop rapidement. Voici la vidéo de musique avec sous-titres. Profitez-en et ayez le liberté de le faire connaître !
Screen shot from Spanish radio
18 de marzo a las 10am hora de Bolivia
CVCLAVOZ - 21 de marzo a las 11:30 am hora de Miami, FL
תודה רבה - Thank you so much - Vielen dank -
Muchas Gracias - Merci beaucoup!
Carolyn and Richard Hyde
Make a Difference in Israel carolyn
Amazon Smile
Heart of G-d Ministries | PO Box 461546San Antonio, TX 78246

Don't Be So Quick to End Relationships - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

(iStock/Getty Images Plus/SIphotography)
Anger has reached the boiling point in our country. Passengers are being removed from planes because they started fistfights. Entitled store customers are going berserk in checkout lines. Restaurant patrons are spewing racist rants—and they don't even care if someone records their vile words on camera for the world to hear.
We are not just irritated. We are outraged. It has become fashionable to lace our conversations and social media posts with profanity. Whether it's talk radio, political television shows, Twitter, Instagram, online comment sections or street protests, we've developed the skill of dropping verbal bombs on each other.
We don't care how our words hurt people anymore. We have become a vicious culture. Our love has turned to ice.
And we are naïve if we don't recognize this dangerous level of cold-hearted hatefulness is affecting Christians. I've noticed that people today get offended more easily and are much quicker to storm out of a church when something goes wrong. No wonder we have a huge percentage of Christians who are church dropouts.
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The world tells us that ending a relationship is as easy as hitting the unfriend button. But when I read the Bible I don't see any room for outrage, resentment, intolerance or "unfriending." Jesus calls us to love—and He gives us the supernatural power to do it.
Have you been experiencing some hateful drama in your life? Have you considered ending a relationship? Did you already walk out of a church, or break a close friendship, because of hurt? If so, examine your heart and ask these probing questions first:
  1. Am I giving up too soon? The apostle Paul told the Ephesians that they should "always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who try your patience" (Eph. 4:2, Passion Translation). Your love will never grow unless it is stretched—and the best way to stretch your love is to show kindness when you feel like slamming a door in a person's face.
The truth is that we often give up on relationships because we just don't want to exert the energy to improve them. Relationships require a lot of work. When you unfriend someone just because they hurt you, you are missing an opportunity to become more like Christ. Show some patience. Choose to love even when you don't get anything in return.
Ephesians 4:3 says we must "make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace" (New Living Translation). The Greek word for "make every effort" means "to be diligent; to use speed; to be prompt or earnest; to labor." That means you shouldn't let wounds fester. Act quickly to repair the relationship before it gets worse!
  1. Would Jesus end this relationship? When you end a friendship because of an offence, you are doing the exact opposite of what Jesus did for you. Ephesians 4:32 says: "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you" (NASB). You will never understand God's merciful love if you don't show it to others.
Jesus doesn't flippantly write people off. He loved us even when we were sinners, and He patiently drew us to Himself using "ropes of kindness and love" (Hosea 11:4, NLT). Before you end a friendship, judge a pastor, storm out of a church or give someone a cold shoulder, remember how aggressively Jesus pursued a relationship with you. Let His ropes of kindness pull you out of your bad attitude.
When Peter asked Jesus how many times we are required to forgive a person, Jesus answered "seventy times seven" (see Matthew 18:22). Taken literally, that means 490 times—but Jesus wasn't putting a limit on forgiveness. He was using the number seven to imply infinity. Stop counting how many times you have been offended and instead thank God for all the times He has overlooked your mistakes.
  1. Am I nursing a grudge? Today's culture of outrage tells us that it's fashionable to be angry. Our divisive political climate encourages people to get up mad in the morning, fuel their anger with hot political rhetoric throughout the day and then to go to bed after listening to more arguments on news broadcasts. We are literally poisoning ourselves.
Many Christians have allowed similar poison in their lives because of church drama. They are mad that a pastor slighted them. They are jealous of someone who took a position they wanted. They are angry because a Christian did something hypocritical (yet they refuse to admit that their bitterness is the ultimate hypocrisy!)
Resentment is deadly. It actually makes people sick. It also makes us ugly and unpleasant. Unforgiveness puts a frown on your face, wrinkles around your eyes and a sour tone in your voice. On the flip side, showing affection is healthy for you. Doctors have proven that a 20-second hug strengthens your immune system!
Don't let today's culture of outrage infect you. Go against the flow of toxic hate. Make a decision today to work harder at relationships. Show some love. Forgive those who hurt you. Be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit.
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.