Showing posts with label "All Nations". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "All Nations". Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2019

"All Nations" - Love For His People, Now Think On This message by Steve Martin

March 24, 2019

Greetings my friends.

Thank you for reading my messages. I send these out to the email list for those who have signed up, about every two weeks. (You can too by going here: Love For His People email list

Knowing you probably have a full InBox from all over on a regular basis, and the junk mail too, and yet take the time to open these words from Love For You People, it brings encouragement this way! Now having a 50%+ open rate, that is very high in the reach realm. Again, thank you.

I wrote All Nations a few weeks ago, after receiving a prophetic word during our church gathering, while part of the worship team that day. As we give thanks and raise up the name of Jesus, Yeshua, He speaks to us words of triumph and what is to come in the nations. I for one highly anticipate and appreciate His words, both written and spoken.

The most recent message I wrote last week, Walk On Water, came while traveling to visit a friend who had been in a golf cart accident (and he wasn't golfing. But is recovering...) We may not have walked on water yet, but the time is coming when we will. Walk On Water

Enjoy the rest of the week. Be blessed, even as you are a blessing to others today, with ahava (love) and shalom (peace),

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry

P.S. My latest book, published in March, is only $9.95 paperback. Buy it now: All Together Now

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name. For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God.” (Psalm 86:9-10, NKJV)

If you consider the current status of the nations of the world, more than likely you would not say that they will ever magnify or acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the King of kings nor the Lord of lords. In fact, if you just for a moment think of those represented in the United Nations, your confidence that this will ever happen decreases even more. Very few nations, if even a handful, call upon the Name of the Lord at this present time. Personally, I might consider two at most. Guess which ones?

And yet…the Scriptures state in many verses that ALL NATIONS will one day come and worship the Living God, this One and Only Living God of Israel.

During one of the songs, as we were lifting up the name of Jesus, the Lord gave me a prophetic word. At the appropriate time, during an instrumental break, I loudly proclaimed that “All nations will come the Lord, for He is the King of kings and the Lord of lord. Even as the flags of the nations here wave above you (the near-ceiling walkway perimeter of the assembly room of The Barn is lined with a multitude of national flags from around the world) know that all nations will come and acknowledge Me as their Lord and King.”

Read the rest: All Nations
by Steve Martin

I am a man who likes to see people connected. If I meet one person here, who can help another person over there, I enjoy putting them in contact with each other. If they are in Jerusalem, and I know someone in Iowa that can meet a need they clearly have, I will “reach out” (overworked words I know, but you understand it) for the benefit of both. Makes common sense to me.

The Lord’s heart is certainly for that too. He is all about connecting, to having those He has created to get together and fulfill His purposes and plans for each. For that matter, He has intended it to be this way for us to use what each has been given, to “bring it to the table”, and fulfill the big picture that He has, not us.It is not about me doing my thing and you doing yours. Separately.

It is about coming together and building together. When that happens, then the world will see the Lord’s body of believers as we were meant to be seen. Until now, the world thinks very little of Christians and Jews. In many cases, we are both despised people. And no wonder. Most often all they see is fighting, arguments, name calling, and rejection of what the other “church” or “synagogue congregation” is doing. I don’t blame them. If I was in the “unbeliever’s camp”, so would I.

Guess what? Our God, the same One Who is bringing back the Jews to their promised Land of Israel, right now, even more so than what He has been in the last 70 years, is also speaking clearly to the other group, “the grafted in ones”, Christians, to come back to His plan, and start working together, in unity, as one.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $9.95 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134