Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Inauguration ceremony of Bible calendar and Hebrew Songs - Shalom Today Ministry, Moses Julius in Pakistan

The inauguration ceremony 
of Bible calendar and Hebrew Songs 

- Shalom Today Ministry, Moses Julius in Pakistan

March 31, 2019

Shalom Sir Steve Martin and Love For His People! 

Shalom Today Ministry does not forget your contribution in Pakistan. We really appreciate all LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE team members.  By the Grace of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is promoting truth in Pakistan since 2012. We feel honored to share with you this year 2019. We are going to introduce Bible Calendar 2 Vol.  
When last year we introduced Bible Calendar many people were blessed. We also recorded their testimonies but unfortunately, it’s in Urdu Language.  Hopefully, you will be happy to hear about it. This is the first time in Pakistan we also introduce Hebrew Song Album. Shalom Today Ministry taught kids to worship in Hebrew.  
 On 6th  of  April 2019 @ 4:00pm.  We have inauguration ceremony of Bible Calendar and Hebrew Songs Album.  We invited some government officers, Pastors, and evangelists to come in our inauguration ceremony.   We have humbly requested to you as you know that Shalom Today Ministry is not officially affiliated with any international donor agencies.  Some of our close friends like you can collaborate with us.  We understand LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE ministry financial condition but if it's possible for you then you can share our vision with your friends  
 This month April we have scheduled:
1.       Inauguration Ceremony   6th April 2019
2.       Passover 19-20 April 2019
3.       Feast of unleavened bread
4.       Feast of First Fruits.

Please keep continuing to pray for our programs in Pakistan.
Moses Julius
Shalom Today Ministry

March 31, 2019

Greetings to our friends of Love For His People,
This USA based ministry, Love For His People, has supported Moses Julius and his Shalom Today Ministry for over four years now, and trust fully in what he is doing for the children, widows, and orphans. 
One large focus is to teach them the Hebrew language and to share his love for Israel and its people.
We encourage you too to stand with us and give support for them. You can do so through the safe online contribution channels we have on our website, or with funds sent to our office.
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Please note that your contribution is for Shalom Today Ministry. Your tax-deductible receipt will soon follow.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Twitter censoring pro-life movie UNPLANNED - LIVE ACTION Lila Rose

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Abortion advocates and their allies in the media will stop at nothing to silence pro-life voices.
Inexplicably, Twitter suspended the official account for the new pro-life movie, Unplanned, earlier today during its opening weekend.
Fortunately, after a swift and immediate backlash, Twitter restored the movie’s account this afternoon, but that’s not the only challenge this movie has faced...
In addition to Unplanned receiving an R rating, the movie was also denied rights to music from Disney, Sony, and Universal, and was rejected for advertising on almost every TV network outside of Fox News.
Steve, it’s clear abortion advocates are desperate to kill any buzz from building for the film, because they know just how powerful this story is...
I’m not sure what you know about the movie, but it’s the true story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson and her pro-life conversion.
I am grateful to have had a part in the making of this movie, as I play a reporter in the film. In real life, my photo was hung up inside Abby's clinic so Planned Parenthood staff could identify me if I was undercover at their facility, and Abby and I eventually became friends later.
With the two Abby Johnsons...real life Abby (middle) and movie Abby (Ashley Bratcher - left).
Abby was actually a “star” employee at Planned Parenthood, but that all changed after she witnessed an ultrasound-guided abortion on a baby at 13 weeks. Ever since that moment, she has been an outspoken advocate for the preborn, and has founded a ministry, And Then There Were None, to help clinic workers leave the abortion industry behind.
This is why abortion advocates want to silence this movie. If a Planned Parenthood employee could change their mind after learning the truth about abortion, then any “pro-choice” individual could too.
I hope you will make time this weekend to go see Unplanned - as its success on the opening weekend will determine if theaters continue to show it.
Make sure you take your family, friends, neighbors, but most importantly, if you are able to convince them, take someone who is “pro-choice” to see the film!
Even the most hardened pro-abortion individuals can change their minds, they just need to have their eyes opened. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Lila-Rose-circle 1.png
For life,
Lila Rose
President & Founder 
Live Action
Live Action  2200 Wilson Blvd.  Suite 102 PMB 111,  Arlington,  VA  22201 

Trump Administration Awards $1.7 Mil Family Planning Grant to Pro-Life Clinics, Cuts Funding to Four Abortion Clinics - CBN News Steve Warren

Trump Administration Awards $1.7 Mil Family Planning Grant to Pro-Life Clinics, Cuts Funding to Four Abortion Clinics
CBN News Steve Warren
On Friday, the Trump administration announced it was awarding a $1.7 million family planning grant to a chain of California crisis pregnancy centers that oppose abortion and don't offer contraceptives, while at the same time cutting government funding to some Planned Parenthood clinics.
The news website The Hill reports the Obria Group will receive the grant and signals the administration's desire to shift family planning funds toward faith-based groups that oppose abortion and away from groups like Planned Parenthood.
"Many women want the opportunity to visit a professional, comprehensive health care facility — not an abortion clinic — for their health care needs; this grant will give them that choice," Kathleen Eaton Bravo, founder, and CEO of The Obria Group, said in a statement.
Obria will oversee the work of seven clinic partners, including three of its affiliates that don't provide contraceptives or perform abortions, in four California counties, the group said in the statement. 
The group offers pregnancy testing and counseling, prenatal care, HIV/AIDS testing, ultrasounds, cancer testing, well-woman care, pap smears, STD testing and treatment, adoption referral and post-abortion support, according to a press release.  
An HHS spokesperson said the Obria group will receive $1.7 million in 2019 and, along with other Title X providers, will receive funding through 2022 based on the availability of funds, grant compliance, and the project's progress, according to The Hill.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood said in a statement Friday that the four affiliates that were "stripped of funding" served Hawaii, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Virginia.
As CBN News reported last month the Trump administration finalized a rule directing Title X family planning funds away from groups like Planned Parenthood, which is America's biggest abortion provider.
Under the new rule, health clinics must be "physically and financially" separate from abortion providers in order to receive Title X family planning grants.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

James W. Goll: "Changing of the Guard: The Convergence of Prophecy and Evangelism" - The Elijah List

James W. Goll: "Changing of the Guard: The Convergence of Prophecy and Evangelism"

The Elijah List  Mar 29, 2019
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I've said before that James Goll is a walking Bible and the heavenly revelation he carries is phenomenal!
James is one who also understands the times and seasons and he carries great wisdom about the moves of God throughout history.
You're going to read about this and more as James explains the "changing of the guard" and the kairos time we are in:
Are we in a kairos time where the mantles of the prophetic and evangelistic are converging? As this changing of the guard occurs, are we properly postured to inherit the revelatory promises released by these forerunners? I simply say, "Yes and Amen!" to these promises of a great global harvest for Jesus Christ's sake!
There is a lot to glean from in this time...and you'll learn a great deal from our friend, James Goll! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here
Note: Do these free emails PLUS our FREE PROPHETIC TV SHOW, ELIJAH STREAMS bless you? Would you consider A PARTNERSHIP WITH US in financial support of ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES? Here's a button you can click on if you are able to help us:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


Five Seer Prophets Sown as Seeds for a Great Harvest
We are postured at yet another major crossroads in the Body of Christ, which includes a strategic "Changing of the Guard." In the last five years, we have had five major seer prophets all ascend to their heavenly reward. On February 14, 2014, the heavenly-minded seer prophet, Bob Jones, passed into glory. The following year in almost the exact same time frame, the seer prophet John Paul Jackson suddenly departed from this world. In the next two years, we had yet two more very anointed seer prophets graduate from this world to their true eternal one: Kim Clement and John Sandford. Just a few days ago on February 12th, 2019, the boy prophet who became an elderly seer, Paul Cain, also shed his earthly tabernacle and ascended on high.
I attended the memorial services for all three of these former Kansas City Prophets: Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson and Paul Cain. As I pondered and reflected upon their home goings, I became aware of some intriguing and profound details. Bob Jones was lowered into the earth on 2/22/2014 in Moravian Falls, the day after his memorial service on 2/21/2014. John Paul Jackson was also buried as a seed into the ground on 2/22/2015. John Paul's burial was exactly one year after our mutual friend, Bob Jones. Paul Cain departed on 2/12/2019, the anniversary date of the beginning of the Latter Rain Movement. But not only that, Paul Cain was another seer seed lowered into the earth on 2/22/2019. That is exactly five years to the date of the burial of Bob Jones. You cannot make up this timeline!
Does this really mean anything? Is there any major significance we can derive from our loss and Heaven's gain? Is there an inheritance we are to receive? How do we posture ourselves to receive the baton from these and other heroes of the faith?
The Nature of the Prophetic
After being in prophetic ministry 40 years, I have observed some key issues concerning the nature of a prophetic word. Often, a word is bigger than the person who carries it. I have stated for years, that one way you can know if you have heard God, is that what you have heard requires His help to fulfill it. God does not speak into the realms of man's possibilities, but God speaks into the realm that requires His divine assistance to see the word come to pass.
Another key component I have learned could be expressed as "living in the until clause." A promise is revealed and then a promise is fulfilled. A revelation is released and then later, a revelation is manifested. In between the two, there is a gap called the "until clause." What comprises this "until clause?" (Photo via Unsplash)
Foundational to the prophetic is the three-stage process of: revelation, interpretation and application. If you get the wrong interpretation to the revelation you will surely end up with a misapplication. So properly discerning and interpreting a word is paramount. It is also vital to meet the conditions of a word, whether spoken or unspoken, to help unlock a prophetic promise. We must learn to pray the promise back to God, walk in faith-adding, corresponding actions, at times wage spiritual warfare, and wait upon God's strategic timing. All these ingredients are important components of unlocking the prophetic promise of God!
What Promises Are We to Inherit?
Here are some of the prophetic promises the Lord gave these five seer prophets.
Bob Jones released the prophetic promise of a Last Days "Billion Soul Harvest," especially among the youth of the earth. Papa Bob also challenged us with the piercing statement, "Did you learn to love?" In the 1980s and 1990s, I spent hundreds of hours at this man's side. During that time, I was one of the few people he would allow to lay hands on him and pray in the Holy Spirit as he ministered to others into the wee hours of the night.
John Paul Jackson labored for greater purity in the prophetic stream and a depth of accountability for the words spoken by the clay lips of revelatory vessels. John Paul was a true seer of seers and was noted for his precise predictions of the coming "Perfect Storm." JP and I had a high mutual esteem for each other's capacity to equip the saints to hear God for themselves. We were very different but cut from the same sensitive cloth.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Kim Clement was a musical seer like King David in the Bible. He contended for new creative inventions to release Kingdom wealth and that Jerusalem would be a united city in the midst of a time of great chaos. Often Kim's highly-potent prophetic nuggets were somewhat veiled and required the skill to dig for the hidden gold of the promise of God.
John Sandford was noted for his expertise in uniting the prophetic with counseling, inner healing and deliverance. He composed the landmark book, The Elijah Task. Uncle John, as I fondly referred to him, contended for wholeness among the prophetic community and modeled honor to the First Nations people as a needed tool to "Heal the Land." This man truly walked in the character needed to carry the promise.
Paul Cain prophesied the "New Breed of a Nameless and Faceless Generation," who would only lift up the name of the One Man, Christ Jesus. Though controversial at times in his life, to my knowledge Paul finished well. He declared with ferocity that the "Stadiums will be filled with a New Move of the Holy Spirit with Signs and Wonders." I was present multiple times when Paul Cain would step into a zone and declare a new era of Stadium Christianity.
While mentioning these five, highly-gifted seer prophets, I would be amiss to not mention the man who preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ as an evangelist to more people than any other person in all Church history. Dr. Billy Graham also departed from this world one year ago.
Are we in a kairos time where the mantles of the prophetic and evangelistic are converging? As this changing of the guard occurs, are we properly postured to inherit the revelatory promises released by these forerunners? I simply say, "Yes and Amen!" to these promises of a great global harvest for Jesus Christ's sake! (Photo via James Goll)
Unless a Seed
Let me close with the words of Jesus, the One we love and the One we serve. John 12:24 states, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." What a profound truth! What a stunning eternal reality!
Yes, these things remain constant in this life, "Seedtime and Harvest." There is a season for everything. Could we be crossing the Jordan River that separates Promise Revealed from Promise Fulfilled? I for one firmly believe so! I am posturing myself along with thousands of other desperate lovers of the Lord Jesus Christ to see the greatest Youth Awakening the world has ever known.
For the Sake of the Lamb
Let us be among those who "give honor to whom honor is due." Let us consecrate ourselves to be part of a new breed of Jesus People around the world. Let's welcome an upgrade in our gifts and callings and to see a grand convergence of the prophetic and evangelistic. Let's echo the vision statement of the Moravian Believers of old, "To win for the Lamb the rewards of His sufferings."
Personally, I do not labor for the mantle of a man. But much more than that, we who remain are here to declare, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" Why? Because God has the harvest on His mind! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Humbly and Reverently Submitted,
Dr. James W. Goll
Founder of Encounters Network│

Dr. James W. Goll is the President of Encounters Network, the International Director of Prayer Storm, and the Founder of God Encounters Training, an eSchool of the Heart. With great joy James has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations, teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. James is the prolific author of numerous books, including The SeerThe Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening, Deliverance from DarknessA Radical Faith, and many others. He has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages.
James and Michal Ann were married for 32 years before her graduation to Heaven in the fall of 2008. James has four adult children who are married and all love Jesus: Justin, GraceAnn, Tyler, and Rachel, and multiple grandchildren. James continues to make his home in Franklin, Tennessee.
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Cast Your Vote & Join Us In Galilee - Chaim Malespin Return Ministries

Cast Your Vote - Join Us In Galilee
 Discipleship Journey In Israel (DJI) Sign Up
September 15, 2019 - October 14, 2019 $4000 (Not including flights)
Early Bird Discount: $3500 if paid in full by July 31, 2019.
Thank you so much for standing with us financially to help the needy in Galilee this year! 
Be A Part Of The Transformation
Of The Aliyah Family House We Are Most There
  • Electricity
  • Windows
  • Lamps
  • Furniture: beds, tables, shelves, chairs..
  • Kitchen equipment: dishes, stove, oven, fridge, pans...
  • Bathroom equipment: mirrors, bathtubs, toilets, showerheads...
  • Home textiles: carpets, pillows, curtains, bedsheets...
  • Etc.
Shagririm Ambassador Academy
November 22 to December 1, 2019

Video 283 - Aliyah from South Africa
Video 285 - Serving Moments Roofing

'Rally your Nation'
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We need skilled interns who have the call of God to serve in Israel. Are you experienced in:
  • Carpentry
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