Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Friday, February 21, 2020
Even To These - Now Think On This by Steve Martin
“And the King will answer and say to
them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of
these My brethren, you did it to Me.'” Matthew 25:40, NKJV
The journey is complete. The Lord has
directed my steps. I have gone in obedience and shared His truths to those in
the remote areas of India. In my part of the world, this region of India would
be considered the “backwoods”, as is a most common expression in the USA where
I live.
By car the journey was 4 hours one way,
into a state of the country that Pastor John Ebenezer said was not safe for us
to spend the night. Being we needed two days to be with the church pastors in
this region, we thus had to make two trips on consecutive days.
Formerly the communists had taken over
this far countryside of the southeastern region of India. One of the terrorists
who came from that ideology had been hunted down by the Indian government after
a bounty had been put on his head. He was found and killed. Thankfully his
younger brother did not follow in his footsteps. This one now plays the
keyboard in the church meetings for worship, after getting saved five years
ago. He is serving the purposes of God where darkness ruled prior.
We each have a choice, and road, to
choose. Some choose death. Others choose life, by acknowledging the Lord Jesus
as Savior and King.
Even to these the Lord reaches out His
hand and heart, to bring them into His Kingdom. Even to these, where computers
are rarely found, the people live in two-room homes, and 10 rupees (less than
$1.50) are a sacrificial gift in the church offering. How precious they are in
the Lord’s plans and purposes.
I asked myself, knowing others too ask,
“Why come 17 hours by air, then drive another 8 hours from Hyderabad by car to
spend time with these ones?”
Jesus went out of His way to spend time
with the Samaritan woman. He chose to travel on foot from Jerusalem to the
northern parts of Israel. He sought those who would receive His Word, obey, and
walk in the life He has to come, now and forever.
That is why. I follow His example.
Those with the large following wouldn’t
do this. Their time may be more well spent in reaching the masses. If the Lord
has called them to this, then they do well to walk in that calling.
As for me, He has given me this open
door, to go to those who have no TV, no large gathering venues outside of a
crop field, or who do not have the means to travel the distance where others
would gather to hear the Word. So, He sends me to them.
As we each do our part in fulfilling the
call of the Lord on our life, He will direct our steps, He will provide the
means, and He will see to it that those who hunger and thirst after Him will
receive the teaching, the gifting, and the hope He desires to give to all.
Go where He sends you. Do what He tells
you. Reach those who also who need to hear His full gospel. Whether to the ones
in your backyard, your business office, your school, or to those who reside in
the ends of the earth.
think on this.
and shalom,
For His People, Inc.
you signed up to come to the GTE, the Gathering Together Event April 3-4, 2020
in the Charlotte, North Carolina/Rock Hill, South Carolina area yet? Do you
know about it?
it out here and then register. We need you to be connected too!
NOTE: Our ministry’s new mobile app is available for iPhones
are free app downloads!
sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This. The sign-up form is on
our new ministry website:
COMING July 10-11, 2020
Love For His People ministry
Box 414
NC 28134
share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. Others will be thankful
you did. And I thank you too.
Think On This #481
- in the year
of our Lord 02.21.2020 –“Even To These” Friday, 7:45 am – at the Hyderabad,
India airport prior to return home to Charlotte, NC
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Sit down. Have a cup of tea (from India). Enjoy a few photos. Steve Martin in Hyderabad, India
Sit down. Have a cup of tea (from India). Enjoy a few photos.
Steve Martin in Hyderabad, India
Feb. 20, 2020 Thursday, Love For His People ministry in India Feb. 11-21, 2020
I have been in India the last 9 days, returning home late Friday night to Charlotte, North Carolina. The time spent with over 150 pastors in 2 conferences, plus 2 more church meetings, enabled me to share the love of the Lord Jesus, His plans and purposes for Israel and the Jews, and how Christians owe a debt to the Jews for tthat which they have passed onto us from God the Father - the Bible, the Prophets, and most important of all, Yeshua HaMasiach, Jesus Christ.
These Jews, who stood all through these centuries, in the midst of persecution and death, were still being lights to the nations, through the feasts, their obedience to God, and preserving the life He seeks to give all believers in His Son, Jesus.
Enjoy these few photos I share here. Also, look at the over 50 short videos we have on our YouTube channel, Walk With Me -, Steve Martin in India
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Love For His People ministry
P.S. Be sure to download our ministry free app for your iPhone (App Store) or Android (Google Play). Just search for "Love For His People". Keep up with latest news from Israel and around the word, prophetic encouragement, my "Now Think On This" messages and more.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
God is the strength of my heart.
God is the strength of my heart.
From photos captured by TSeve Martin in India, Feb. 17-20, 2020
Steve Martin, Love For His People ministry
Though they lack much, they possess everything!
Some women of the church.
Pastor Yeshudas receiving Steve Martin books, "Why Israel?", "Jerusalem and Friends"
Steve Martin, Love For His People, and the church members
Steve with a church family.
Sharing the truth of Israel and the Jews for Christians to know and act on.
Praying for each family.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
"Walk With Me" - inside a church in India. Pastor Lucie, a few of her me...
"Walk With Me" - inside a church in India. Pastor Lucie, a few of her members. Dirt floor included. Feb. 18, 2020 Thursday Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Sharing the Word of the Lord in the nations. Love Jesus, Israel and the Jews. Our debt to Israel.
Steve Martin sharing the Word of the Lord in Konta, India. Feb. 17, 2020
As Christians, we owe the Jews a huge debt - for the Bible, the Prophets, and most importantly for the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashicah, who was, is, a Jew.
The Christian church has NOT replaced Israel and the promises to the Jews. But as we believe, in Jesus, we are the wild branch grafted into the olive tree.
Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin
Founder/President, Love For His People
From India!
Sharing the Word of the Lord in India.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
“You are released to do His will” – Love For His People newsletter, Steve Martin Love For His People

“You are released to do His will” – Love For His People newsletter, Steve Martin Love For His People
Feb. 10, 2020
Greetings friends of Love For His People ministry!
Before I jet off to India in a few days to teach 90 pastors about the importance of blessing Israel and the Jews (2 conferences, Feb. 11-20, 2020), I wanted to share this word with you.
On Friday I spent time with my 4-year old grandson, Levi, who is just a joy to be with. Even at his young age, he has already begun to be concerned about his size, as other kids have already started telling him, “You will be small.”
Of course, he wants to be big, “like his Daddy and Mamma”, he said. “And like you too, Grandpa!”
I spoke into his concern and reassured him that the Lord created him, and he can relax in that fact. Then I said to him, “I too was small when I was your size.” (True! Weren’t we all!)
We all want “to be big”, grow up fast, and then when we get there many look back and say, “Remember the good old days.” But I believe the days are here for us to be big in the Lord.
This depends on whose eyes we are looking through. In God’s eyes, we are already big. We are already there. We have grown up and we are called to put those years of preparation into the game.
With that said, I share this word with you about being Released To Do His Will”.
For some, you still might be thinking that you have to wait until you are “bigger” before the Lord will use you. Sure, there is always the time of growth, development, and maturity each year, but even during the first year of training Jesus had with His disciples, He sent them out into the field.
The Lord is releasing His people forth into their calling. Quit sitting back waiting for “the time to come” for you. It already has come. You need to put faith into practice. And then watch it grow bigger as you do, and doors open, that He will.
Be encouraged. Read Released To Do His Will and get on with being who you have been called to be in our Lord’s Kingdom. The world needs us right now!
Now also is the time to sign-up for the two events we are having in the coming months.GTE – Gathering Together Event April 3-4, 2020. The Body of Christ unifying!
Also coming July 10-11, 2020 is the Aliyah For His People event, with our Israeli friends Nissim and Hadassah Lerner and Kokeb Gedamu joining us from Jerusalem. So come on!
Details for both events are below. Register now before the fees go up.
And as for Levi, the Lord has “big” plans for him, even if he comes in a “small” package. It is the size of the heart, not the outside vessel. He will be quite the soldier in God’s army. That’s our Levi!
Ahava and shalom,

Steve MartinFounder/President
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina
P.S. Did you know? Have you not seen? Do you have it yet? Love For His People ministry now has our mobile app ready to put on your iPhone or Android! Go to your Apple Store or Google Play and download the free Love For His People app. You can also download it easily from the icons on our new website: Love For His People
Released To Do His Will by Steve Martin
“While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit…” Acts 13:2-4, NASB
With a show of your hand(s), how many of you have ever wondered, “Why did it take so long for me to do what You put in my heart to do, Lord?” As in, I wanted to do this since I was 10 years old, 24, 30, and even 55. Why so long?
Do you know what His Holy Spirit said back to me?
“You had to go through several things so I could trust you when I actually let you do them now.”
Isn’t that a good Father? One who trains us. Grows us. Prepares us. Shows His faithfulness along the journey, and then releases us. To do His will.
Remember telling your child as they were growing up, asking and asking to do things, and your wise response to them was, “When you are grown up, you will.”Let me say this as clearly and as loudly as I can, in writing.
Many of you are now being released to do His will. Not tomorrow. Not 10 years from now. But now.
You graduated from the 12th grade. You had your boot camp training. You succeeded in getting the 4 and 8-year degrees. All in the Lord’s timing. Now you are ready.
The doors are opening. The provision is coming. The preparation has been completed. Jesus is sending you out just as He has always done, after the time of being with Him, learning His ways, knowing His heart, and equipped to be His ambassador to the world.
How long did it take Moses? Joseph? Jesus (Yeshua) Himself? And let us not forget the time Paul had in the desert.
As I am, your hair may not be colored with the darker color now that it could be. (I want to be careful here so as not to offend those who do cover up the silver and gray!)
When people see you, they may now see the wrinkles, or don’t quite understand the memory-filled mind banks that take a bit longer to retrieve information stored over 60-70 years. Yes, it does take longer to go through all those mind data files.
Or if you are as Timothy was and Paul had to encourage him, writing, “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:12, NASB
You too have been through the “training and preparation” years, and even if some may think, “She is not old enough yet”, He says you are.
The time has come. We are being released to do His will. I encourage you to do so.
The world awaits the risen Church, the believers in the nations who are called by His Name and who will respond accordingly. The nations need to see His Light, His Glory, His Healing Power, His Life. Let it come through you as you walk it out in His power and grace.

Love For His People ministry with Steve and Laurie Martin in Charlotte, North Carolina USA
As non-Jews, Gentiles, goyim, Christian Zionists (whatever label we have!), we began the ministry Love For His People in April 2010, to stand strong for the Jewish state of Israel. In this world, with nations continually becoming more anti-Semitic daily, including our own USA, we have been called, as the prophetic word was spoken over us, as a “scepter for Israel.” Ministering for 10 years now!
![]() More information and registration: The GTE – Gathering Together Event April 3-4, 2020 ![]() If you support Israel, and the Jews, you need to come to this gathering too. Get informed. Info here. Register now. (required for entry). Click here: Aliyah For His People event July 10-11, 2020 ![]() “Thus says the LORD, ‘I will return to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts will be called the Holy Mountain.’ Zechariah 8:1 Our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, promised before He left earth the first time, from Jerusalem, Israel, that when He returns the second time it also will be to Jerusalem, the city that has His Name written on it. He is not returning to New York City, Moscow, Beijing, London, Paris, nor Chicago. He is returning, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, to Jerusalem, the Golden City, the Holy City, the City of Truth. The Lion of Judah is coming back, to rule and reign over the nations, setting up His kingdom, made up of Jews and Gentiles that have acknowledged His Kingship and know Him as their Redeemer, the Savior of their soul. The following chapters speak of the life that we can live in the here and now, as we await His return. We are not looking for the “escape out of this hell”, raptured away before the Great Tribulation as we have been so badly taught since the late 1890s. Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, is seated on His heavenly throne, but His soon return will be made known. Now is the time for us to see what He is doing, how He is doing it, and “get on board” as Bob Dylan sang in the 70s. We are working while there is still day, to accomplish His plan and purposes for our life and the nation He has placed us in now. Anticipate, prepare, be about the Father’s business, even as Jesus did. That is what we are called to do. And then we will see the Lion of Judah ROAR! On its release the Kindle version made the Amazon #1 list for NEW Israel Travel Guides! Paperback ($9.95) and Kindle ($1.95): The Lion of Judah Roars Love For His People, Inc.P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134 USA Love For His People Visit our website Donate using PayPalGivelify – Safe, Online Giving Now |
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414, Pineville, NC 28134 |
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