Tuesday, May 4, 2021




May 4, 2021  Mario Murillo Ministries

The greatest meetings in our history are happening right now in Rocklin California. 4,000 people a night are coming! Over one thousand souls have come forward. I will not be able to tell you more until tomorrow.

The locomotive is barreling down the tracks. Momentum at Mario Murillo Ministries is both stunning and humbling. The combination of starving souls on the streets, and an on-fire core of pastors and soldiers, portends a gigantic harvest of souls in California.

I began wondering what Satan was going to do. Sure enough, right on schedule, it came from a “news” agency—I won’t say their name, but it is an agency that makes news weak.

They did the classic hit piece, lies and all.

My flesh yearned to retaliate, because I had them dead to rights. Then something absolutely amazing happened. I remembered the Modesto Manifesto. I couldn’t believe how perfect this was, and I began to roar with laughter.

Billy Graham came to Modesto, California, early in his ministry. While there, the national press launched a blistering attack on Graham and his entourage. He gathered his team together and created a policy which they called the Modesto Manifesto. Among other things, they agreed that they would never respond in anger to the press.

How hilarious that this attack also came right before we went to Modesto! I thought, “Devil, you are stuck in such a rut!”

But in this current environment, I find I must take it a step further than the Graham organization did. I will not just refuse to respond in anger to the press―I will not even talk to any Left-leaning news outlet or publication.

The world of 2021 is light-years from the world of 1948, when the Modesto Manifesto came into being. Back then, there were real journalists, but now, there are only paid defenders of the Democrat Party. Among those of the leftist media, there are no journalists, only mouthpieces, all following the same pre-written scripts.

Decades ago, in a normal interview for either a newspaper or a magazine, the questioner would ask to hear your side of the argument and then interview someone else who takes the other side of that argument, to be fair and balanced.

But now, when they interview you for television, it is very different. They are not there as an impartial host; they are there to call you a liar and to impose their truth.  They themselves embody the opposing argument, because their minds are already made up.

Look closely at this utterly dishonest question that George Stephanopoulos asked Rand Paul: “This election was not stolen—do you accept that fact?”

Rand Paul’s retort was correct, “George, you’re not so much a “journalist” as “a fool.” Adding, “Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, a procedural way of not hearing it,” Breitbart noted.

He went on to say, “George, where you make a mistake is people coming from the liberal side like you — you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything. Historically, what would happen is, I said I thought there was fraud, you would interview someone who said there wasn’t. Now you insert yourself in the middle and say the absolute fact is that everything I’m saying is a lie.”

The publication that did the hatchet job on MMM did exactly the same thing. They said I staunchly opposed the LGBTQ community having any rights. They had no quote where I ever said that. They relied solely on the fact that I take a Biblical stand on morality. To them it is settled science—a fact—that if you believe the Bible, you believe the LGBTQ community should have zero rights. See how it works?

There is simply no way to talk to the leftist media. They are not after the truth. They are only concerned with advancing their lies and crushing anyone who gets in their way.

My energy must be spent winning souls and seeing God heal the sick. Our momentum is too important to slow it down and become entangled in their nonsense.

The same applies to liberal churches who think we are being too direct with our message of salvation and healing, and believe that we are premature in having the tent wide open to the public. Again, I cannot slow down to answer their objections.

Nehemiah also refused to slow down and talk to the opposition: “So I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3)

Not only will the train not slow down―it is gaining speed. Thousands are praying for this miraculous open door. Hundreds are working hard to get lost souls and the sick to the tent. Every Saturday morning a rapidly growing Zoom Call bombards heaven with prayer.

The locomotive is charging toward John Thurman Field, in Modesto. We are 13 days away from opening the Living Proof Modesto crusade! I am announcing what I know to be true: this tent will be the site of great miracles. Do not miss a single night, if at all possible. I look forward to seeing you there!

California is on the verge of a statewide visitation. That is why I will never slow the train to throw rocks at the barking dogs.

P.S. A message to those who support Mario Murillo’s mission to America.

John Wesley started 700 churches on three continents. One of his edicts to his young preachers was this: Always bring books for the people that will help them to grow.

We found a way to both do that and win souls. As you can imagine, a blog with this much traffic can sell advertising—something we refuse to do. What we do, is offer you materials that are chosen because they can make you armed and dangerous for Christ. The proceeds from the book and flash drive go to soul winning.

Some are offended that we offer books at all. We hope they will try to understand the two-fold blessing of offering this material. Thank you.

Our current special offer features our two most popular items: Treasury flash drive and Vessels of Fire and Glory together plus a free surprise gift from Mario Murillo Ministries.

Free shipping! And again, the proceeds go to soul winning. Order now

DO NOT HESISTATE FIREPOWER REGISTRATION IS NOW MORE THAN HALF FULL. It is free but you must register. Register now! https://warfareandfirepower.eventbrite.com

mariomurilloministries | May 4, 2021 at 12:33 am | Tags: Billy GrahamElection Fraudleftist news mediaLiving Proof ModestoMario MurilloModesto CAModesto ManifestoSigns and wonderssoul winning | Categories: leftist news mediaLGBTQ AGENDA | URL: https://wp.me/p1vrzp-8qM

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous – But It Is Also A Sign Of The Times – Michael Snyder


The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous – But It Is Also A Sign Of The Times – Michael Snyder

Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:44 PM PDT

Would you pay $100 for a sheet of plywood?  I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but we are almost there.  The price of plywood has been soaring into the stratosphere in recent weeks, and analysts are telling us that it will remain high for the foreseeable future.  Memes about plywood have started to pop up all over social media, but this is no joking matter.  These extraordinarily high prices are causing a lot of pain in the homebuilding industry, and many Americans have had to postpone construction plans indefinitely.  Unfortunately, our national leaders continue to flood the system with even more new money, and that is going to cause even more extreme inflation in the months and years to come.

Prior to the pandemic, any discussions about plywood on social media were likely to be painfully boring, but now everything has changed.  Thanks to skyrocketing prices, plywood has suddenly become a very hot topic, and one post on Facebook that circulated quite widely ended up getting national attention

“Food for thought — 3/4″ Plywood Standard:

March 2020 – $37.98 /sheet

February 2021 – $72.49 /sheet

March 2021 – $83.49 /sheet

April 2021 – $95.98 /sheet

That is 252% price increase on one of the most used piece of common lumber for construction.”

Not surprisingly, this post got flagged on Facebook for being “misinformation”.

But then PolitiFact looked into this, and they confirmed that the price of plywood really has risen to such levels

Shawn Church, editor of Random Lengths, which publishes price data on the wood products industry, gave us figures for 23/32-inch plywood produced in the Pacific Northwest and the South.

The price in the Northwest for Fir 23/32-inch sheathing for the first week of April was $1,610 per thousand square feet, up 287% from $560 a year earlier.

In the South, the price of that panel was $1,500 per thousand square feet, up 230% from $455 one year ago.

Personally, I could never see myself shelling out $100 for one piece of plywood, because that just seems nuts.

But our world has become a much different place over the past year.  The system has been absolutely flooded with new money, and there is no going back to the way that things once were.

Let me give you another example of the sort of extreme inflation that we have been witnessing.  According to the Guardian, an old pair of Kanye West’s Air Yeezy sneakers that are being auctioned off have been valued at one million dollars…

Kanye West’s Air Yeezy sneakers are being auctioned for $1m, making them Sotheby’s most expensive shoe listing ever. They are expected to break the record set by a pair of Nike Air Jordan 1s worn by Michael Jordan, which sold for $615,000 last year.

The black, size 12 Nike Air Yeezy 1 prototypes, designed by West and Nike’s Mark Smith in 2007, were groundbreaking. Aesthetically they altered the shape and form of sneakers in the decade that followed.

Who in the world would be dumb enough to pay a million dollars for a pair of old sneakers?

That is literally insane.

Speaking of insane, Dogecoin now has a total market value of approximately 50 billion dollars

Dogecoin, which is pronounced dohj-coin, has already leaped to roughly 39 cents, up more than 8,000% for 2021 so far. That towers over the roughly 11% return for the U.S. stock market, which itself is getting criticism for rising too high. Collectively, dogecoins have a total market value of roughly $50 billion, according to CoinDesk. That puts it on par with Dow Inc. or Kimberly-Clark, which makes Kleenex and Huggies.

Are you kidding me?

Dogecoin doesn’t even pretend to be a serious cryptocurrency.  It was started as a total joke, and nobody ever thought that it would have any real value.

But thanks to Elon Musk and other proponents, Dogecoin really has gone to the moon.

In the end, I believe that Dogecoin will be the “Pets.com” of this financial bubble, but for the moment Dogecoin investors are loving life.

Of course it won’t last, and those that are comparing it to “tulip mania” are right on target…

“This is like a cross between a pyramid scheme and tulip mania,” one user on Reddit, named hazardousmeme, said in a discussion about Dogecoin after another user asked if it’s a safe investment. “Safe is the absolute last thing that this is.”

“Let’s hope this goes up!” another Reddit user, Enough-Construction5, wrote after saying they bought $500 worth of Dogecoin. “Better than putting it into a slot machine!”

No, it is exactly like putting it into a slot machine.

Maybe social media hype can drive Dogecoin even higher, but eventually it is going to zero.

So I hope that the guy that is currently holding close to 15 billion dollars worth of Dogecoin is able to sell while he still can…

There is little we can add here that David Einhorn didn’t already say yesterday, but it’s probably worth noting for those keeping track of where in the bubble we are now, that in the magical world of dogecoin – a cryptocurrency that was specifically created as a joke spoof on the crypto concept and which has been promoted aggressive by such luminaries as Elon Musk – there is now a holder residing at address “DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L” who owns 36,711,935,369.11 dogecoins or whatever the plural is, and whose holdings – which started accumulating back in Febriary 2019 – after the latest surge in dogegoin which has sent the joke crypto up 150% in the past 24 hours and 5x in the past week…

… are worth just under $15 billion.

In the old days, investing was all about fundamentals, and rational investors were often greatly rewarded.

But now the “markets” are all about meme stocks, crypto speculation and following whatever moves the Federal Reserve is making.

We are in the financial bubble to end all financial bubbles, and the eventual implosion of this epic bubble is going to be spectacular.

But in the current environment, Dogecoin investors are laughing all the way to the bank, and a single deli in rural New Jersey can have a value of close to 100 million dollars.

The markets are completely broken, and the current insanity on Wall Street will not last for much longer.

On the other hand, the rampant inflation that we are witnessing is here to stay, and it is going to be a major issue in our society from this point forward.

***Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available on Amazon.com.  In addition to my new book, I have written four others that are available on Amazon.com including The Beginning Of The EndGet Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters. (#CommissionsEarned)  By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on FacebookTwitter and Parler, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.

The post The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous – But It Is Also A Sign Of The Times… first appeared on The Economic Collapse.