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Christian comedian Chonda Pierce has responded to the controversy engulfing Kathy Griffin, after the latter took part in a publicity stunt... |
 | | The 10 Commandments Of An Un-Committed Christian
A Christian is committed to God. It is not a half-hearted journey. At least it is not intended to be. But many “Christians&rd... |
 | | Dennis Prager On Trump: 'The Bible Tells Us God Uses Flawed People For GOOD'
Author Dennis Prager has appeared on Fox News to respond to the conservatives who still reject Donald Trump as their leader. Prager... |
 | | When Is Jesus Really Coming Back?
As Christians, we know that Jesus Christ will return, and that all will be judged and reconciled on that glorious day. But do we have any... |
 | | Senate Approves Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Bill In Landslide 90-0 Vote
The US Senate has urged President Donald Trump to follow through on his campaign promise to relocate the US-Israeli embassy from Tel... |
 | | 8 Terrible Habits That Christians Need To Cut Out NOW
There are many things that Christians could stop doing. We must always seek to be credible followers of Jesus and honest witnesses to hi... |
 | | This Deaf Girl Just Amazed Millions With Her STUNNING Voice
Mandy Harvey is one extraordinary girl. She was rendered deaf at the age of 18 due to a connective tissue disorder. But Mandy is a mu... |
 | | 14,000 Hear The Gospel At "Jesus Week" In New York's Times Square
A massive crowd attended an event called "Jesus Week" in Times Square last weekend. The event included a time of prayer, Scrip... |
 | | Greg Laurie: American 'Western Values' Are Rooted In Christianity And Can Kill Terror!
When it comes to the war on terror, political leaders are clutching at various idea and solutions. Following yet another attack on the st... |
 | | Joel Osteen Prays For Unity And Respect In America During This Divisive Time
Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen has urged Americans to show each other respect and love during what is a divisive time in this nation. He... |
 | | Billy Graham Answers 'Why Does God Care So Much About Our Sin?'
Why is God so concerned with our sin? For people of no faith, this is a compelling question. Why should this God be so interested in what... |
 | | Did God Invent Evil?
Have you ever asked yourself the question 'Where did evil come from?' or perhaps even 'Did God invent evil?'. Many Christians ask this... |
 | | United Methodist Pastor Resigns Over Church's Pro-LGBT Stance
A United Methodist minister has resigned over his Church's increasingly staunch pro-lgbt position. The New York Annual Confer... |
 | | Is Jesus About To Return? Many Think Isaiah 35:1 Prophecy Is Happening NOW
Is Jesus going to return very soon? That is the question that many are asking. With the political world in chaos, wars breaking out all ov... |
 | | Well-Known Pastor Asks Forgiveness After Being Caught In Prostitution Sting
A prominent Massachusetts pastor has been arrested in a prostitution sting after soliciting an undercover police officer. "I ask for G... |
 | | Rend Collective Record A Very Different Worship Song To Help Us Process Our Grief
Do you ever things are just going from bad to worse? It seems like every time we glance at the news these days, there are bombings,... |
 | | Four Ways Husbands Should Lead
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of... |
 | | The Destructive Effects Of Gossip And 4 Ways To Cut It Out
Let’s be real; we’ve all gossiped at some point in our lives. Maybe we caught ourselves right away and shut it down, or m... |
 | | Texan Governor Signs Law BANNING Abortion Dismemberment
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a landmark law that prohibits the procedure of dismemberment aborton. This barbaric method&n... |
 | | Big Bang Theory Actress Says Women Are Not Biologically Wired For 'Open' Relationships
Big Bang Theory actress Mayim Bialik has insisted that women are not biologically wired for 'open' relationships. Women, in particula... |
 | | Young Christians Memorize 840 Bible Verses In 9th Annual 'Bible Bee' Final
The final of the ninth annual National Bible Bee took place this week. Contestants in the Bible Bee memorized 840 Bible verses in just... |