Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "God - A Daddy Who Loves" by Eva Haglund

March 17, 2014

Shalom Steve!

I love to read at " Love For His People" every day. I like many things you write! I also like when you have nice photos and it is funny to read when you joke, for instance with the animals.

Here in Sweden it was snowing today but some do not think it will last. I will read in one of your books today! They seems to be very good!



God is not a hard God with a hard heart. If you see a person who has much love for his child you can think about how God is.  God has much love towards people. 

When you did not know Him - He loved you. If you have not yet received Jesus, He loves you. He even loved you when you were not born, yet in your mothers womb. Ps.139 :13-16. 

We can see in this Psalm that He cares so much about you so He takes you wherever you are. You cannot hide from His caring love. He CARES. God is a good heavenly dad!

He is a God who IS love. He was a Daddy who created us because He loved us.

We are no coincidence. He made us for a purpose.

If we think we are not precious, He says that we are precious. For our heavenly Daddy we are of more worth than all silver and gold in the world. We are more precious to Him than all things He has created . We are more precious for Him than all diamonds in the world. You mean much more for Him than all stars in heaven. As God He can count all stars on heaven. He can count all the people - He knows all and loves all personally. He loves you!

As He counts all stars and knows them all by name- He knows your name.

He cares so much of you so He counts every hair. If He counts your hair it means that He really cares in all your life. You are so PRECIOUS for Him so He also cares to count all of your hairs! So is our heavenly Daddy's heart.

 As we read in the parables we see a son who went away from his daddy who loved him. He went his own way but  the daddy was longing for him to return. Daddy loves anyone who does not know Him - and wants He or she to come to Him.

We can read that Jesus is looking for the sheep who are astray and loves them. He shows Daddy's heart - because if we know Jesus - we know our heavenly Daddy. He is not a hard Daddy as fathers on earth can be sometimes. He is the perfect Daddy with love and compassion. The son who went away thought when he returned to his daddy that  he was not worthy to be called his son   but the daddy showed his heart to him. He was running to him, and then embracing him- showing that he was a daddy who has been longing for him to come and who loved him so much! 

He wanted to have a party because he was so glad  that he has come back to him. This story shows how God is. A daddy will full of love and compassion who loves the son and waits for him to come to him and when he has come back have a heart full of love, too. Luke.15:11-32 says Our heavenly  Daddy is very glad when anybody is saved. Jesus is the way. We could not be righteous by ourselves. 

We could not be perfect and win salvation by our own works. We needed God and receive what His Son did for us.  "He was led as a lamb to the slaughter."  Isaiah.53:7

In  Isaiah 53:6 the Word say that ALL have gone astray- there were NO perfect man- but it is written in Isaiah.53:5 that " He was wounded for our transgressions."  Our heavenly Daddy's heart was full of compassion and love and His heart was crushed for us. He knew when Adam and Eve fell in sin, but wanted to do everything to save His sons and daughters.

He sent the most precious gift He had. He sent His own son ­- as He loved so much.

 Our heavenly Daddy loved us so much. He sent his Son to do everything for us - showing us the heart of God as Daddy. As Jesus is, so is He.

Jesus was a King in love -  willing to suffer. He did it by His free will because of His love.

He was a leader who was willing to give everything for the sheep. He was willing to suffer the strongest suffering because of His love to them. Daddy gave everything! He gave his Son! Salvation is in Jesus' name!

In Rom.8:15 we can read that God wants learn to know him in a relation we do not have to have  fear - in a spirit of adoption where we can shout : Abba- daddy!

We are saved by grace in Jesus' name. We can have peace with God. God loves you! 
Luke 15:11-32. Isaiah 53.

Eva Haglund.


People trampled you under their feet,
Words were like arrows.
Daddy opened His arms and said,
"Come to me.
I love you so much!  
I count every hair. 
I hear all your words. 
I love to hear your voice.
I see you when you wake up!"

He gives you a big hug, 
Holding you close, saying:
"You are my precious child.
You are my favorite.
I do not cast stones on you."

The arrows were not from his heart!
He gave  ALL  He had for you! 
He gave His Son!
You are His golden treasure.

Ps.139, Song of Solomon. 2:14.

 Eva Haglund

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA