Aliyah For His People – a new ministry of Love For His People and upcoming event in the Charlotte, North Carolina/Rock Hill, South Carolina region

Jan. 26, 2020 Steve Martin, Love For His People Charlotte, North Carolina
Greetings friends of Love For His People ministry,
During the 2nd week of January, four amigo friends made a 2.5-hour drive from Charlotte, North Carolina to Greenville, South Carolina, to attend an “Aliyah” meeting hosted by Tim and Nancy Buck of Focus on the End Times (FOTET). At that meeting were also other ministries represented that the Lord has been, and continues to, connect for these end-times purposes of assisting Jews return to Israel, as prophesied centuries ago by Hebrew prophets and recorded in the Bible.
It is called “aliyah” (“going up” in Hebrew, as in immigrating).
Love For His People ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina, has been committed for years in supporting Messianic Jews who have already made aliyah to Israel. We continue to do so, and now give our hands and provisions in supporting others around us, specifically here in the Carolinas, who also carry this banner and burden.
In follow up to that gathering in South Carolina on January 17 in Greeneville, we are hosting a one-day event in our area of Charlotte, North Carolina/Rock Hill, South Carolina on July 11. Our main speaker will be Ethiopian Messianic Jewish Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu, founder of the Congregation Amud HaEsh in Jerusalem, Israel. We will be joined by Dr. Peter Wyns of Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina, Tim Buck of Focus on the End Times in Simpsonville, SC, and more speakers.

(L-R) David Lauka, Lathan Wood, Kokeb, Greg Partipillo,
Steve Martin Jerusalem Oct. 3, 2019

This all-day gathering of Jews and Gentiles, committed to supporting Jews making aliyah from America, is open to the public, but pre-registration will be required. Once further details have been established, you will find them on this website,
Ahava and shalom!
Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People
P.O. Box 414 Pineville, North Carolina USA

Also, be sure to register for the GTE – Gathering Together Event
Apri 3-4, 2020 in the Charlotte/Rock Hill region.

Information and registration:

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA