Sunday, October 29, 2017

An Eternal Source of Blessing ✡ "All The Families Of The Earth Shall Bless Themselves By You" - Israel365

I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.

וַאֲבָרֲכָה מְבָרְכֶיךָ וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ אָאֹר וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה

בראשית יב:ג
va-a-va-r’-KHA m’-VA-r’-KHE-kha um-ka-lel-KHA a-OR v’-niv-r’-KHU v’-KHA KOL mish-p’-KHOT ha-a-da-MAH

Today's Israel Inspiration

One of the promises that God makes to Abram at the onset of his journey to the Land of Israel is that He will remain by Abram's side by blessing those who bless Abram and cursing those who curse him. God continues on to promise that Abram and his descendants will become a source of blessing to the entire world. This promise has remained in effect through the generations. History has shown that whenever a nation persecutes the Jewish people, curses ultimately befall that nation. When the Children of Israel have been welcomed by other nations, they have gone on to make immeasurable contributions to society, earning Divine favor for their host nation. Today, many non-Jews continue to reference Genesis 12:3 as an important reason to stand with the people and Land of Israel. The Israel Bible provides fascinating insights into the eternal relationship between the land, the people and the God of Israel. Studying Bible through The Israel Bible will deepen your appreciation for and understanding of this unique relationship.

I Am a Zionist

Learn why this indigenous New Zealand man identifies as a Zionist.

Using Genetic Testing to Establish Jewish Identity

A groundbreaking ruling by Eretz Hemdah, a respected Torah law institute, has paved the way to using genetic testing to establish Jewish identity. Though this is just the first step in a long process, it already affects tens of millions of people around the world who are discovering their ancestral roots in the Jewish people.

A Good Land

Deuteronomy 8:7 describes Israel as "a good land". For thousands of years, the Jewish people lived in exile and were unable to set foot in the Land of Israel. Despite this harsh reality, the Jewish people never forgot the beauty of the Land of Israel and prayed to God to return them to their land. The world watched in awe as the modern State of the Land of Israel was established in 1948 and the Jewish people were finally allowed to return to their ancestral homeland. Whether in Israel or abroad, the Jewish people never forget; Israel is "a good land'. Remember these words with this beautiful pendant which reads "it is a good land".
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Today's Israel Photo

Cloudburst' by Safi Allman.
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“Shabbat Shalom to Israel and Jerusalem”

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I pray for Israel as much as possible. God will save his chosen b people of they just call him into he answer. God is a good God. God will keep you'll in perfect peace of you'll just keep you'll mind stayed on him. Shabbat shalom to Israel and Jerusalem. The God of peace will soon come to you'll rescue. I pray for a hedge of protection around you, I pray amen. --Marquisha Jerry
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Enjoy a Jerusalem Themed Family Time!


Now you can get Jerusalem Monopoly and a David's Citadel puzzle in a family pack! 

Have you ever been punished because a zebra escaped the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem? Have you ever had the opportunity to publish a work of your art at the Israel Museum? Have you ever walked the streets of Jerusalem, passed through the Knesset and received 200 shekels for this? Or have you ever donated money to needy on your way to the Western Wall?
Looking for an adventure? A night tour of the walls of Jerusalem has just become available! And if you participated in the Jerusalem march successfully, you deserve a big prize.
You now have a golden opportunity to participate in all these activities without leaving home. And more than this, your family members can participate together with you and enjoy quality time together.
All this comes in a box of Monopoly entirely devoted to the city of Jerusalem. Would you like to make many hearts happy? This is a perfect Christmas gift that keeps on giving.
And if you want to expand your Jerusalem themed family time, you can also purchase a David's citadel puzzle together with Monopoly in one package!

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The Mystery of the Lost Jubilee: Part XXVII - Was 5777 a Jubilee Year? - Breaking Israel News

The Center for Jewish History Is Celebrating Anti-Zionism
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Oct. 28, 2017

The Mystery of the Lost Jubilee:
Part XXVII – Was 5777 a Jubilee Year?

By Bob O'Dell & Gidon Ariel
What were the main “Jubilee-like” elements found in 5777?

Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances

By Ira Sharkansky
“Commander-in-Chief” remains the President’s label, but it has been replaced by a legislated chain of command that puts the Secretary of Defense and military officers between the President and what he decides.

Why Is the Center for Jewish History Celebrating Anti-Zionism?

By Ronn Torossian
A celebration of Anti-Zionist socialism against the backdrop of all the controversy surrounding this organization.

The Fall of Kirkuk: An IRGC Production

By Jonathan Spyer
Iraqi forces took Kirkuk city from the Kurds this week with hardly a shot fired.

Europe’s Next World War Begins in France

By Daniel Greenfield
There’s something very wrong when Afghanistan is safer than Paris.
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Saturday, October 28, 2017

How The Elite Dominate The World – Part 5: The Endgame Is Complete And Utter Global Domination - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 27 Oct 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Do you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a global socialist “utopia” in which everything about their lives is micromanaged by bureaucrats working for a worldwide system of government instituted by the elite?  To many of you this may sound like something out of a futuristic science fiction novel, but the truth is that this is exactly where the elite want to take us. 

This is their endgame.  Their agenda has been quietly moving forward for decades, and if we don’t take a stand now, future generations of Americans could very well end up living in a dystopian nightmare with none of the liberties or freedoms that we enjoy today.

Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University, Dr. Carroll Quigley, wrote about this network of elitists in a book entitled Tragedy and Hope
In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments…my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known…because the American branch of this organisation (sometimes called the “Eastern Establishment”) has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation.
In other parts of this series, I have discussed the tools that the elite are using to achieve their goals.  In part I, I talked about how debt is used as a tool of enslavement, and in part II I explained how central banking is a system of financial control that literally dominates the entire planet.  Professor Quigley also mentioned this system of financial control in his book
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
Today, a system of interlocking global treaties is slowly but surely merging us into a global economic system.  The World Trade Organization was formed on January 1, 1995, and 164 nations now belong to it.  And every time you hear of a new “free trade agreement” being signed, that is another step toward a one world economy.

Of course economics is just one element of their overall plan.  Ultimately the goal is to erode national sovereignty almost completely and to merge the nations of the world into a single unified system of global governance.

The United Nations is the apex of this planned structure, and the globalists are always looking for ways to transfer more power to this institution.  For example, that is what the Paris Climate Accord was all about.  Since the climate affects everyone, it gives the globalists a perfect excuse to argue that the world needs to “work together”.  The following comes from the official UN website
To address climate change, countries adopted the Paris Agreement at the COP21 in Paris on 12 December 2015. The Agreement entered into force less than a year later. In the agreement, all countries agreed to work to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius, and given the grave risks, to strive for 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Implementation of the Paris Agreement is essential for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and provides a roadmap for climate actions that will reduce emissions and build climate resilience.
“Protecting the environment” sounds like a reasonable goal, right?

Well, when you click on the link for the “Sustainable Development Goals”, it sends you to a website where you can read about the 17 pillars of the plan to “end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all” that were agreed to by all of the members of the UN in September 2015.

This plan is also known as “Agenda 2030”, and when you dig into the details of this plan you quickly realize that it is literally a blueprint for global government.

Sadly, most Americans don’t realize this, and neither do they understand that this has been the goal of the elite for a very long time.  For instance, during an address to the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1992, President George H.W. Bush made the following statement
It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.
Say what?

Once you start looking into these things, you will see that the elite are very openly telling us what they intend to do.

One of my favorite examples of this phenomenon is a quote from David Rockefeller’s book entitled Memoirs
Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.
As David Rockefeller openly admitted, they are “internationalists” that are intent on establishing a one world system.

Candidates for Congress are not supposed to talk about this stuff, but if I am elected I am promising to fight the globalists on every front.

We are literally in a battle for the future of our children and our grandchildren.  If the globalists have their way, American sovereignty will continue to erode and the United States will slowly but surely be merged into a one world system.

But that isn’t going to happen on our watch.  Those of us that love liberty and freedom are going to take this country back, and we will never stop fighting the insidious agenda of the globalists.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

LoveMusic! - Ghost - MercyMe


October 28, 2017

Greetings LoveMusic! listeners.

Today there are TWO songs I am sharing. This one, GHOST by MercyMe, I had never heard of... until today!

My good wife Laurie and I were watching the recorded DOVE Awards 2017 last night on the TBN TV channel, and MercyMe won Artist of the Year. I have liked their music and love for the Lord for a while, and have several of their CDs. They have been around 20 years. That I didn't know.

Earlier in the show, aired from Nashville, they sang their new song "Even If". I had never heard that one either, but I loved it! So I bought the MP3 to have the song on my playlist, but also to support them, as I often do with Christian artists. (If we want good ministry, we have to support them and others! Like Love For His People too, which I hope you will.)

As I listened to the downloaded album this morning (at 3:00 am EDT), the last song was GHOST. My spirit rose inside of me. My heart got a little lighter. I hit the repeat button over and over again.

Maybe you will too.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina

P.S. I will share Even If on another edition of LoveMusic!

Ghost - lyrics
There's a ghost
There's a ghost inside of me
Not like those drips in old bed sheets
Saying "trick or treat"
Oh, this ghost is different
Not one that leaves me scared to death
But one that puts my fear to rest
Oh, holiness keep haunting me
Oh, you're my hope, you're my peace
Ironic in a way
I'm no longer afraid
And the ghost is to blame
There's a ghost
There's a ghost inside of me
Not something from some campfire story
Where I'm terrified to sleep
This ghost is quite the opposite
He came just like a welcomed friend
And I was comforted
Oh, holiness keep haunting me
Oh, you're my hope, you're my peace
Ironic in a way
I'm no longer afraid
And the ghost is to blame
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
No longer afraid
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Songwriters: Mike Scheuchzer / David Arthur Garcia / Solomon Olds / Robby Shaffer / Nathan Cochran / Bart Marshall Millard / Barry Graul
Ghost lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group, Music Services, Inc

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Checks from the USA can be sent to:

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P.O. Box 414

Pineville, NC 28134

Published on YouTube Mar 31, 2017
This song is from MercyMe's new "Lifer" album.
John 3:8 New English Translation (NET Bible)
8 The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”