Monday, October 22, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on being pro-life: ‘Each life has intrinsic value’ - Live Action News

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on being pro-life: 'Each life has intrinsic value'
“One of the things that makes Americans unique is that we value life. We think each life has intrinsic value and worth, whether you are a baby in the womb or an elderly woman.” Read more

The city of Verona, Italy is known as the hometown of William Shakespeare’s beloved characters, Romeo and Juliet. Now the city is forging a new identity for itself as Italy’s “pro-life city” by showing love to women facing unplanned pregnancies, as well as to their children. Read more


New father Victor Calmon witnessed the birth of his first child, Ivan, in July 2018 at age 33. During the experience, he was so overwhelmed and overcome with emotion at the sheer weight of being entrusted to raise this new little life that in a spontaneous act, he knelt in prayer near his newborn son. Read more

The death of an abortion survivor changed the life of Texas physician Dr. Ron Bryce. Read more

Following two violent attacks on pro-lifers in Canada, another person has become a victim of violence — solely for expressing pro-life beliefs. Read more

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle, are currently in Australia on a royal tour. When they landed in Dubbo, located in New South Wales, they were greeted by a group of fans eager to meet the two — but it was one little fan with Down syndrome who has stolen not only the royals’ hearts, but the hearts of people around the world. Read more

Laura Klassen, the familiar face in Choice42’s popular pro-life videos such as “The Magical Birth Canal,” featured on Live Action News, was censored by Facebook this week after she shared a graphic originally posted by Live Action president and founder Lila Rose. Read more

Pro-abortion writer Robin Marty has written a book on the “injustice” of not having enough abortion access, and passes her time doing trainings for NOW, NARAL and other pro-abortion groups. Read more

 Live Action News is the publishing arm of Live Action
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Bibi’s speech that made every Christian proud to be a Christian - Israel Video Network

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The world loves to criticize Israel. But the rest of the Middle East is filled with countries that are torturing Christians. Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Christians are thriving and growing. And that is something EVERYONE needs to realize.
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America cut funding from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency because it funds terrorism. But clearly, Canada didn't get the message.
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Nadia Murad is one of the bravest women in the world.
The Israeli army has many different units. Every unit does something heroic. Meet the guardians of Eilat. They protect Israel from the sea against all threats, and without them, Eilat would not be safe. Thank you to these heroes!
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